However, a few people did not go out directly, but changed their clothes.

The explosion in Shinra, of course, will cause crowds, especially some Shinra staff, all gathered around.

Ye Kai and the others did not go down, but jumped from the bombed second floor.

Ye Kai has a leaping ability, and Zacks' jumping ability is not weaker than Ye Kai's. The two naturally left the crime scene very easily.


Why am I carrying Claude behind my back!

Ye Kai had a look of resentment.

He didn't believe that Cisne really couldn't leave.But looking at Cisne's happy expression, he couldn't say anything.

Ye Kai had no choice but to leave here with his rival on his shoulders.

Not far from the entrance of the village, Ye Kai had already left a car, which was driven by Myron, and he was the only one among those who could drive.

Although Tifa and Iris would do it too, how could Myron entrust these two girls with such a "dangerous" task?

Ye Kai put Claude behind, and Sisne also sat behind to take care of Claude.

Sitting in the front is naturally more dangerous than sitting in the back, Ye Kai and Zacks did their part.

It can be said that after not knowing Zacks for a long time, Ye Kai felt that this guy was definitely the real protagonist.

Whether it's character, ability, or anything else, it makes people feel like spring breeze.

"Hey, where are we going?" Zack asked with a smile on his face.

Ye Kai doesn't know how to drive, so he can only drive.

"This is the map. To go here, we have to go through the underground passage. It is estimated that if we go up, we will be discovered by the people of Shenluo in a short time." Ye Kai said with a smile.

The mission has not been completed, and Zack cannot be said to be safe.

"Let's go!" Zack kicked the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle galloped out.

Ye Kai put his hands behind his back and said, "How about it, do you have any plans for the future?"

"Well, let's be a mercenary in the future! I don't know anything else, I can only fight and kill. I didn't think of it before, but now I see you think of it." Zacks smiled.

Even if murder comes out of his mouth, it is so natural, as if he was born with such a person.

"It's your character." Ye Kai nodded.

While watching the movie, Zack told the unconscious Cloud that he was going to be a mercenary.

"Yo, so you know me well?" Zacks looked surprised.

"That's natural. Don't forget that Iris is in my hands. How many good things has she ruined me this year? I can't go out with Tifa anymore." Ye Kai said with a depressed face.

"Hahaha, it's her character." Zacks laughed.

"How about it, have you thought about saving this planet? Join our avalanche?" Ye Kai said softly.

"Save this planet? Er... I just came out of the cultivation tank, I haven't brushed my teeth yet, you told me to save the planet?" Zacks looked confused.

"Of course, this planet is already sick, and the apocalypse is threatening everyone all the time. If you think that Sephiroth escaped just for a safe place, it would be too sweet. Sooner or later, he will destroy the world." Ye Kai shrugged helplessly .

"Where did all this information come from? I've only been imprisoned for a year, how the world has changed." Zacks said in surprise.

"It was your girlfriend who said it. As the last ancient species, no one knows the current situation of this planet better than her." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Mr. Ye Kai, I can't pretend I didn't hear this sentence. Iris said that she hasn't married Zacks yet." Sisne said with a vigilant expression.

"Uh, well, well, it's worthy of the treatment of a hero." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Tch, what kind of hero is it? Others said it. Besides, I just have two girlfriends, are you envious? Haha!" Zacks laughed.

"Fuck, you actually admitted it brazenly?" Ye Kai looked at Zack in surprise.

"There's nothing wrong with admitting it, they all know each other." Zacks also looked at Ye Kai with a strange expression.

"Could it be that you still allow three wives and four concubines?" Ye Kai was a little confused.

"It's not mentioned in the law, but usually one is married. Don't look at me like this, I am also very distressed." Zacks smiled.

Ye Kai is a bit confused, this Zacks, what should I say?Some...too domineering!

Clearly telling Iris that he still has a girlfriend?

Wait, it seems like Iris actually knew that Zack had another girlfriend in the original book.

So they, don't mind Zack marrying two?

This should be unrealistic. Under the influence of current thinking, girls are very independent and strong.

Could it be that they want to compete fairly?This is very possible.

"By the way, have you taken a fancy to Tifa?" Zacks said casually.

"Of course, Tifa is so beautiful and has such a good personality, so it's strange if you don't like her?" Ye Kai cast a glance at Zack.

"Hey, poor Claude, I didn't expect his girlfriend to be snatched away after being taken away..." Zacks said helplessly.

"Aren't you annoyed? I snatched away Claude's girlfriend..." Ye Kai said a little strangely.

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