"Give it to me?" Paqiuli said with a surprised face.

She didn't expect that Ye Kai gave her so many precious books.

These books are useless to Ye Kai, after all he can't learn.

But for Patchouli, this is a very precious document!

Although Paqiuli has a lot of books and she has been reading them all the time, the books she reads are just to deepen the memory of her brain.

If it is only about the amount of knowledge, I am afraid that only a certain foodie nun can compete with Paqiuli.

The key question, she hasn't seen these!This is scary!

"Of course it was given to you. You are the only magician among the people I know! But remember to return these to me after you finish copying them. You may need them in the future." Ye Kai spread his hands.

"That, thank you..." Paqiuli blushed slightly, feeling guilty for her previous behavior.

She still wanted to open her shield and hit Ye Kai, who asked Ye Kai to touch her head like a child?

Also, I wanted to dissect this nasty guy last night, who told him that he was an undead species?It's okay even if it's dissected, right?

"Wait, you said, another world? Two years? What does this mean?" Paqiuli asked in surprise.

"I want to know too."

"And Master Remy also needs to know!"

Ye Kai turned around and looked at it, he was suddenly confused, did you send it from Kai?Walk silently!

However, he knows Sakuya's time ability.

But Lei Mi... She is simply too much stronger than Ye Kai, so Ye Kai can't find her.

If it was a little devil, Ye Kai should have discovered it by now.

Although this improvement is great, it is still a salted fish in Gensokyo...

"How about this, let's go up and talk while eating." Ye Kai spread his hands and said with a smile on his face.


The sound of a camera shutter.

Several people looked up, and outside the window of Paqi's library, a Wenwen was secretly taking pictures with a camera.

"Wow, it's another big news! The mysterious Scarlet Devil Mansion invites monsters to a banquet. The theme of the banquet is: Vampires failed to conquer Gensokyo, and apologize to all monsters! Hmm, there is also the origin of the sea water three hundred miles away. , the real owner of pandas and alpacas, all of this is a conspiracy of the Scarlet Devil Mansion..."

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Just as Wenwen wrote a special book, countless throwing knives suddenly appeared behind her, all pointing at her.

"Wow! Help! Fengshen girl!"


Wen Wen flew away...

"Master Sakuya, amazing!" Ye Kai gave Sakuya a thumbs up.

Sakuya's strength is similar to Ye Kai's, but her mystery is higher, which is related to time.

It's a pity that most of her combat power comes from this. If she fights with undead species like Ye Kai or Meihong, she will die very rhythmically.

Her weapon was strengthened by Paqiuli last night, from a silver flying knife to a magic-breaking flying knife.

It's a pity, even if this is the case, she is equivalent to a professional at level [-], and she is still a krypton gold equipment party.

Sakuya smiled slightly, very shy.

"How about we have a banquet?" Ye Kai scratched his head.

"Why? It's really like apologizing!" Remy said with a look of resentment.

"Well, the key point is that if those monsters come here in a while, wouldn't it be rude if we didn't prepare for anything?" Ye Kai spread his hands and said to Sakuya.

He dares to guarantee with integrity, no one else will tell, Yuyuko, Yakumo Zi, Meihong, Huiyin, Rumia, these people will definitely come!

"Hmph! Don't lose my prestige in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Paqi, prepare to protect the mansion. If they come to cause trouble or want us to apologize, we will make dumplings for them! China is a good word." Remy said. Said with a dignified face.

"Miss, then I'm going to prepare food." Sakuya bowed and disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, wait, I'm here to give gifts, why did it suddenly turn into a banquet?" Ye Kai patted his forehead and said.

"I don't know either." Paqiuli looked at Ye Kai innocently, expressing that she was also very helpless.

Chapter 149 text.news

Wenwen.News: Shocking news, the inside story of the vampire invasion!

Ye Kai, see Ye Kai again!All this is not a conspiracy of the Lost House, but a conspiracy of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!

What kind of secrets are hidden in the huge mansion that appeared out of thin air?

After the reporter went deep into the tiger's den to investigate, he found that all this was a conspiracy of the vampire Remilia Scarlet.

She first planned Dracula's attack on Youkaishan, Renzhili, and Hakurei Shrine, and then asked Ye Kai to help defend Renzhili. This is a soft invasion of Gensokyo, using another wave of vampire life to consume the enemy existence and earn your own fame!

The magician Paqiuli went to the magic forest, joined forces with the seven-color puppet girl Alice, and wanted her to join the Scarlet Devil Mansion. They are now negotiating. According to the reports of the parties, there is only one condition that does not make Alice fall in love. Will Alice be in the future? Join the Red Devils?let us wait and see.

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