Of course, it was Ye Kai talking and laughing with Tifa, while Myron looked at Ye Kai like he was guarding against a thief.

"You said, you live in a world full of monsters? Do those monsters eat people?" Tifa asked curiously.

"Some cannibals, and some don't. Basically, monsters in shape don't eat people, except for those idiots who can't tell the difference between people and animals. But such idiots can't catch people and eat them. I'm too unlucky It is." Ye Kai shrugged.

"You, you were almost eaten and didn't take revenge?" Tifa was a little dazed.

Is this kind of person a Madonna type?It doesn't look like it, but he was merciless when killing Shenluo soldiers.

"It should be said that there is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Although I almost died at the time, without her, I would not have the wonderful life I have now. A lifetime of muddle-headedness is not comparable to a wonderful life, so I forgive her. Anyway, he's just a child." Ye Kai tore off a piece of barbecue and said with a smile.

Bang, bang.

Myron patted Ye Kai's shoulder hard, as if he was going to slap him to death, and said boldly: "Well, a man with clear grievances, boy, I like you, much better than that coward Claude. "

"Claude... To be honest, I don't know him. But I know him, and he is also a poor guy. When he is really needed, he will definitely stand up..." Ye Kai sighed.

"In the future, there will be no more sadness, right?" Tifa looked at Ye Kai and said.

She thought that Ye Kai would say something casually for herself, but she didn't expect Ye Kai to be to the point.

This person is different from those children who confessed to him before.

"That depends on your efforts. I can only stay in these three years, and I will try my best to help you lay a good foundation. If I have the opportunity to come back, I will definitely make this world no longer sad." Ye Kai looked up at the sky , said calmly.

The planet's revenge on human beings is really terrible. The sins committed by Shinra should not be borne by ordinary people.

"Three years, so short..." Tifa couldn't help lowering her head when she heard this.

"Well, the days are still long, three years, how can it be short." Ye Kai said with a smile.

He is just too weak now, and when he is so strong one day, it is not impossible to open the space channel.

"Yeah, the days are still very long." Tifa also had a smile in his eyes, and said softly: "Then, please give me a lot of advice in the past few years, actual combat is the best teacher, even if you don't know boxing skills, you can Come fight with me?"

"No problem, leave it to me!" Ye Kai said softly.

He looked at Tifa, and Tifa looked at him, both grinning.


Myron's big hand patted Ye Kai's shoulder again, and shouted: "There's me!"

Ye Kai was suddenly embarrassed, was it true that only Tifa should be saved?


Seeing Ye Kai's embarrassing expression, Tifa laughed again.

She found that being with this person was very happy and there was no pressure at all.

It's just that my father is so interesting that he always bullies others.

Chapter 127 Birthday

A month later.

Ye Kai took Tifa to the top of a nearby hill, and the two looked down at the forest below, not knowing what to do.

"Tifa, you've been practicing for so long, what do you think?" Ye Kai asked softly.

"It's a strange system. It looks simple, but it's actually surprisingly difficult. It improves your physical fitness really quickly." Tifa laughed.

"How long does it take to run down from here?" Ye Kai pointed to the bottom of the cliff.

"Well, it will take about ten minutes." Tifa pondered for a moment before replying.

"How about we have a game and I'll let you five minutes?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Hey, if you give me five minutes, I will lose badly." Tifa gave Ye Kai a strange look.

During this month, she had a clear understanding of Ye Kai's strength, including the world Ye Kai lived in.

There are few who can't fly, and Ye Kai is one of them.

Among all the monsters, he turned out to be at the bottom of the sequence, which made Tifa very curious about what kind of world it was, and what kind of perverts it bred.

"Don't worry, I won't lose." Ye Kai smiled.

"Okay, you are not allowed to jump directly, and you are not allowed to use the silver light to drop the blade, and the five-stage slash is optional." Tifa shrugged.

"Eh...you are cutting off my way of life." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"It's you who want to bully me, okay? I've observed that you jumped from a ten-meter-high tree without any injuries. Does that mean you'll be fine even if you jump off a mountain? Besides, it's not like you didn't jump before. Cliff." Tifa gave Ye Kai a white look.

"Okay, I was discovered by you." Ye Kai shook his head helplessly, and he still wanted to trick him.

"Pfft, but why did you win against me?" Tifa asked curiously.

"Well, today is May [-]nd, and I want to go around with you tomorrow..." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

"You...know my birthday?" Tifa asked in surprise, she didn't remember what she said to Ye Kai before, let alone her father's words.

Ye Kai was a little embarrassed, not only was it his birthday, he knew his blood type, height, and measurements in the future...

"Oh? It seems to be the same as what you said. You knew me very well before. To what extent did you understand?" Tifa slowly leaned forward towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai lowered his head, and saw the large white and delicate collarbone, and the small-scale gully, all appeared in his eyes.

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