Looking at Jack standing at the bow, Ye Kai couldn't help feeling a sense of heroism in his heart.

There's no reason to stop a man from running to the sea!

Chapter 15 The First Good Person Card

[Successfully snatch the Interceptor, gain experience 100%]

[Congratulations to the host, the level has increased, the current level: 6. 】

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, upgraded again?This leveling speed is so fast, one world can get a job change.

Of course, he was just thinking about it. It is common sense to level up quickly when the level is low.

On the contrary, there is no special rule at all for the experience points obtained. It feels like the mood of watching the blood jade sword?

It was because of defeating the Pirate King before, but now it is because of taking the Interceptor.

In other words, the difficulty must be high, and the opponent must be well-known. It doesn't really matter whether it is the protagonist or not.

The Interceptor is the fastest ship in Port Royal, so it's not surprising to get this treatment, and if you want to get it normally, you have to go through the navy's blockade.

Ye Kai almost already has a clue, this experience still depends on the difficulty.

Although Will and Marin's swordsmanship is superb, they are considered to be inferior to him, and they are much worse, so they are not given experience.

But Jack is different, he is as slippery as a loach, it is easy to defeat him head-on, but few people have the chance to confront him head-on, and defeating such a person is not a matter of swordsmanship.

If you have a chance in the future, see if you can give experience points for defeating monsters, etc. It should be reasonable to kill monsters and upgrade, right?

"Help, help, help..."

At this moment, Ye Kai heard a woman calling for help.

The ship was heading in the direction of the Black Pearl, and the navy thought that the pirates on the Black Pearl had snatched the ship, so they didn't think much about it.

Even if you use a telescope at night, you can't see the reality on the Interceptor. Now that the pirates have stopped attacking, it is a blessing in misfortune.

Jack was at the helm, he had no time to pay attention to the cries for help, he just shouted to Ye Kai: "Fill up and have a look."

Ye Kai also plans to do so, such a big living person, can he not be fished?

By the way, there are still mermaids or sea monsters in this world, but those things can eat people.

However, Ye Kaiyi was so bold that he didn't care what kind of opponent he would meet.

Ye Kai threw down a rope and shouted, "Catch it."

The woman in the sea struggled, and when she saw a rope stretching out, she grabbed the rope.

It seems that this girl can swim, and her skills are not bad, there should be no need for Ye Kai to jump down to save others.

But this girl is not light, Ye Kai spent a lot of effort to pull her up.

"Elizabeth?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

After seeing the rescued person, Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, and glanced at her neck. There used to be a gold coin there, but now it is gone.

By the way, wasn't she taken away in the original book?How was it thrown into the sea.

No, Will was sold by himself, and it was useless for them to ask Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth saw the navy ship, she thought it was Norrington, but she didn't expect it was Ye Kai again.

"Cough, cough..."

Elizabeth spat out two mouthfuls of sea water, and said with difficulty: "It's you? Are you here to save me?"

Ye Kai shrugged, pointed to Jack who was driving the boat, and said helplessly: "No, I was already a pirate when you fired me, and now I want to follow Captain Jack to snatch the Black Pearl and the place of death they are going to." Treasure of the island."

Elizabeth froze for a moment, but didn't turn the corner at all.

It was fine before, and it can be called a loyal guard. Because of Will's distrust and his lack of solidarity, he left. He looked only sixteen years old, and it was understandable that he was wayward, and his behavior was indeed true. Kind of fired him.

However, this is too willful!During the day, he was still a guard, struggling to earn some bonuses and salary, and now he became a pirate?

Moreover, the target is the ghost ship full of skeletons and the treasure that cursed them.

Forgive Elizabeth, she can't keep up with Ye Kai's rhythm.

"Sorry, if you want to go back, I'm afraid we can only give you a small boat, otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to keep up with the progress of the Black Pearl." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Elizabeth came to her senses now, and quickly shook her head and said, "No, they captured Will, and I have to rescue him! Your purpose is the same as mine, and you happened to be on the way."

She was smart enough not to mention us, because she knew that Ye Kai and Jack were not familiar with Will at all, and Will had just offended Ye Kai, so it was impossible for him to save someone.

As for her saying that she was going to rescue Will, the main reason was that if she was there, the navy would definitely come after her.

"Oh, the story of the princess and the knight? It's really good and touching, but why should we take you?" Jack laughed while sailing.

Jack also recognized the woman, but he didn't care, since she and Will were taken away, keeping the useful and discarding the useless is the usual principle of pirates.

Elizabeth froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Yeah, why did they take her with them?

"Forget it, just follow if you like, this person is not bad, are we still afraid of bad luck?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Thank you, you are such a good person." Elizabeth said gratefully.

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