Brave, upright, kind, empathetic, sometimes reckless, loyal and dedicated to love.

Be drawn into one pirate adventure after another as Captain Jack.In the third part, in order to achieve his own goals, Will became the pirate he hated the most in the first part.

His swordsmanship is much better than that of Captain Jack, and he is a formidable opponent.

But now it doesn't matter whether he is the protagonist or not, filling his stomach is more important than anything else.

When it was time for Ye Kai to sign up, the clerk looked at Ye Kai in surprise and said, "Oriental?"

Ye Kai nodded lightly and said, "A traveler from the east, a swordsman."

The clerk frowned, and then stretched it out again. Although this young traveler looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, he was a little tired of seeing all the big guys and handsome guys before.

Write Ye Kai's name, and said with a smile: "Go to the queue, magical Oriental, I wish you good luck."

Ye Kai bowed slightly and said calmly, "Thank you."

After speaking, I went to wait in front.

This time the competition is a ring battle, and after winning the ring master, they have to stay until the end. The governor doesn't care what these warriors do, what he wants is the result.

"Hit, hit! Hard!"

"Kill him boy!"

"Let him see how powerful you are!"

The crowd below has been clamoring, whether the challenger exhausted his energy or the challenger wins the challenger, it is good for them, as long as they go up to pick up the bargain.

The governor at the side thought he was watching the fun, picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip, and said to the waiter beside him: "It seems that today is going to return in vain, and those gangsters in the tavern came here. "

The waiter bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "There are still a few who can be seen, the blond young man who just joined, a black-haired oriental boy, and a down-and-out noble retainer."

The governor glanced at the three of them, Will Turner, the blacksmith apprentice.A down-and-out noble retainer?This is not bad, it is said that his swordsmanship has always been very good, but his Patriarch fired him because he was too poor.As for the mysterious oriental boy... he is too young, he might not even be able to hold a sword steadily.

Finally it was Will's turn. He walked slowly onto the ring, and took out the sword he made for himself that was most suitable for him.

This is an unpretentious looking western sword, forged with fine steel, without any extra decorations, but it is a good killing weapon.

Will himself is also an excellent blacksmith, so he naturally knows what kind of sword he needs.

The two fought together after a little salute. The big Khan was no match for Will at all, and he was defeated in three or five rounds.

"Next, Oriental: Ye Kai."

Ye Kai walked up quietly and pulled out the samurai sword in his hand.

Everyone who was curious about Ye Kai, a young man, showed mocking smiles one by one.

"Hey, I'm not mistaken, this kid looks like a child."

"Go home and get some milk."

"The knives you use are all rusted, so you have the nerve to come to the Governor's Mansion?"

"That's right, go back quickly, your mother is waiting for you."

The governor also frowned slightly and shook his head.

The knife turned out to be rusty, and it was much worse than Will, let alone the retainer of the nobleman he was optimistic about.

Will's steps are steady, his sword is also carefully selected, and his speed and strength are good.

But what about this oriental boy?His footsteps were a little sloppy, as if he hadn't eaten, that young face could not be seen to be eighteen years old, younger than his daughter, how could such a person be a guard?

As for the issue of strength, he has already ignored it.

He was about the same height as Will, but his physique was much worse than others.

Will steadily showed his western sword, and said in a deep voice, "Hey, kid, this job is very important to me."

Ye Kai stretched his right hand forward, his samurai sword was like a straight line, as stable as Mount Tai.

At this moment, his aura changed, he was no longer that weak young man, but like a leopard hunting, ready to defeat his opponent at any time.

I saw him whispering: "This job is more important to me, so you just lose to me honestly!"

Seeing Ye Kai's posture, Will frowned slightly. The outsider watched the excitement, while the expert watched the doorway. His solid skills in holding a sword are not comparable to those below.

However, the most important thing about swordsmanship is eyesight and speed. He is confident that he will not lose to others.


With steady steps, Will rushed towards Ye Kai with a thrust.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, cutting the body with the knife and the soul with the heart.

Let me show you what a ghost swordsman is!

Chapter 04 Basic Skills

"Well done, blacksmith boy!"

"Get rid of him, let him see how powerful you are!"

"Yes, let him go home!"

"Yellow monkey, this is not the place for you!"

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