He had just parted with Tifa, and the evil right hand was touching Tifa's butt just now, but Meihong caught it just two minutes later.


There was a flash of fire on Ye Kai's body, and Mei Hong used her flame to instantly evaporate the wine and blood on Ye Kai's body, but did not hurt Ye Kai in the slightest.

I have to say that this control is worthy of Meihong.

"Tch, I'm [-] years older than you! What's there to be ashamed of?" Meihong said with contempt on her face.

Looking at Mei Hong, who was a head shorter than himself and looked like a girl, Ye Kai felt helpless.

Although the girls in Gensokyo look like girls, the problem is that they are really not young!

Even the loli vampire at home is probably hundreds of years old.

Suddenly a soft hand was placed on Meihong's shoulder, and she turned around.

Under Meihong's surprised eyes...


A headbutt.

"How dare you speak of me in front of my mother?" Huiyin said viciously.

And Mei Hong, once again turned into a mosquito-repellent eye.

"Hey hey...Mei Hong has passed out, hey hey..." Huiyin laughed wildly, and said to Ye Kai viciously: "Boy, hurry back and return to your life! Are you done with your business?"

The blackened version of Huiyin is obviously not interested in Ye Kai.

Ye Kai quickly nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and quickly ran in the direction of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

It is absolutely irrational to provoke Huiyin at this time.

Although his current strength is considered good in Final Fantasy and the first echelon of human beings in Diablo, he is more than one level behind the perverted girls in Gensokyo.

Even if he becomes stronger in the future, can he do it?

Huiyin is his teacher, Meihong is his adoptive mother, and there are so many friends who have played with him since childhood...

If he did all this, he wouldn't be able to be a human being anymore.

Gensokyo was very dangerous to him when he came back for the first time, and he had thought of not going back to Gensokyo, but no matter how dangerous it was, it was still his home.

He has too many memories here, and too many worries here.

Many people said, since this place is so dangerous, many people can threaten you, why go back?

Ye Kai wanted to laugh when he thought about it, he really didn't feel pain in his back when he stood and talked, he didn't believe there was a city with zero crime rate, a world with no danger.

In the world of his previous life, there were gangsters fighting on the street, robbers breaking into houses to rob, walking and walking might run into landslides, or the flower pots on it fell off, so is that the reason for not going home?

"Ye Kai, Ye Kai!"

Ye Kai, who was walking slowly in the magic forest, suddenly heard a shout.

Ye Kai looked up, but it was Remi who was carrying Gungnir.

"Miss, I'm here!" Ye Kai waved to the sky.

Remi in the air was obviously relieved when he saw Ye Kai, and patted his small chest.

Immediately, she felt that this was not majestic enough, so she slowly fell down.

Ye Kai raised his head and watched Remi descending like a turtle, very speechless.

Finally, Remi landed at the same height as Ye Kai, and said majesticly: "Well, yes, it's fine, how's the result?"

She came out because she was worried about Ye Kai's safety. After all, the other party's tactics were completely beyond Remy's expectations. If Ye Kai had any troubles, she would be very sad.

As long as the people who entered the Scarlet Devil Mansion were her people, they were also her family.

In the current Scarlet Devil Mansion, only she has the ability to go out, and the rest have to prevent the enemy from attacking.

And at night, when she is the strongest or has the best eyesight, no one is more suitable to find someone than her who possesses the power of destiny.

Regardless of whether Ye Kai wins or not, she will take Ye Kai home.

"Annihilate the enemy army!" Ye Kai said rightly.

"Well, I didn't embarrass me at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, let's go back." Remy nodded solemnly.

Is it really the easiest task?Only Ye Kai completed the tactics alone.

The rest of the people, all failed miserably...

Lei Mi herself was successfully trained by Youxiang, Hong Meiling vowed never to go to the Sunflower Field again, Paqi was knocked unconscious by a sap, and the Scarlet Devil's Mansion almost fell.

This is really a bitch!

Gensokyo is so powerful, why is it approached in such a small enchantment?Does your mother know how powerful you are?

But fortunately, at least in Gensokyo, there is only one vampire family of its own, maybe this can be regarded as... winning, right?

Remy nodded proudly, as if she was very satisfied with what she said to herself.

"Well, miss, you came to me because you were worried about me?" Ye Kai asked with some uncertainty.

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