"Give it up for the time being, and issue a wanted warrant directly. Fortunately, the surveillance video is intact, and his appearance has been recorded. When he appears, we will arrest him wherever he appears." Baotiao said indifferently.

"Yes, do you have any other orders?" Cisne said softly.

"It's okay, I'm going back to the headquarters, I'll leave this place to you, don't let these two guys run away. Well, this order is a bit redundant, when the two of them become Sephiroth, they will obey my orders .” Baotiao sneered.

Part of Sephiroth's rebellion was his responsibility, and it was his incomplete brainwashing.

For this biological son, Hojo has no sympathy. To him, Sephiroth is just his most outstanding work.

He is a complete experiment lunatic.

"You six, just stay here until the transformation of the two of them is completed." Baotiao said indifferently.

"Yes!" x6.

Six Shinra second-level special forces saluted at the same time.

Shinra's first-level special forces now only have Zacks inside, and there are quite a few second-level and third-level special forces.

A first-class special soldier is not only an honor, but also a symbol of strength.

If Zack was in his prime, he would have played four or five of these.

In Ye Kai's heyday, it was not impossible to hit six.

After Hojo finished his orders, he walked out of the Shinra mansion, boarded a helicopter dedicated to Shinra, and flew in the direction of the headquarters.

Sisner, on the other hand, glanced vaguely at Zack who was locked inside, and sighed slightly.

She has always had a crush on Zack, and wonders if she could help him if given the chance.

Although Baojo is clever, his calculations always lack a trace of humanity.

This also gave Zacks and Claude a chance.

Chapter 124 Laugh without saying a word

Time, I don't know how long, Ye Kai woke up in a daze.

This is a forest near Nibelheim, and Ye Kai is now in a small house.

This is Tifa's secret base and the place where she used to learn skills. There are few people around, and basically no one can find it here.

"you're awake?"

A gentle voice rang in Ye Kai's ear.

Ye Kai opened his eyes and saw that it was indeed Tifa, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

If he is caught by Shinra's people, he can only choose to return first and avoid the edge temporarily.

For Shinra and Sephiroth's account, let's settle it after his mission is almost completed.

Ye Kai had actually died half a month ago, but his death was no different from his life, as if he was in a coma.

However, the system prompt can't fool anyone, he will be resurrected immediately after death, and the time of weakness will be determined according to the injury.

This kind of real death will also leave him completely unconscious in weakness.

But as long as he is recovering, he is invincible, and no one can aggravate his strength, as long as he wakes up immediately when the time comes, it is the same as cheating.

Ye Kai is not afraid of death, nor does he want to die, even if he can't be killed completely, imprisoning him or killing him once is his weakness.

He propped his arms on the bed and sat up.

This is an ordinary wooden house, with only one bed, one table, two chairs, and a stove in the middle of the room, which seems to be used for boiling water.

Ye Kai shook his head and pressed his temple.

Finally, it's safe.

"I'm fine." Ye Kai smiled at Tifa beside him.

"Hmph." Tifa's father stood aside, looking at Ye Kai with disgust.

Although he saved his and Tifa's lives, he never forgot about Ye Kai touching Tifa's chest.

At that time, Ye Kai had no choice but to feel any charm.

Thinking back on it now, it feels so good...

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Tifa Lockhart, just call me Tifa. Now, can you confess your identity?" Tifa stretched out her hand to Ye Kai and said softly.

Half a month has passed, Tifa and her father's grief has been suppressed, the question now is how to take revenge.

Fortunately, with Ye Kai's magic potion, she and her father were back to normal.

It's just that her father's vitality was injured, and he only drank half of the bottle of potion. He looked fine, and he definitely wouldn't live for two years.

Even if Ye Kai gave him another bottle now, it would be of no use. This is no longer curable by medicine.

They were also very curious, why Ye Kai's potion would be effective if they drank it, but it would not work if given to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai also stretched out his hand, held Tifa's hand tightly, and said softly, "My name is Ye Kai, Ghost Swordsman, not from this planet, but an interstellar traveler."

"Interstellar traveler?" Tifa was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect such an answer in return.

"What does this mean?" Tifa's father was also a little confused.

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