Jack made a tangled expression, and exaggerated: "Oh, you are such a villain! It seems that you know the black pearl, me, and that curse very well."

"Of course, I did a detailed investigation. You are the only person who has been to that island other than the people on the Black Pearl. You have seen my sword skills and fighting power. If you want to take back your ship, you must cooperate. "Ye Kai said.

"I have to say that you have moved me, and you have given me no way out. I agree to cooperate." Jack smiled.

In the original book, he has been using Will. Now that Will has been sold by Ye Kai, he naturally has no bargaining chips.

Ye Kai pulled out his samurai sword, and aimed at the lock of the prison door.

Jack also wanted to remind him that he couldn't break the prison door by hacking like this, but when Ye Kai dropped the knife, an ominous purple flame suddenly appeared on the knife, and it melted the lock.

Tick, tick.

The molten iron fell to the ground, and small pits that were not deep appeared.

"Is this the power of the curse? It's really powerful." Jack exclaimed.

Ye Kai shrugged and said, "Of course, my ghost killed three of the so-called undead people on the Black Pearl. This move can not only kill the body, but also burn the soul."

If you want to really impress Jack, you still need to add some chips.

Now Jack is really amazed, if Ye Kai uses it well, it will definitely be a good move to kill.

As for why Mingyan didn't burn Ye Kai's katana, Jack didn't ask much.

Ye Kai seemed to know what Jack was thinking, and said helplessly: "There is only one time in ten minutes. If you want me to fight against a hundred, I can't do it. Although I am super good at swordsmanship, if there are too many people, it will grind me to death." .”

Jack didn't complain about Ye Kai's so-called super god, but smiled and said: "That's enough, friend, you will definitely be an excellent pirate in the future."

After speaking, he stood up, pushed open the cell door, and took the rags hanging on the wall that belonged to him.

But Ye Kai didn't just sit idly by, but took the compass away, and said with a smile, "It's better to keep this thing on me, I don't want to be left behind by you halfway."

Jack said indifferently, "Anyway, it's a broken compass."

"If the wish compass is considered bad, there will be nothing good in this world. Don't worry, I will return it to you when I get there. The effect of this thing on me is limited to the island of death." Ye Kai shrugged and thought to himself After looking at the island of death and his mission, the compass buzzed and stopped at one position.

"Eh...you even know this, I really admire you more and more." Jack didn't feel any embarrassment in lying just now, he was used to it.

Why does Ye Kai still look for Jack when he has a compass?

One: He doesn't know how to drive a boat, and he can't drive it by himself, and he doesn't know the sailing route and navigation knowledge.Two: Who knows what kind of traps and curses there are on the island of death, or Jack, the legendary captain, will lead the way safely.Three: Only Jack can pull up a team.

Jack didn't care about it on the surface, Ye Kai couldn't know what he was thinking.

Anyway, Ye Kai still needs him now, it will be better in the future.

This compass will return to his hands sooner or later, he has that kind of confidence.

As for returning what Ye Kai said to him?Jack only thought he was talking, after all, no one would let go easily if they knew the function of this thing.

It seems that this Easterner is not simple, since he knows about the Black Pearl, the compass, and Jack's past.

Then there is only one answer, he should have seen the sealed goddess of the sea: Calypso.

Jack's brain turned very quickly, or he knew too much, and he sorted out the cause and effect in an instant.

When Ye Kai came to Port Royal, he should be looking for an opportunity to get an official position, then get gold coins, attract the Black Pearl, and then take a boat to chase him, and finally reach the island of death.

Then because of his arrival, things changed, he could only settle for the next best thing, and cooperate with him to go to the island of death.

Knowing Ye Kai of Calypso, he naturally knows his ability and props.

If Ye Kai knew what Jack was thinking, he would definitely say that he was thinking too much, how complicated this spiritual world is.

Jack wearing the captain's hat gives people a different feeling. He is now like a real captain.

Legendary pirates are really desirable.

"Let's go, now we need a boat, at least it can barely keep up with Black Pearl's boat." Jack smiled.

What he was talking about was naturally the Interceptor that he wanted to snatch during the day, and that was also a ship that the two of them could drive.

If it were a huge Dreadnought, they wouldn't be able to open it.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two attacked and sneaked towards the port.

Now the Black Pearl has just stopped shelling, and countless pirates are also starting to run to the Black Pearl in small boats.

Naturally, Ye Kai and Jack couldn't board the Black Pearl at this time, otherwise they would definitely be looking for death.

bang, bang...

The two soldiers guarding the Interceptor were given a knife handle by Ye Kai, and now they can go to see Duke Zhou.

"Oh, you are indeed a born pirate, you have changed your mentality so quickly, and you can attack your colleagues." Jack looked at Ye Kai's crisp sap, and couldn't help being a little amazed.

Ye Kai also felt a little strange, whether he killed three pirates just now or knocked out two people now, it didn't affect him at all, as if he often did this kind of thing.

But thinking about the particularity of Ghost Swordsman, he was also a little relieved. It must be that ghosts and gods have affected his mind, right?In other words, I didn't treat those pirates as human beings at all...

"No matter what I am during the day, since I'm walking with you, I will naturally be treated as a pirate, and they have become my enemies."

Ye Kai shrugged and didn't care.

The two ran to the boat, lowered the sails, and stowed the anchors. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner under Jack's guidance and hands-on efforts.

"start sailing!"

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