In addition, this is a forest, it is not useful if there are many people...

"They're there! Fire!" shouted a man who looked like a commander.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, put down the ghost formation, and turned on Shura mode himself, rushing over!


Shura Evil Light Slash!

A large number of people on the other side means a dense crowd, and at least twenty people were killed this time.

Ghost print bead!

Ye Kai's cooldown time is very short now, and if the skills don't need money, they seem to be thrown out.

And Zacks is also very powerful, every sword can wield a huge sword energy, although it is only a line of defense composed of two people, but the opponent just can't rush through!

"Use a sword! Get close!" the commander roared.

He has commanded countless battles before, and this time is definitely the most embarrassing one.

Those soldiers don't know what's wrong, as long as they get close to Ye Kai within a certain range, they will be crushed by countless negative states, and [-]% of their strength can't be used for [-]%.

"Hey, are all Shinra soldiers so fragile now?" Zacks slashed three soldiers to death with a sword, and laughed.

"That's because I'm here, otherwise you thought it would be so easy?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

The two were back to back, one cracked the wound, the other destroyed the sword, and stared at the soldiers surrounding them, as well as the two teams of special forces.

"How about seeing who kills more?" Ye Kai smiled.

"Okay, one point for ordinary soldiers, one hundred points for special forces, no cheating." Zacks said indifferently.

There were many enemies, but the two didn't take them seriously at all!

The commander gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. The first-level special forces were really too strong!

It is also a first-level special soldier, even if Zacks is not as good as Sephiroth, the gap is not too big.

Only Sephiroth in the final form can crush the current two.

"Kill!" Ye Kai roared and rushed towards the crowd.

Li Guijian, open!

Brush, brush, brush...

As long as you get close to Ye Kai's body, there is no enemy.

Those special forces were all watching, after all, they were not sure about the two people in their heyday.

"Shinra's lackeys, die for me!" Zacks still had that indifferent smile on his face. In his hands, the huge Destruction Sword was like a wooden sword. No one could stop Zacks' every move. Mode!

"Hey, don't forget, you were once a member of Shinra."


Ye Kai cut off the heads of six opponents with a sword, and the sprayed blood washed him all over, but he didn't care at all.

The originally dry land has become muddy, which is all stained red with the blood of the enemy.

It is estimated that after this, it will be a bloody forest, right?

According to Queen Youxiang's experience, the vegetation here will definitely be very lush!

ps: buffs that have been written once will not be described multiple times, and the same is true for skills that have been described.After all, it is now in the state of charging, so it is suspected that there are a lot of words written.

Chapter 142

Just as Ye Kai and Zacks were killing each other, Xue Beng also started to exert its strength.

Barrett led Sisne to an ambush at the entrance of a military camp.

"Hey, is your bomb really useful?" Barrett frowned.

There is no tunnel at the entrance to the barracks, but planting a bomb in the sewer is not a big problem.

"Of course, produced by Shinra." A beautiful arc appeared at the corner of Sisne's mouth.

"Hmph, it's the fucking Shinra again!" Barrett said disdainfully.

He doesn't have the slightest affection for Shinra, and it would be great if he could destroy Shinra.

However, for Shinra's technology, he is quite trustworthy.

Iris also said that this girl is a trustworthy person.

But Barrett was still worried and brought her out, while Iris was in charge of taking care of Marlene and Claude, Myron was in charge of protecting Iris, and Tifa was in charge of supporting Ye Kai.

bang, bang, bang...

Countless footsteps sounded, and more than a hundred Shenluo soldiers ran out of the barracks, rushing towards the battlefield of Ye Kai and others.

Barrett saw the timing and lightly pressed the button.


A small mushroom cloud rises.

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