Too dirty, too messy, too poor.

Ye Kai is indeed more suitable for a civilized society.

Jack said regretfully, "That's such a pity, my friend."

He said it was a pity, but Ye Kai didn't know if he really felt it was a pity.

At this time, a woman in red clothes, with long red hair, whose face was so powdered that she couldn't see her original face, came over.

With surprise on his face, Jack pointed at her and said, "Scarlett!"

After speaking, he walked towards Scarlett.


A loud slap was his answer, and Scarlett turned and left.

Jack's head was slapped back, looking at Ye Kai's half-smile eyes, he said with a troubled expression: "This slap doesn't seem to be for me."

After speaking, he turned his head again.

This time it was a pale blond woman with heavy make-up and light yellow revealing clothing.

Jack seemed to have noticed something, and said solemnly, "Giselle?"

"Who is she?" Giselle glanced at the direction Scarlett left just now with a half-smile.

Jack didn't react, and asked in confusion: "What?"


It was another loud slap, the movement was exactly the same as that of Scarlett.

"Maybe I deserve it?"

Jack is too lazy to argue...


Elizabeth laughed, as if laughing at Jack's embarrassment.

"Hey boy, how about selling this chick to me?"

A burly man came over, followed by four or five very strong guys.

The big man held a huge ax in one hand and a long musket in the other, looking at Ye Kai arrogantly.

The pirates around suddenly started to watch the excitement and booed from the sidelines.

"Hey, boy, teach this big man a lesson." A balding alcoholic with a long beard shouted from the side, and he looked a little delirious.

"Big man, sell him to me, I like such a man!" A skinny man looked at Ye Kai with a green light in his eyes, many aristocratic old women like such an oriental man.

"Hey, this kid is too thin." A fat pirate next to him reminded.He still has a bit of conscience, knowing that Ye Kai will probably break his waist overnight if he is sold to those old women.

"Wait, isn't that our great Pirate King of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow? The crew is a skinny kid and a chick? Stop being pirates." Finally someone recognized Jack, but the words should be mocking Bar?

Ye Kai glanced at Jack with a half-smile, and said contemptuously, "Pirate King? You are very popular."

Not to mention Ye Kai, even Jack didn't take the big guys on the opposite side seriously. One must know that the strongest among pirates doesn't just depend on who is big.

Ye Kai clenched the samurai sword in his hand, ready to teach this big man an unforgettable lesson at any time.

As for those clamoring around, Ye Kai didn't answer at all.

This place is very suitable for Ye Kai, that is, talking with big fists.

Whoosh, click.

Before Ye Kai could make a move, the gun in Jack's hand was already pointed at the big man's head, and Jack leaned forward with a smile on his face, and said softly: "You are very strong, young man, how about it? Be old Jack's crew? If you don't join the crew, it's either fuck or die."

The big man didn't react, but he heard someone calling Pirate King or something.

Although Jack seemed to be smiling, the murderous intent had spread to the big man. He could feel that Jack was very upset now and wanted to find someone to vent his anger on.

There are only nine Pirate Kings recognized by pirates. Could this one be the most mysterious one?

Good and evil hover at his feet, no one knows what he thinks, no one knows what he can do.

This is Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the big man's head, and he said awkwardly: "Well, sorry, I didn't know she was your cargo."

I wanted to bully the newcomer, but I didn't expect to kick the iron board.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jack's expression and saw that he didn't mean to delve into it, so he led the people away in a desperate manner.

Ye Kai picked out his ears, and said indifferently: "Yo, not bad, I thought you would leave this opportunity for me to pretend to be slapped in the face."

Jack shrugged, put away the gun, and said with a smile, "If I leave it to you, that little baby will be ruined and become your stepping stone."

"Isn't that good?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

Jack played with the sword in his hand, smiled and said, "Of course not, you don't belong to the world of pirates, you are more like a pure adventurer. And I am a pirate!"

Chapter 18 Gibbs

Ye Kai didn't expect Jack to be so persistent in his identity as a pirate. That should be his belief, right?

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