Wait, Jenova is not a product of this planet, but an alien creature. Tifa's father knows something about it.

But Ye Kai, no matter how you look at it, he is an ordinary human being who can no longer be ordinary!

Of course, don't look at that ghost hand.

"I accept missions from other planets and complete them to improve my strength. The mission on this planet is to defeat Sephiroth once and establish an anti-Shenluo organization. It is a coincidence that I met you." Ye Kai shrugged.

It was the only explanation he could think of that Tifa could understand.

But obviously, Tifa didn't understand.

"Interstellar or something... Mission or something..." Tifa's eyes circled, and she looked at Ye Kai with a confused expression.

"Ahem..." Tifa's father coughed, and gave the two of them a hard look at the hands they were still holding.

Ye Kai quickly let go, showing an apologetic smile.


Tifa laughed, this smile is really like a rainbow after rain, it's so beautiful that it makes one's heart beat.


Ye Kai's face turned even redder...

"Well... I'll explain it slowly later, it's really a bit of a ruin, and I was a little confused when I took the task for the first time." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

He can talk nonsense to others.

But with Tifa, the former idol, he couldn't cheat.

"The most important thing now is Shinra, Sephiroth! They did all of this, and this account must be settled!" Tifa's father said viciously.

"Any plans?" Ye Kai asked.

He didn't know about this plot, he was completely blinded.

"Uh...no. But we can think about it slowly, Shinra is too big after all." Tifa's father said with some embarrassment.

"Well, how long have I been in a coma?" Ye Kai whispered.

He himself didn't know what his recovery ability was like. It must have been a long time. After all, his blood and mana were basically zero at that time, so he should have died once.

"Half a month." Tifa gestured a one with one finger, and a five with the other palm, very cute.

Ye Kai pondered for a moment.

Zack and Cloud have to save it.

Now Shinra should not have given up on chasing him, he himself doesn't care, but Tifa and her father may not.

It has only been half a month, and it should be the time when the defense is the tightest.

Ye Kai couldn't remember when Zacks and Claude escaped, what he had to do was to collect information, and then try to save them when their defenses relaxed.

Otherwise, if the timing is not right, if Zack dies, his mission will be ruined.

I don't know, are they being held in Nibelheim or Shinra headquarters?

"What I mean is, wait a year and a half before saving people, or you will definitely fall into it in the near future. Moreover, half a month has passed, and everything that should have happened has happened." Ye Kai said.

"Well, our combat power may not be of much help..." Tifa lowered her head sadly.

If my master is still there, practicing for a few more years should be able to help.

As for his father, his fighting power is not as good as his own.

If the two go together, I'm afraid they will hold back Ye Kai.

"Okay, I agree too. Tifa and I are not very important. You should be on the wanted list." Tifa's father said.

"Huh, that's it. In fact, you can find a safe place to stay. It's too dangerous to be with me." Ye Kai hesitated, although he was very reluctant to part with Tifa, but it was indeed dangerous to be with him.

"No, it's safe to be with you. When I ran away, I couldn't hold on several times. Seeing you by my side made us feel at ease." Tifa said softly.

Ye Kai, it can be said that she and her father had the belief that they could survive at that time.

"Hmph, are we the kind of white-eyed wolves?" Tifa's father said angrily.

Ye Kai couldn't help but laugh, this uncle really has a bad temper.

"Anyway, we have nothing now, and we don't know where to go, unless you don't want to accept us." Tifa smiled.

"How could it be, you're going to go crazy with a single sentence." Ye Kai looked at Tifa's pretty face, and blurted out this sentence.

Tifa was immediately blushed by Ye Kai's boldness.

"Hey, kid, even if you're our savior, don't even think about trying to trick my daughter!" Tifa's father yelled.

"Hehe..." Ye Kai didn't know how to answer.

If you say yes, you don't give face; if you say no, it's against your will.

I just laughed and said nothing.

"Well, uncle, what's your name?" Ye Kai suddenly came to his senses, and chatted with his daughter for a long time, but he didn't know her name.

"You, you don't even know my name?" Tifa's father suddenly felt very hurt.

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