Ye Kai shrugged, seeing that she wasn't entangled with what happened last night, he couldn't help but overestimate her, and told her the correct way to eat.

She is also a big-hearted person, and she doesn't care about this kind of magic at all.

Gold coins can summon pirate ships, so what are some strange fruits?

As for the black tequila, she didn't drink it either, she doesn't like it very much.


She just said she wouldn't drink, but before Ye Kai could make a move, Jack snatched him over and gulped it down.

Ye Kai shrugged and said with a smile, "You bastard, it's just a bottle of wine."

Jack wiped his mouth, leaned back, stretched out two fingers, pointed at Ye Kai and said, "Didn't you also want to do it just now? Friend."

Ye Kai stood up, looked into the distance, and said calmly: "By the way, you should look at the road, right? Are you sure you didn't drive wrong?"

Jack returned to the helm with the wine in his hand, and said proudly, "Who do you think I am? I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Ye Kai couldn't deny it, no matter what his character was, he was really capable.

"That...Ye Kai, can you teach me swordsmanship?"

Elizabeth looked at Ye Kai and said hesitantly.

Ye Kai was idle anyway, nodded to her and said, "Sure, but I don't know your swordsmanship, I hope you don't mind, I can only imitate roughly."

Elizabeth also just wanted to be more able to protect herself, so she naturally agreed.

Ye Kai found a good rapier in the cabin and began to teach Elizabeth the basic skills.

One method can master a hundred methods, and there are only a few ways to use the sword. A master can only turn decay into magic.

Ye Kai recalled Marin and Will's swordsmanship while guiding Elizabeth. In less than half a day, she was able to play decently.

It's just that the footsteps are sloppy, the strength is insufficient, and the response is insufficient. It is just a show, and it will be almost the same if you practice for a few years.

Elizabeth's hard work and earnestness were beyond Ye Kai's expectations. When correcting her posture, Ye Kai was unwilling to make physical contact, but just beat back and forth with the scabbard, and she didn't complain.

It was Ye Kai who disliked her appearance or figure, she finally knew this...

It is really awkward to use this kind of swordsmanship, Ye Kai still likes his own way of attacking with wide open and close, this is the romance of a man.

"Friends, Tortuga is coming soon, are you ready to enjoy this pirate city?"

Jack was driving the boat with a high-spirited look on his face.

The ship has entered the vicinity of a small island, and if it wants to enter the interior, it has to enter through a somewhat narrow opening, which is also to prevent the naval fleet from attacking.

Ye Kai flicked the samurai sword casually, and said with a smile: "Of course, I hope that the so-called pirate city will not disappoint me. Are there any rules in it?"

"It's okay to fight, as long as you win the fight, don't kill people inside, as long as you leave the port, you can do whatever you want." Jack said the so-called rules with a face of indifference.

In fact, the rules inside are that there are no rules, but if you kill people inside, you will be hostile by pirates, which has become an unspoken rule, and you have to go to sea to solve things.

Ye Kai shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not a bloodthirsty person, but you, don't cause trouble and let me solve it."

"I'll let you see my connections and prestige there!" Jack said proudly.

"hope so……"

Chapter 17 I'm a Pirate

Chaotic, very chaotic, chaotic to a certain level.

The streets are full of rubbish, people are everywhere, and fights abound.

What's more interesting is that many people are shooting in the air, shooting into the trees, and shooting at the sign of the tavern.

The smell of gunpowder smoke, rum, and the sea spread in this wonderful city, forming a unique rhythm.

Elizabeth followed Ye Kai closely, not daring to go far, if she was taken away by some pirate, she would not be able to find a tune.

The women here basically wear heavy makeup, and Elizabeth is like a white lotus in the mud, which naturally attracts more attention.

Fortunately, there is no one who has come up to find fault, otherwise Elizabeth will be at a loss.

Ye Kai didn't care. With his ability, it would not be difficult to kill Elizabeth with him.

Still the same sentence, dealing with this kind of pirates who get together and fight in groups is much easier than dealing with the regular army. As long as you kill a dozen or so, no one will provoke him.

He didn't care at all if he was wanted by pirates.

Anyway, leave after completing the task, and the account will be taken over by dear Captain Jack...

"How about it, isn't it a good place? If you take a big breath, you will have a fragrant fragrance." Jack introduced while wielding his sword.

Ye Kai looked around, a drunkard was pouring wine into his mouth with two huge wooden cups, the wine dripped onto his clothes without realizing it.

A little guy is being thrown around on the second floor by a drunkard who can throw him off if he's not careful.

Add to that the smell of bad perfume, and the lingering stench of pirates...

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly, "I really don't know what kind of life you lived before."

Elizabeth leaned closer to Ye Kai's side, and said with some trepidation: "This is hell."

Ye Kai shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I think this place is more like a paradise, a paradise for pirates. They are a group of guys who don't follow the order. They should be at ease here. Unfortunately, I probably can't be a pure pirate. .”

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