[Note: Every time you complete a world task, you can get experience once. Calculated as a percentage, the experience value will directly increase the level when the experience value explodes.Each world can take away an aborigine who voluntarily leaves with the host, and cannot return if the task cannot be completed. 】

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched for a moment, this task is a bit ghostly.

No matter how you look at it, this scene can only be done on that cursed island!

As for taking away the aborigines, he doesn't have much feeling for the people in this world, and the two-dimensional cute girl is what he should pursue.

After sixteen years, Ye Kai's memory is a bit fuzzy, but he still remembers such a classic film. According to the introduction of the task system, the plot has not yet begun.

It's a pity that this blood jade sword is not very intelligent, and can only check limited information.

Even if you can't complete the task, there is no such thing as obliteration. Instead of going back and being eaten by monsters, it is better to live here for the rest of your life.

Wait, I finally found something that can make my life full of excitement, how could I just give up like that?

Before that, I was still thinking that I had achieved nothing in the past sixteen years, and the money I earned was only enough to eat and wear normally, because I was not full and I was a little stunted.

As for monsters, he is not an ordinary person before, he is a ghost swordsman!

Let alone a mere loli monster, I will kill even an apostle for you to see!

Of course, a bit of a long way to go.

To obtain an earth-shattering cultivation base, earn a lot of money, live a noble life, buy a lot of figures, challenge Gensokyo with swords, and cross all planes!

Ye Kai clenched his fist, feeling that his life was bright at this moment.

Although wearing rough clothes and holding a rusty knife, he is now a ghost swordsman, a ghost swordsman who is feared by everyone in the Arad continent.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai walked out with his head held high.


Ye Kai's stomach growled twice...

Sister, I haven't eaten for so long, and he didn't bring any money, and the game store didn't say to give him some.

Forget it, let's find a way to cut into the plot first.

Now the question came, he knew he was in Port Royal, and he also knew that the Governor's Mansion should be near the tallest building, but...how did he get in?

If you want to insert into the plot, you must at least have a legal identity, right?

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, so let's go there and have a look first.

Ye Kai walked on the street, sniffing the smell of sea water, watching the pedestrians coming and going. This is the [-]th century, the era of navy and pirates.

Some people looked at this rare oriental face curiously, but they didn't pay much attention to it as if it was the oriental who came here to find a job and seek gold.

As for holding a samurai sword...

Aren't there many people with samurai swords?You must know that Mrs. Wang Qing, the pirate, is using this kind of weapon.

Not long after, Ye Kai walked to the most beautiful villa, and two soldiers stood there like spears at the door, and the nearby wall was crowded with people, all of whom were reading a notice.

Ye Kai couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and walked towards the location of the notice.

Chapter 03 It's About To Be Decided

The notice read: Elizabeth Swan, the governor's daughter, was recruiting an accompanying guard, with a weekly salary of 20 shillings, including board and lodging.Requirements: Good appearance, decent etiquette, superb swordsmanship.

No wonder there are so many people around. It turns out that there is a good job. The shillings in this era are still quite valuable, which is equivalent to a white-collar job.

As for the accompanying guards, sometimes they have to work part-time as coachmen. If they are lucky, they can be selected into the Governor's Mansion as a retainer.

Elizabeth is the daughter of the British Royal Governor, but in the end she becomes a female pirate with Captain Jack by accident.

With her bravery, strength, passion, and persistence, she finally became the Pirate King.

Simply put, she is a woman full of adventure factors in her bones.

Although Ye Kai's height is about [-] meters, he is unremarkable here. Many people seem to be much taller and mightier than him. Even in terms of appearance, the handsome guy standing next to him is also stronger than him. lost.

Ye Kai and the handsome guy next to him whispered at the same time: "I'm going to settle for this job!"

The two turned around and walked towards the recruitment position, followed by a few strong men.

However, the two of them didn't care about others at all, they only cared about each other, because in terms of looks, the other was the most competitive.

There's nothing like decent etiquette, but if you have superb swordsmanship, you have to see the truth.

"Hey, boy, you look sallow and thin, haven't you had enough to eat?"

The handsome guy tightened the sword in his hand, and glanced at Ye Kai provocatively.

Ye Kai sneered, and said calmly: "Even if you don't have enough to eat, it's enough to deal with a three-legged cat like you."

The two sneered and satirized while arriving at the registration place.

Governor Swan lived in a magnificent three-story bungalow.

A clerk is at the registration office, and there is a cleared field behind. A group of people surround the field, and two big white men are competing in it.

Governor Swann sat not far away with a relaxed expression, surrounded by a group of elite British Royal soldiers.

Ye Kai didn't know the handsome guy's name until he got to the registration office: Will Turner.

Fuck, no wonder it looks familiar, it turned out to be an important supporting role in the first three films, or the second protagonist.

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