More than a hundred soldiers, at least half were killed!

"Eat the bullets, you bastards!"

Barrett stood up, pointing the mechanism arm of his right hand at Shinra's soldiers.

chug chu...

The Gatling-like mechanism arm poured out bullets, as if it wanted to vent all his depression and sadness for more than a year.

Cisne didn't look at it either, she swung a huge shuriken and threw it at Shinra's soldiers.

Barrett and Cisner caught each other by surprise, and the [-]-member squad was wiped out in less than three minutes!

"Let's go, support is coming." Sisner said to Barrett without stopping after killing him.

"Okay!" Barrett roared, and then retreated with Cisne.

Although I don't know how much pressure can be reduced for Ye Kai and Zacks, but it can be reduced a little bit.

Time goes back to the battlefield between Ye Kai and Zacks.

Panting heavily, the two sat back to back.

In the previous battle, Ye Kai's magic power was exhausted, Zacks' physical strength was exhausted, and both dolls turned into rag dolls.

Broken swords were everywhere on the ground, and corpses were everywhere.

More than a thousand people were wiped out by two groups!

The only one who escaped was the commander Rude this time.

The two did not pursue, but looked at the corpses on the ground and laughed at the same time.

"Hey, buddy, your swordsmanship is pretty good, how many did you kill?" Zacks turned his head slightly.

"Based on points, it's more than [-] points." Ye Kai said with a weak face.

"Hey, I'm only a little over a thousand points. Your large-scale skills are too perverted. Unless you give me some grenades, I won't be able to do it." Zacks said with a smile.

"Tch, what's more, if it wasn't for you, I would have asked those special forces to poke a few more holes." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

The scene just now was really a bit thrilling.

The special forces attacked Ye Kai and Zacks when they were at a loss of strength, and they couldn't help but panic for a while.

However, in the dictionaries of Zacks and Ye Kai, these two words have never been abandoned.

When they surrounded him, Zack suddenly jumped up high, regardless of being exposed to countless bullets.

bang, bang, bang...

Zack's body hardness, coupled with his body armor, almost failed to block the opponent's bullets.

I saw Zack staring in the air, holding the destruction sword and smashing it to the ground like a meteor!


The six special forces, finally knowing the gap between them and the first-level special forces, were blown away by the air wave that Zacks set off, and all of them were slightly injured in one move.

Naturally, Ye Kai would not be idle. The moment they flew out, he used the three-stage slash, one with one sword, and killed three of them.

Those who besieged Ye Kai were blown away by Ye Kai's undulating explosion. Zacks did the same thing as Ye Kai, but killed four at his speed.

It was time for the two quesers, and their greatest value was to kill the commander who commanded the soldiers.

The group of soldiers without a leader was just fighting randomly, and many bullets hit their own people.

The remaining six special forces were much more relaxed. Ye Kai resisted with death and took two stabs through the heart, while Zacks hacked them to death with a wave of his hand.

The last three slashed at Zack at the same time, and Zack blocked their weapons with a counterattack.

Ye Kai did not disappoint Zacks, the serious injury seemed to have no effect on him at all, and it was one person with one sword, resulting in three special forces.

After the special forces died, it was a one-sided massacre.

The agility of Zacks and Ye Kai made it impossible for those bullets to hit themselves.

The wounds on the two of them were hurting, and the blood on their bodies was flowing down.

But, they don't care.

When they met on a narrow road, the brave wins, and the two defeated Shinra's men and became the final winners.

When the last soldier fell to the ground, the two sat down directly, back to back, smiling.

Fortunately, there are no rotten women in this era, otherwise the appearance of the two of them would easily remind people of carrying mountains...


Ye Kai took out a bottle of vodka from his backpack and said to Zacks.

"Drink! I haven't had a drink for a long time." Zack snatched the wine and poured it into his mouth from the bottle.

Ye Kai laughed, and pressed Zack's chest with one hand and his abdomen with the other.

Brush, brush.

Four bullets were removed from Zack's body.

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