Ye Kai frowned slightly, he hated those four words.

But now is not the time to think about that, Will's sword has already stabbed over.

Seeing that Ye Kai didn't even hide, everyone couldn't help clamoring and cheering even more.

The governor also frowned, is this oriental looking for death?

Before everyone could think about it, Ye Kai quickly lowered his sword, and then raised it with an unparalleled speed.

At this time, the rusty samurai sword produced a divine radiance, and Ye Kai's body seemed to emit a golden light.

Ghost Swordsman's basic swordsmanship, let's go up!


This sword was as light as a surprise, and Will's western sword was thrown away with one sword.

Before Will could react, Ye Kai's sword was already pointed at his throat.

The western sword fell to the ground.

Fast, too fast.

Even if there is only a third-level ghost swordsman, it is still a ghost swordsman.

Although Will's swordsmanship is good, he is still too young, and his swordsmanship has not reached the pinnacle of this world.

Although the ghost swordsman's upward pick is a basic skill, it is also a skill that has been tempered countless times, and it has finally shown its glory in a different world.

Although the samurai sword is not strictly a sword, it is still the weapon of the ghost swordsman.

Ye Kai said softly: "You lost."

Will glanced at Ye Kai unwillingly. He originally wanted to enter the governor's mansion, so that he could see the Elizabeth he dreamed of, but now the road has been blocked.

Ye Kai looked into Will's eyes, and said with a sassy smile: "Sorry, I need a job, I'm offended."

Since you want to test school etiquette, you can't lower your fashion value.

Ye Kai moved his sword away, turned around and looked at the stunned crowd, pointed at one of the middle-aged men in gorgeous clothes, and said in a deep voice, "You called me a yellow-skinned monkey just now? Come up and lead me to death."

Since the other party dared to provoke, he had to be prepared to accept revenge. If he dared not come up, Ye Kai would not make things difficult for him, because he knew that the other party's life would be worse than death.

The governor nodded lightly from the side. This young man is not bad, neither humble nor overbearing. He is also choosing the best swordsman on the field, the retainer of the down-and-out nobleman.

Swordsmanship often requires years of accumulation. The opponent has been a swordsmanship instructor and private soldier captain for [-] years. Even if he wins against Will, it will be a surprise. If you continue... Let's see.

Will nodded at Ye Kai and sighed, blaming him for being inferior to others. This is a competition for jobs, and he has nothing to say.

The noble retainer walked up slowly, and there was a burst of applause from around.

He is at least [-] meters tall, tall and burly, with a square face and a scar on the right side of his face. It is said that he picked out the medals left by more than a dozen pirates by himself.

"Master Marin, teach this kid a lesson."

"That's right, let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"Do you think you are very good if you beat a blacksmith?"

Although they were still clamoring, none of them dared to say the word yellow-skinned monkey.

Ye Kai's murderous eyes just now made them a little uncomfortable, like a rabbit being stared at by a falcon, and their lives would be in danger at any time.

But out of face, they still clamored for a while.


Marin walked up to Ye Kai step by step, pulled out the western sword in his hand, and danced a sword flower casually, which attracted applause from the people below.

The Governor's eyes also brightened, and he said to the waiter, "Who can win, Master Marin or that Oriental boy?"

The waiter was also a soldier in the past, and his swordsmanship was outstanding. Hearing this, he whispered to the governor, "It's hard to say, the foundation of the two is as solid, it depends on who is more skilled."

The governor nodded knowingly, he didn't expect the waiter to have such a high opinion of Ye Kai, he felt a little interesting.

Ye Kai looked at his sword flower coldly, and said contemptuously: "Are you a juggler? Or after meeting a pirate, jump for a while and see if the other party will show you a boat?"

Those who humiliate others will always humiliate them. Will and Ye Kai are just ordinary competitors. They just stimulate each other in ordinary ways. Neither of them has crossed the line, which is a healthy competition.

But this guy, insulting his skin color, damn it.

Marin choked for a moment, and said bitterly: "Boy, I hope you won't crawl and shout: I'm a yellow-skinned monkey, please forgive me, Dad."

Ye Kai shook the samurai sword in his hand and sneered, "Isn't my father your grandfather?"

Both the waiter and the Governor were amused, and the Governor took another sip of his coffee and said with a smile: "Sharp-tongued boy, I like him a little bit, if he wins, hire him, and the rest are nothing to look at." It's gone."

The waiter bowed slightly, and said calmly: "My lord governor, your will."


Marin didn't say much, but stabbed with a sword, which was exactly the same as what Will did just now, but his footsteps were more stable, his sword was faster, and the strength of his right arm also surpassed Will. The difference between ten years and being single for forty years.

Ye Kai also hit the other side's sword with a slash just like before, but this time the other side's sword did not fly out, but crooked a bit.

It seems that picking up is not a panacea, this is not a game after all.

Marin quickly adjusted the angle, retracted the sword, and stabbed the sword. It seemed that he had gone through a lot of tempering.

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