If I had known this, I wouldn’t sleep in class, and I was often taught by Teacher Huiyin. If I study hard, there are such monsters recorded in "Fantasy Township Origin", knowledge can change fate...

I just don't know, will I be reincarnated with my memory in my next life?

Ye Kai struggled vigorously, but both arms were firmly held down by Rumia, unable to move at all.

Grandpa, I'm sorry, you said let me live a good life, but I couldn't do it.

Ye Kai exhausted all his strength, but Lumia didn't feel it at all. Her teeth that could break steel were biting towards his neck.

None of them noticed that the blood jade hanging around Ye Kai's neck exuded a faint red glow.

[Almighty Ghost Sword System Opened]

[The host's life is in danger]

[Time and space walking mode starts]

[Random transmission mode is turned on]

【Open the World: Pirates of the Caribbean 1】

Just when Lumia was about to enjoy Ye Kai, a white light flashed suddenly, and by the time she realized it, the boy in front of her had disappeared.

Chapter 02 Almighty Ghost Swordsman

This is the legendary Caribbean where pirates are most active.

This mysterious sea is located in the western Atlantic Ocean, between North and South America, where the sea is blue, the sky is bright, the sun is shining, and the sea is crystal clear.

In the 17th century, this was the only place for the merchant fleets from the European continent to reach the Americas. Therefore, piracy activities at that time were very rampant, not only attacking past merchants, but even the British Royal fleet.

When Ye Kai opened his eyes again, he was in a noisy town, his location was in a remote alley, and there was no one around.

Ye Kai didn't care about the words that appeared in his mind before, but he supported the wall, he didn't care about the moss growing on the wall due to the water vapor, he was panting heavily, his head was sweating like rain, his pupils Can't see any focal lengths.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly survived?It's incredible.

The monster just now was not polite at all, it was obviously going to eat him.

It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive, I really don't want to die again.

In about two minutes, Ye Kai's eyes gradually regained focus, and he began to sort out the information in his mind.

His ability seems to have become much stronger, whether it is speed, strength, or physical strength.

It seems that the blood jade saved him?

He took out a rag from his pocket, wiped his hands, and then put it back.

Taking the blood jade sword from his neck, a piece of mysterious and mysterious information entered his mind.

[Name: Ye Kai, Race: Human, Occupation: Almighty Ghost Swordsman, Level: 0. 】

[Game store opens]

[Space Backpack Opened]

【Mission system opened】

[Gift novice equipment: rusty samurai sword. 】

[Insufficient host ability, gift language proficiency, gift novice enhancement, current level: 3. 】

[Explanation: Create local tyrants with heart, no money to play xx]

This is the artifact of the Arad continent, a plane seed, which covers all the equipment and consumables that can be used by ghost swordsmen in the dnf world. As long as you have money, you can buy it yourself, and even have to spend money to learn sub-professions.

This... is really the consistent style of dnf. After reading the introduction, he will understand what it means to create local tyrants with no money to play xx.

Opened the game mall with consciousness, it seems that he can only buy items with a similar level, including weapons, consumables, materials, and the like.

The way to obtain coins is to offer sacrifices. Some world coins are very valuable, while others are not.

The food in the mall is very cheap, but there is no effect of replenishing blood and baskets in the game, and the negative poisoning stun state is still there.

The space backpack is also opened with consciousness, and he can take things from wherever he reaches out.

He took out a rusty samurai sword in the void next to him. This was his novice weapon, and it was stingy enough.

When he got the samurai sword, he felt that he was alive. The sense of security and the way of using the weapon filled every cell. Is it the ability of the ghost swordsman?

Looking at the weapon in his hand, he muttered to himself, "In other words, I'm in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, why did you send me here?"

No wonder, his left arm is redder than ordinary people, so it was caused by the ghost's hand.

Now his level is not enough, and before he reaches level 15 to change jobs, the ghost hand will not be obvious.

His profession is a full-line ghost swordsman, similar to that of a dark warrior, except that his skills are more powerful, and some skills can only be used under certain circumstances.

For example, if you want to use the late-stage skills of Berserk War, you have to let yourself enter a berserk state, commonly known as losing your IQ.

If you want to use Asura's late-stage skills, you have to close your naked eyes and look at the world with your mind's eyes.

But it would be nice not to have to be blind all your life.

What the hell is the task system?He looked at the mission consciously.

[Get a box of Aztec gold coins and keep them for one day, then you can return. The current time is the day before the plot starts, and the location is Port Royal. 】

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