There is no problem with the cheats recorded in this kind of book, but it is not like Ye Kai's golden finger, as long as you know it, you will know it, and the higher the level of equipment, the higher the output.

If someone else learns it, it only depends on the talent, and there is still time to accumulate, learn a little bit, practice a little bit, there is no systematic correction of whether the movements are standard or not, everything depends on oneself.

"Well, this book is about boxing, and it's in the same series as Ghost Swordsman, but I don't know how to do it, so you have to figure it out a little bit, okay?" Ye Kai bought the book, and his wallet suddenly became empty.

But it doesn't matter, if you buy it for fifty yuan, you can't suffer a loss and you can't be fooled.

"Is this very important?" Tifa didn't take it, but looked at Ye Kai seriously.

"Well, it's important to say it's important, it's not important to say it's not important, just don't give it to others casually. Otherwise, if the enemy learns it, I'll be a little bit worse." Ye Kai said with a smile.

As expected of Tifa, she was still thinking about him at this time.

Tifa's expression was a bit tangled, she didn't know whether to accept it or not.

Before, she just wanted Ye Kai to guide her, but now she has other feelings after reading this book.

Her intuition told her that this book could change her life.

Chapter 126 Daily Life

"Then, can I really accept it?" Tifa gave Ye Kai the right to choose.

"Of course, this is for you, just don't be forced to go by Sephiroth. A strong man of his level can see the leopard. If you know my system, you may find my flaws, although I don't know myself. Are there any flaws?" Ye Kai shrugged and handed the book to Tifa.

Tifa took the book, nodded and read it.

And Ye Kai, naturally continued to practice sword.

He did know that there was a pair of weird eyes that stared at him when he was close to Tifa, this daughter!

after an hour.

"Hey, it's so hot, I'm going to take a shower, you continue to practice!" Tifa waved at Ye Kai, and walked towards the well.

"Well, do you need my help?" Ye Kai waved.


"I want to take a shower too, and I need your help, kid."

At this moment, a powerful arm suddenly strangled Ye Kai's shoulder, and sneered at Ye Kai.

Ye Kai's expression suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry, why did he stare at me like he was guarding against a thief?You know, but the wounds Tifa cleaned up for me, as well as the clothes I changed, I've almost been seen, can't I get some back?

However, there was nothing he could do about Tifa's father, Ye Kai. Who would let others see that he was interested in his daughter?

No matter how good the son-in-law is, the father-in-law is getting more and more angry when he sees his son-in-law. After raising such a big daughter, his caring little padded jacket is just being taken away by other bastards?

In fact, Ye Kai also cared a little. In this mission, he couldn't take away the aborigines, so he could only watch it next time.

What I have to do now is to swipe my favorability, and I must not take advantage of Claude.

Having Tifa and playing a love triangle with others, what a scumbag!

Hmm... Although the harem is also Ye Kai's dream, Ye Kai is not as timid about feelings as Claude, and he has never confessed his love once.

Ye Kai couldn't do the thing of picking up his pants and leaving, and he couldn't do it with the goddess by his side and didn't check his favorability. What a struggle.

Ye Kai sighed and took Jack out, it wasn't the pirate Jack, but the monkey.

His magical power was injected slightly, and he became a living monkey.


Ye Kai teased it for a while, then gave it two wild fruits, and Jack ate it very happily.

This monkey is female and very psychic. I don't know if it can become a monkey monster in Gensokyo.

"Hey boy, what's for lunch?"

Myron's voice came from the house, and the goods seemed to have been washed.

"I'm going to catch a wild boar." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Alas... I really think of myself as my father-in-law.

The previous grace of saving lives has become a matter of course, how did it become like this?Isn't it just that the look in Tifa's eyes is very ambiguous, I really don't understand.

Hunting is Ye Kai's strong point, and he brought back a huge wild boar in a short time.

The technological point of this world is very crooked. Due to too much investment in the Moko Furnace, other technological technologies are much slower.

In addition, the population has never been very large, and most of them are in villages and towns, so this kind of large animals in the forest can be seen everywhere.

If it wasn't too difficult to find, Ye Kai would have wanted to beat a tiger.

"Come back, my father was really rude, sorry." Tifa bowed to Ye Kai and said softly.

Ye Kai touched Tifa's head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, uncle is very nice, but his temper is a bit grumpy."

"Bastard, don't bang my daughter!" A loud roar came.

Ye Kai shrugged, and smiled at Tifa, as if they had known each other for a long time.

As for barbeque, it is also Ye Kai's unique skill, and it is not difficult to light a fire.

Several people gathered around the fire, chatting and laughing happily while grilling meat.

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