"Why are you annoyed? I told Claude before that if you like it, go after it! But he didn't listen, and he didn't dare to meet him. Alas...he needs to be more mature." Zacks said with reason.

But immaturity is such a thing, why is it so awkward to say it from Zack's mouth?

But Zacks really doesn't seem to mind. In his opinion, the promise made when he was a child is simply nonsense!

Besides, Tifa was fifteen years old when she suffered a catastrophe, and now she is only sixteen years old. What do a group of children know?Although he is not very old, and his feelings are very important, he doesn't think that Cloud really loves Tifa to death.

"It's in front."

Unknowingly, several people have arrived at the former base of Ye Kai and others.

Several people abandoned the car, walked to Ye Kai's previous house, opened a secret door, and revealed the deep tunnel in front of everyone.

"That's right, it really looks like that." Zacks, who was carrying Claude on his back, said with a smile on his face.

In his heart, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With Claude in a coma, he was really not sure about entering Midgar safely.

Chapter 140 Luck...

Both Zacks and Cisner came here in great wind and waves, and they have suffered all kinds of hardships, but they have not been entangled in environmental issues.

Ye Kai handed each of them a flashlight, and slowly crawled along the passage.

And now, Shinra's top brass already know of Zack's escape.

Demon city Midgar, Shinra headquarters.

A young man sat in an empty office and answered a phone call.

He stood up, walked to the edge of the huge glass, and listened quietly.

"President, Zack Crowder fled, and the rescuer was Ye Kai, who was wanted by Mr. Baojo a year ago. Also, Sisnei rebelled."

He hung up the phone casually and dialed a number.


"Rud, take three teams of special forces, one thousand troops, and hunt down Zack." The young man said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let me ask whether you want to live or die."

"Try to catch him alive, at least that Ye Kai, he wants to live." The young man said indifferently.

Immediately, he hung up the phone.

Ye Kai appeared in his eyes a year ago. According to Lei Nuo's report, he also had contact with the ancient species eleven months ago, but it seems that the two did not know each other at that time.

Now, the ancient species has disappeared, and Ye Kai has been missing, thinking that the world has evaporated.

After all, Midgar is too big, even if it is Shinra's army, I am afraid that no one will be found if they search from house to house.

Those poor people have become the natural umbrella of those bastards.

Really, not happy.

The young man shook his head and ignored it.

It's good if you can catch it, but if you can't catch it, kill it.

Coincidentally, the artificial man tested by Baojo will be completed in two years.

Ye Kai and the others have now reached the end of the first line, during which Claude woke up several times, but his confused eyes told everyone that he was not conscious at all.

This place is a forest near Midgar. Due to the noise of digging the tunnel into Midgar, we can only get here by groping.


A crisp voice rang out.

Zack was the first to show up, heaving a sigh of relief.

Tifa and Iris stood in front of him.

Barrett responded from behind. He didn't know Zacks. If Zacks came out, if he was careless and killed him, it would be bad.

Zacks kicked hard and jumped out, taking Claude on his back with him.

Iris was about to pounce on her, but saw Sisne come out from inside, looking at her vigilantly.

Iris stuck out her tongue, but still hugged Zack without hesitation.

"Are you here?" Zacks said with a smile, and hugged Iris, without any scruples about Sisner who was eating behind him.After all, Iris is his girlfriend.

"Of course, I'm very powerful. If I don't come, who will save you?" Iris also smiled.

And Ye Kai finally got out.


Tifa threw herself into Ye Kai's arms, leaving Ye Kai in a daze.

"Ti... Tifa..." Ye Kai didn't know where to put his hand, he could only dangle in the air.

"It's great that you're fine..." Tifa whispered in Ye Kai's arms.

This day, she didn't think about tea or food, although Ye Kai said it was very easy when they set off, but it was entering the enemy's encirclement, and she was going alone, so Tifa couldn't help but not worry.

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