Zacks still kept drinking, but frowned slightly, showing a bit of the demeanor of a second master scraping bones to heal poison.

After Ye Kai took out his bullet, he took out the bullet on himself.

Then, he took out a whole barrel of wine and poured it down his head.


Ye Kai took a deep breath, alcohol antivirus really hurts.

"Hey, what I'm drinking isn't for you to take a shower?" Zacks said with a smile.

Ye Kai took out another bucket and poured it down along Zack's head.

"Hiss! Keke, it really hurts." Zacks also took a breath, and took a sip of wine during the process.

"Haha, you're the one who talks too much!" Ye Kai laughed.

Bang, bang.

The two barrels were thrown aside by Ye Kai.

"Your space backpack is really amazing." Zacks admired.

"You haven't seen anything more amazing." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.


Ye Kai sat on the ground with his buttocks, panting heavily, he had exhausted his last physical strength for the set of movements just now.

"I can't do it? Haha! Sure enough, I am stronger."

Zacks lifted Ye Kai up, supported him, and walked in the direction of Midgar, smiling as he walked, "Now tell me where the secret path is."

Ye Kai also put on a smile, and said calmly: "Of course, let's go back together."

Chapter 143 Farewell

Ye Kai and Zacks, dragging their seriously injured bodies, got into the sewer...

Fortunately, Tifa was already waiting here.

"You... oh..." Tifa took the alcohol-smelling Ye Kai from Zacks' hand, and shook her head helplessly.

"Oh, it's really fun to fight this time." Zacks laughed.

"Yeah, it's very enjoyable." Ye Kai also smiled.

【All missions completed】

[Reward: Destiny Coin*10]

[One hour left before comeback]

"Have a good night's drink?" Zack suggested.

"Cut! Now is not the time to talk about this, I will leave Xue Beng to you." Ye Kai said calmly.

"Don't make a fuss, what are you doing if you leave Xue Beng to me? Besides, I haven't said to join Xue Beng yet." Zacks looked at Ye Kai with contempt.

"I... will leave soon, and I will leave the fight with Sephiroth to you." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"What?" Tifa asked in surprise.

Her head now turned into a ball of paste in an instant.

Ye Kai shook his head at her, indicating that he would explain to her later.

"Why?" Seeing that Ye Kai wasn't joking, Zack's expression became serious.

"Let Tifa explain to you then!" Ye Kai shook his head slightly.

"I'll go, you rescued me, wouldn't you just have this idea!" Zacks said with a dazed expression.

leave?What does leave mean?Looking at Ye Kai's energetic appearance, it doesn't look like he is going to die.

So, he has other important things?

"Not too much. It should be said that as long as you survive, then I have to leave." Ye Kai spread his hands and said with a smile.

"I don't understand." Zack shook his head.

This is not black witchcraft, how can there be a situation where you have to die if I live.

But Zacks had a feeling in the dark that without Ye Kai, he would definitely die in battle.

Today's battle, if not for Ye Kai and the two puppets, he would not be able to hold on.

"You don't need to understand, but you have to promise me to protect the people of Xue Beng and not let anyone die, okay?" Ye Kai said.

Bang, bang.

Zacks tapped his chest with his right fist and said, "Of course, I don't need you to tell me I will, I'm a man!"

Facing Ye Kai's solemn expression, Zacks also knew that Ye Kai was not joking.

Although he wanted to know why, it didn't stop him from agreeing.

"These two dolls, and this sword, are the man's promise!" Ye Kai took out Roland's guardian and the remaining two dolls, and handed them to Zacks.

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