buzz, buzz, buzz...

Countless gaps appeared on the field, and those vampires who failed all disappeared, being used as fertilizer by Kazami Yuka.

The Battle of the People's Village is over.

Ye Kai looked at Meihong who turned around with a smile, and Huiyin who was full of aggressiveness, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, boss, teacher."

There was a flash of red light on Meihong's body, and all the blood disappeared. She looked at Ye Kai and asked in confusion: "You guy, have you eaten gold carat? Why did you suddenly become bigger?"

Ye Kai spread his hands helplessly and said, "I don't want to either. I have traveled through time for two years and just came back."

"What are you talking about, da☆ze?" Marisa slowly landed from the sky and came among several people.

"Hi, Miss Marisa, your father told me to persuade you to go home when we met." Ye Kai smiled.

"Who wants to go home! Is it over? I'm going to find Alice!" Marisa froze when she heard her father's name, and flew towards the direction of the magic forest without even asking who Ye Kai was. .

Anyway, there are so many youkai in Gensokyo, and she can't recognize them all.

Mei Hong stepped forward and grabbed Ye Kai's hand, and the surging demon power entered Ye Kai's body.

Meihong said in surprise, "I'll go, what have you done in the past two years, your magic power is almost the same as Marisa's!"

Lost home.

Yakumo Zi stared at Ye Kai with an expression of disbelief. Just now, her strength has become much stronger again!

Not only Yakumo Zi, but also Yuyuko, Kazami Yuka, Daitenma, and other monsters who have fallen into bottlenecks have all increased in strength!

This is the fear of monsters brought by the outside world, as well as some beliefs.

Theoretically, Yakumo Zi's realm power is one of the most powerful laws in the world, but although her monster power is powerful, it can at most support a place as big as Gensokyo.

Compared with the saints of China, they are too far behind.

But, she can still strengthen?This is thousands of years... No, how many seventeen years have not changed?

There are many more things in the Great Barrier of Gensokyo.

For example, the one-hundred-mile sea has become three hundred miles, and a small island has appeared in the sea. The island not only has fruits, but also a lot of animals, including tigers, leopards, jackals, and rabbits. Animals such as pigs and deer form a complete biological chain.

That small island also has an area of ​​one hundred miles...

And Ye Kai's house is even more terrifying, there are two more alpacas, two pandas and a small bamboo forest...

"This kid, I'm afraid it's really a treasure. Every time it disappears and reappears, it can make me stronger and make the barrier bigger." Yakumo Zi said with a complicated mood.

"Master Zi, what if his strength one day..." Yakumo Lan said with some melancholy.

"Don't worry, he will never be able to defeat Reimu, because he has that little sword on his body, which actually strengthens him while strengthening the Hakurei barrier. So don't worry, Lan, we will not become him Playing with your crotch." Yakumo Zi covered half of her face with a fan, and said very haughty words with a smile.

"Master Zi, be graceful." Yakumo Lan said dumbfounded.

"Elegance can't be eaten." Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and said.

"Ala, Ala, Zi, I feel like there is something familiar about him." Yuyuko said with a confused expression.

"Are you talking about Yuwentuo's ability? It's too far behind. Yuwentuo's sword went down and landslides, at least at the level of a big monster. Besides, the souls of the two are different, and their appearances are even more different. "Yakumo Zi shook his head and said.

"Well, I'm talking about the inheritance of the two! They look the same! Do you think they know each other?" Youyouzi said with a smile.

"I probably don't know him. Yu Wentuo should be a monster born and bred in this world, and his aura has the smell of a Chinese god like Taigongwang. The blood jade sword on this kid doesn't seem to be a product of this world." Yakumo Zi was confused. After a moment, he shook his head firmly.

"What, what is my Yuyuko thinking?" Yakumozi put down her fan, grasping it with both hands, and looked at Youyuko with a flushed face.

"Zi, you're going to bully me again." Youyouzi said innocently, pouted.

"Hey, come on, let me see if you have grown up."

As soon as the words fell, Yakumo Zi pounced on Yuyuko, her evil hands squeezed towards Yuyuko's plump chest.

"Ah, I'm a ghost, how can I grow up again, Zi, don't..." Youyuko exclaimed, and was thrown down by Yakumo Zi.

Yakumo Lan didn't look there, but looked up at the endless void, as if an orange meow would suddenly appear in the void.

Master Zi is losing his morals again, who can save me!

At this time, I can't go, or I can't go, there are more big barriers to patrol!

The pressure is so great that I feel like I am going crazy!

Chapter 146 Moved

Ye Kai's strength before leaving can be said to be horrible, even the weakest monster like Rumia can't beat it.

But now?He is almost the same as Marisa!

Of course, it doesn't mean how strong Marisa is, but that he has already begun to step into the hall of "being able to see clearly". If he goes out again, won't he be able to catch up with Huiyin?

Go out a few more times, will you be better than yourself?

Meihong looked at Ye Kai in disbelief, this kid's growth rate is off the charts, right?

You must know that although Marisa has such magic power at a young age, the reason is because she has eaten poisonous mushrooms since childhood.

But what about Ye Kai?How long has he been practicing?In the time concept of Meihong and the others, he has practiced for less than a week!

"Well, boss, I'll be embarrassed if you grab me like this." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment, and the sorrow of parting with Tifa was also diluted a lot.

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