Chapter 125 Feng Zhen's Practice Notes

Ye Kai finally found out that Tifa's father was Myron, which was a very embarrassing thing.

Although Ye Kai also wanted to call Dad or something with Tifa, but seeing the uncle's dangerous eyes, he didn't call out.

The rest of the matter was much simpler. They simply tidied up the house, built it stronger, and built a house for Tifa beside it.

After all, there were only two houses originally, one was used by Tifa before, and the other was used by her master.

As for food, they couldn't go to the city, so they could only catch animals on the spot and pick some mushrooms and wild fruits.

Ye Kai has recovered, Tifa and Myron have not fully recovered, so there is no rush.

When Ye Kai moves, they have to hide, and they can't cause trouble for Ye Kai and make him worry about the future.

They didn't know each other before, and they just knew their names, but their relationship became very good within a day. I have to say that even if they are strangers, if they go through hardships together, and live and die together, there will be more or less accidents. Dian Pao Ze's friendship.

Early the next morning.

Ye Kai stretched his waist and got up to practice in the morning, and suddenly found that Tifa was already practicing boxing. He is really a hardworking person.

Her master has passed away now, and all she practiced was the basics, and she didn't know any lethal skills at all.

"Good morning, Tifa." Ye Kai greeted Tifa with a smile.

Tifa didn't mind Ye Kai's ghostly hands at all, which surprised Ye Kai. Even in Gensokyo, those who grew up together were more or less concerned.

The dark world is special, and Pirates of the Caribbean is commonplace.

But Tifa was just an ordinary person, and she didn't even care about Ye Kai's ghostly hands, which made Ye Kai a little confused.

This courage is really big.

She has been studying Ye Kai's ghost hand last night, wanting to see what function it has.

In fact, except for the occasional pain in Ye Kai's ghost hand, it really doesn't cause much inconvenience.

Thinking about it, Tifa in the later stage is not afraid of things like star marks, let alone Ye Kai's curse.

"Morning, Ye Kai." Tifa also waved to Ye Kai with a smile.

Ye Kai opened his posture, practiced his sword casually, and swung skills one by one from his sword, very imposing.

These skills have not been practiced after he reached the level, and the cooling time is very long. If he shortens them, his combat effectiveness will rise to a higher level.

"Wow, that's amazing, is this the ability of Ghost Swordsman?" Tifa stared at Ye Kai's skills with starry eyes.

"Of course, I am the only ghost swordsman in the world." Ye Kai said proudly.

"Practice well, let me see." Tifa sat on the bench made by Ye Kai, holding a glass of water in his hand, watching with a smile.

She actually wanted to learn Ye Kai's skills, but Ye Kai said that except for the skills of Sword Soul, other skills could not be learned by others, which made Tifa feel a little disappointed.

Whether it is revenge or protecting important people, strength is king.

If she was strong enough, Sephiroth would not have destroyed her hometown.

"Why did you have to take me and Dad away before? If you left alone, it should be very simple, right? Don't lie to me, you defeated Sephiroth, those people can't stop you. If you don't help me and Dad resist Attack, they may not be your opponents." Tifa took a sip of water and said softly.

"I... just think I should save you. If I left you and left, I'm afraid I won't be able to forgive myself in this life." Ye Kai put the crack back into the storage space, wiped his sweat, and said softly.

"We knew each other before?" Tifa asked suspiciously.

Although she is very charming, and every boy who leaves his hometown to join the army will make an appointment with her to marry her when he comes back, but she will not be so narcissistic that she can make Ye Kai die just because of her looks.

"I know you, but you don't know me. It can be said that we have been friends for a long time." Ye Kai shook his head and sat beside Tifa.

"Is it your interstellar theory again?" Tifa shrugged.

"Yeah, I've seen you, Claude, Zacks, and many others fighting for this planet. As for the ending, do you want to know?" Ye Kai smiled.

In the previous world, the world of Diablo has changed too much. He has never watched Pirates of the Caribbean 5, and he does not know about Gensokyo, but he remembers the final plot of Final Fantasy 7 very clearly.

"I don't want to, because I didn't have you at that time, but now that I have you, the whole world will change, and the original ending may not happen." Tifa said softly.

Ye Kai nodded, unexpectedly, Tifa understood quite well.

The Butterfly Effect, is the scariest element.

Ye Kai is here, Zack may not be dead, Tifa's father is not dead, but Tifa's master is dead, the whole world line should be a mess now.

Don't underestimate such a small butterfly effect. Zacks is a real first-level special soldier. Currently, he and Sephiroth are the only ones at the first level. It would be too much difference if he had one more.

In addition, Tifa's father is not dead, and no one knows whether there will be a goddess T who is like a close sister in the future.

"By the way, do you know boxing skills? I want to avenge my master and overthrow Shinra with you, but I'm too weak now to do anything." Tifa looked at Ye Kai with hope.

Ye Kai pondered for a while, if he didn't teach Tifa, Tifa might go to others to learn.

It happens to be fifty gold coins left, so I can buy a book, anyway, it’s only fifty yuan, if you can’t buy it, you’ll lose money and you won’t be fooled.

"Feng Zhen's Practice Notes", priced at fifty.

The above introduced Feng Zhen's skills in detail, and they have all four types of fighting, but Tifa can be said to be a bit old now, and can't practice the skills of Qigong masters and street fighters.

This world already has its own cultivation system, if you learn it forcibly, it may be bad for your health.

But the early skills of judo and sanda are not so profound, but they can be learned.

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