Only she can uncover the mystery of the bound land, launch the ultimate white magic "sacred" to stop the meteorite, and her special identity makes Iris involved in countless disputes and battles.

Originally a happy family, because of their special status, the father was killed, the mother and daughter were taken away for human experiments, and finally the mother gave her life to take her out of the magic cave, and died.

She was regarded as someone else's adopted daughter when she was young, but this painful experience made her strong since she was a child.

The ability of the ancient species has enabled her to see through life and death. She no longer grieves and resents the tragic death of her parents, and no longer hates the murderer who caused the tragedy.

This world is so dark and lifeless, Iris wants to change this situation.

So she planted fragrant flowers in that small church, bringing a little warmth and beauty to the street with her little ability, and she also became a flower girl, humble but pure.

Always watch over the huge Mako Furnace, which is the product of a civilization that has caused fatal damage to the planet. Every time I see it, Iris' green eyes are full of doubt and anxiety.

Iris has been deeply hiding her true temperament, and she shows her lively and lovely side more when she is with her partners.

She keeps hiding her inner world because she always believes that there are very few people in the world who really understand herself, and no one knows how the future of the planet will develop. Only she can clearly perceive the crisis hanging over the world.

Although carrying a heavy fate and being pursued by Shinra since she was a child, Iris has always maintained a lively and cheerful personality, and she is much more proactive in dealing with emotional issues than Tifa, which is not quite consistent with her quiet appearance. match.

Zacks is Iris's first love. In the original book, Claude behaves very much like Zacks due to the effect of Jenova cells. Iris can find a little bit of Zacks in him. Shadow, this is one of the reasons why she took the initiative to approach Claude.

After realizing the difference between Claude and Zacks, he has a hazy feeling for Claude.

However, the things in the original book should not happen. Ye Kai never thought that he would meet this girl five years before the start of the plot.

"Hey, how do you know?" Iris looked surprised, but she was not afraid, but turned her big round eyes, like a cat who found a ball of yarn.

"Don't worry about how I know, I know Zacks, he was captured by Shinra's people." Ye Kai thought for a while, and planned to pull this girl into the gang first, and protect her.

"Your friend was taken away, and you guys are dating here?" Iris covered her mouth, looking at Ye Kai and Tifa in disbelief.

The faces of the two of them suddenly turned red, this... is really not good.

"Well, you misunderstood me. He and I just met once. Now is not a good time to rescue him. We plan to wait for a while to relax our defense before we rescue him." Ye Kai explained feebly.

"So, are you dating here?" Iris asked again, with a strange expression on her face.

She wasn't worried about Zacks at all. The planet told her that Zacks was fine now, but something might happen to him in the future. This was a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

In the original book, her last letter to Zack is: How are you?where are you?It's been four years since then.This letter is the 89th, but there is no return address, the last letter... I hope you can receive it.

Unfortunately, Zack was already in heaven when he received the letter.

"Well, it's Tifa's birthday today, so I took the risk of being caught and brought her on a date." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey, what an enviable couple." Iris said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not a couple!" Tifa weakly argued.

Unexpectedly, the young Tifa has the potential to be arrogant.

"Zacks should be fine now, I can feel it. But I'm still flustered, two, can you take me to Zacks? I want to save him." Iris clasped her hands together, hoping Wingly looked at Ye Kai and Tifa.

Ye Kai and Tifa looked at each other, Ye Kai said helplessly: "Are you sure, you are going to save people, not to deliver food to the other party?"

Chapter 132 Seventh Heaven

"Hey, I'm very good. As long as you stay with me, you won't get hurt." Iris pouted with her hands on her hips, dissatisfied.

"But, I originally planned to go by myself." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

"Bring me, you will be more confident." Iris clenched her small fist and said proudly.

"If I bring you with me, I may have to be distracted to protect you, so I may not be able to succeed..." Ye Kai spread his hands.

The implication of Ye Kai's words is: Originally, I was a little taller than them, but if I took you as a burden, I would be a little lower than them...

Iris was very smart, and immediately understood Ye Kai's meaning, she puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction, like a cute squirrel.

Ye Kai quickly turned his head to look at Tifa, this girl must be too charming!No wonder that in the original book, Cloud almost didn't tie his belt, and Tifa even lost to her.

Fortunately, I have a way to divert my attention.

Friend's wife, don't give up!No, don't be bullied!

"Uh...Tifa, what do you think?"

Tifa rolled her eyes and said, "We have to think about this matter carefully. First of all, we must not implicate her family. If not, then come with us."

"Okay!" Iris said happily.

"You, aren't you afraid that we are bad people?" Ye Kai asked with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't this younger sister say just now that you are not bad people?" Iris said innocently.

"How dare you believe that!"

In fact, Iris understands better than anyone else, she can vaguely feel the fate, whether it is the fate of people, the fate of the planet, or her own fate, she can feel some of it.

But when she was beside Ye Kai, she found that what she had sensed before had become chaotic.

People who are not in destiny, this is the true portrayal of Ye Kai.

So, since they don't look like bad guys, why don't you dare to take a gamble?

Ye Kai weakly followed behind Tifa and Iris, seeing the two talking and laughing, he couldn't help feeling very helpless.

what is happening?It was obviously a very harmonious date, how did it become three people?

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