"How about killing those two helicopters?" Ye Kai looked at the two helicopters in the sky, and then at Zacks.

"You fuck me?" Zack smiled.

He didn't say no, he knew he could do it, and Ye Kai could do it too.

Although the two have only fought side by side once, they already have a sense of sympathy for each other. Both Zacks and Ye Kai want to go up and play.

"Let me come." Ye Kai said softly.


Zack swung his sword and said calmly, "Come on!"

Ye Kai jumped up and flew in front of Zacks with a run-up. He flew up and kicked Zacks with both feet.

Zack aimed at the helicopter in the sky, and swung the saber to destroy it forcefully.


The blade touched Ye Kai's feet, and Ye Kai flew towards the helicopter like a cannonball.


The wind in the air whistled in Ye Kai's ears.

The wind that could have blown people who couldn't open their eyes was like nothing in Ye Kai's eyes.


A shot rang out.

A bullet was shot at Ye Kai's left arm, and Ye Kai just adjusted slightly to avoid the shot.

Everyone in the helicopter was stunned, isn't this unscientific?This guy is also a first-level special forces?

"Come to the party!" Ye Kai smiled slightly, raised the crack, and a huge x-shaped sword light flew towards the helicopter.


The helicopter was cut in half by Ye Kai's sword light. Fortunately, the people inside reacted quickly and jumped out of the plane as quickly as possible.

But the pilot was not so lucky, and could only fall down with the helicopter.

Ye Kai turned around in the air, and the other half of the helicopter that was cut off flew towards him.


Ye Kai stepped hard on the tail of the helicopter.


He rushed towards another helicopter again.


Ye Kai's eyes were extremely deep, and along with the five undulating imprints on his head, they turned into ghost imprint beads and exploded towards the plane.

How could the speed of the plane be compared with the current Ye Kai?The fuselage of the plane was blown to pieces by ghost seal beads!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Another six paratroopers jumped.

And Ye Kai also fell down.

Da da da……

Countless bullets shot towards the leaves in the air.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, and threw out a frightened puppet.

The puppet is like a shield in the air, helping Ye Kai resist the bullets.

Although it is not the first time to see this kind of thing, Zack still looks amazing.


Ye Kai and the puppet landed safely.

Ye Kai threw a puppet to Zacks, and shouted: "Use this, it's very useful."

Zack took the puppet without any hassle, and then threw it to the ground.

As a result... nothing happened.

"Put a drop of your own blood on it!" Ye Kai shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, oh..." Zack quickly dripped a drop of his own blood, and the puppet became visible to the naked eye, which was more than a little stronger than Ye Kai's.

Countless soldiers surrounded the two of them. Although the dense bullets couldn't hit Ye Kai and Zacks, the two dolls didn't have the same fighting consciousness as the two of them.

"We have to delay for at least ten minutes!" Ye Kai shouted at Zacks.

"Heh, we can finally let go and fight!" Zacks said with a laugh.

In the original book, Zacks can deal with more than fifty soldiers without weapons, still under the premise of protecting Claude.

Now without that burden, the fighting power of Ye Kai and Zacks has increased exponentially.

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