"Using blood to block the eyes is the only way. In fact, Fran's emotions are very stable and mature, and she knows why you locked her in the basement." Paqiuli said indifferently.

"Eh? No, I saw her throwing temper tantrums a while ago." Remy said in surprise.

"Because at that time, she hadn't drank Ye Kai's blood. Ye Kai's blood had a hint of madness, but fighting poison with poison can actually weaken the vampire's disease and the negative effects of talent." Paqiuli said While reading a book.

She didn't speak too profoundly. After all, with Remy's IQ, it was difficult to understand what she was talking about.

"Then, what I want to do is to find the blood of werewolves, and the blood of different vampires, and the blood of Ye Kai. Is that what you mean?" Remy wondered.

Creatures like werewolves have long since become extinct, and the creatures like dogs and dogs on Monster Mountain are not so-called werewolves at all.

A real werewolf is a creature that has fought vampires for hundreds of years.

And the sad thing is that the only race of vampires left is the Remilia family.

I'm afraid that after a long, long time, no other vampires will appear.

With the size of Remi and Fran's stomachs, it is impossible to suck a person's blood, and it is impossible to give a perfect first embrace, and the vampires they create are only defective products.

Or use another method, that is to marry and reproduce.

But Remy and Fran have stopped growing up, and they will be ten-year-old girls at most.

If you don't let go of such a little girl, the gendarmerie is waiting for you...

"Or let Fulan follow Ye Kai. The smell on Ye Kai's body is even crazier than Fulan's. It's hard to imagine how strong Ye Kai will be when he grows up to be a big monster. By Ye Kai's side, the unknown The breath can barely suppress Fulan's breath, very reluctantly." Paqiuli said.


"How can you give your sister to someone else!" Remy slapped the table and shouted.

"I didn't ask you to give Fran to someone else, but let Fran follow him, maybe it will be useful." Paqiuli glanced at Remy and said helplessly.

Knowing this guy, maybe it was a sin I made in my previous life, right?

"By the way, I just remembered that Ye Kai seems to be more than one level stronger than when he went out at night. If he couldn't even beat the goblins in the lake of mist before, it seems that he is as good as the little devil now." Sakuya is almost here." Remy patted her head and said.

"What? Bring it here, I'm going to dissect him!" Paqiuli stood up abruptly.

"Anatomy? This is not allowed. He is the hero of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the only one who completed the task." Remy also stood up, patted her chest and said.

"Dissect him and understand his growth problems, maybe we can find a way to heal Fran." Paqiuli said hurriedly.

"Huh? Didn't you just say that you need three kinds of blood? Why did it change?" Remy tilted her head and said.

"Oh." Patchouli sat down.

She was trying to fool Remy, who knew that Remy would be smart...

Chapter 148 Gifts

And what about Ye Kai?He woke up in a daze, it was already the next morning.

Of course he wasn't knocked unconscious by Remy, but fell asleep.

After all, he was really tired this day.

First, he had a hard fight with Shinra, then parted ways with Tifa, and finally returned to the place of people and fought again, and was beaten by Remy for half an hour.

Ye Kai shook his head, sat up, and found that the clothes on his body had been changed, but fortunately, the underwear was still the same.

Is Sakuya still very sensible, and there are clothes for men at home?But why does this dress look so old?

How did he know that the clothes he was wearing now were worn by Remy's father before his death.

Ye Kai stretched his waist, and changed his clothes back. After all, Sakuya washed that body, and it is now dry.

This is an ordinary room with a very large bed and looks very luxurious.

The furniture inside is simple, but exquisite.

Ye Kai took out his long-lost purse, which contained twenty-three silver coins, which were all his property in Gensokyo.

After casually eating the breakfast left for him on the table, three pieces of bread and a glass of milk, Ye Kai opened the door and went out.

There are still many gifts to give to my little friends.

Following his memory, he walked to the location of the library, pushed open the door of the library as if he was familiar with it, and walked in.

Paqiuli was still reading a book, looking at her thick dark circles, she probably hadn't slept all night.

Ye Kai shook his head and walked in front of Paqiuli.

"Are you up? Sure enough, it has changed. The bone age has grown for at least two years, and it only took a few hours. I really want to dissect you." Paqiuli looked up at Ye Kai, her eyes couldn't hide Keep a look of surprise.

"Well, Muq, don't say such scary things in a serious manner." Ye Kai patted Paqiuli's head with a smile.

"Do you want to die once!" On Paqiuli's forehead, a well appeared visible to the naked eye.

Ye Kai is the only one who can annoy Pseudo Sanwu Paqiuli so much.

Paqiuli just wanted to open the shield to teach Ye Kai a lesson, but suddenly there was a pile of books in front of her.

"For you, I have traveled to other worlds for two years, and I have traveled to three worlds, only one world has magic books.

Among them are Horadrim's magic; Amazon's lightning skills; paladin's battle spirit skills; mage's fire, lightning, ice, and three-line magic; and barbarian's physical training methods; Druid's natural magic; Assassin's way of traps; necromancer's undead magic, bone magic; these are all gifts for you. "Ye Kai said with a smile.

Paqiuli casually took out two books and flipped through them, her pupils shrinking slightly, this is not the cultivation system of this world!At least none of her [-] magic books can overlap with them!

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