He had a premonition that things were not over yet.

After a while, a few people arrived at Iris's house, which was an ordinary small house.

After entering the house, I found that the inside was as ordinary as the outside, and Shinra's people couldn't conduct a complete census, after all, there was not enough manpower or anything.

Therefore, Iris lived a safe life.

There was only a middle-aged woman inside, sorting out something.

Seeing that Iris came back, the woman quickly put down the things in her hand and walked over.

Tifa wanted to stand beside her, but Iris pulled her over. She said to her mother, "Mom, I'm back! This is Tifa, my friend, and Ye Kai is over there, Tifa's boy." Friends, they brought me back."

"It's not a boyfriend!" Tifa couldn't laugh or cry, she had a premonition that if she knew a little more people, her identity would be confirmed.

Her mother's name was Emina, and she asked in surprise: "Bring it back? Could it be that you were followed again?"

She hurried forward, pulled Iris and asked, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm protected by them, they are Zack's friends." Iris said, waving her arms and turning around in a circle.

Only then did Emina breathe out a sigh of relief. Zacks had only been missing for more than a month now, and since he was a special soldier, it didn't arouse her suspicion.

Although Ye Kai didn't have the iron-blooded temperament of a soldier, he couldn't avoid the evil spirit.

But since it's Zack's friend, then there's no problem.

She turned to Ye Kai and said, "Thank you, Ye Kai."

She could tell at a glance, who had the final say between Ye Kai and Tifa.

"No need to thank, Zacks fought side by side with me anyway, and helping his girlfriend should be." Ye Kai shrugged.

Emina nodded, as if she remembered something, she walked upstairs.

Three people stood in the living room, Iris took a few steps towards the room, then turned around and said, "By the way, what are you going to do next? It's your first time here, do you need me to show you around?" ?”

"Actually, I want to take Tifa around alone." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"Oh, there is a hotel next to it, the environment is good, many couples like to go there." Iris said with a smile.


Tifa knocked Ye Kai on the head, and said dissatisfied: "Hey, Sister Iris kindly took us shopping, how can you do this?"

Well, I will become a big sister after a while...

Women's friendship is really strange.

"In that case, let me take you to the Seventh Street District. There is a new bar with a good environment, but the boss is too fierce." Iris laughed.

"Okay, I just want to buy some wine for Dad to take home." Tifa said happily.

The bar on the seventh block, can't be such a coincidence, can it?

The three got up and walked towards the seventh block. Fortunately, it was not very far, and they arrived in no time.

Looking at the huge "Seventh Heaven", Ye Kai became embarrassing. Is this really Tifa's future bar?

Since it was still early, there were no customers in the bar, only a big man teasing a five or six-year-old girl.

Most of the bars are made of wood, with few electrical appliances, not even air conditioners.

The fan above was spinning feebly, and there was a TV behind the counter, which was the original big head TV, and it was currently turned off.

As for the drinks, most of them are of low quality...

It seems that the boss is that big guy.

The big man's right arm should have been broken in half, and he was fitted with a prosthetic limb. He wore two soldier tags around his neck, and his hair was the cannon head of an American soldier. He was very strong and looked like he could hold two leaves.

There is an incomprehensible tattoo on the left arm, which should be a personal hobby.

If you grow up to do business like this, it will be strange if you can sell wine.

"Guest, what wine do you want?" The big man shouted, as if he was afraid that others would not hear his voice.

Tifa was bold, but it didn't matter, Iris was almost frightened, and quickly got behind Tifa, not knowing who was the older sister.

Ye Kai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned around and closed the door, and said calmly, "I'm here to buy wine and also to discuss business."

Although it was daytime, the lights in the bar were flickering, but there was no shortage of light sources.

"What the hell are you talking about business, I don't talk about business, I only sell wine!" The big man's temper didn't look very good.

"Dad...Dad..." The little girl he was teasing was suddenly startled to cry by his loud voice.

"Good boy, Marlene, I'm sorry." The big man seemed to spoil the little girl very much. He made faces and begged softly, which made the little girl stop crying, but he didn't laugh either.

"Talk about Shinra's business." Ye Kai said with a smile.

The big man's face changed.

He was born in Klier, because of the recent Klier Demon Furnace accident, Shinra killed almost all the villagers of Klier, including his beloved wife, in order to cover up people's eyes and ears. Lost his right arm.

The necklace on the chest is a relic of his friend Dan's wife, and before his death, Dan gave it to the big man for safekeeping.

"Who the hell are you!" The big man's right hand immediately pointed to Ye Kai. This is not a prosthetic arm, but a weakened Gatling mechanism arm!

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