Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, what she said was so reasonable, I was speechless.

Ye Kai took out the money bag, took out twenty silver coins, handed it to Lingmeng and said, "That's all, I'll give it to you."

"Thank you!" Lingmeng snatched the money, his eyes glowing golden.

Ye Kai sighed, touched Lingmeng's little head and said, "I will leave my pet to you."

"Yeah!" Lingmeng Chick nodded as if pecking rice.

Twenty silver coins, equivalent to the spending power of two thousand coppers, pandas eat bamboo, alpacas eat grass and leaves, how can it be possible for pandas to eat meat with Lingmeng's character?

As for Ye Kai's head-touching killing, Lingmeng didn't pay attention because of her joy.

Ye Kai didn't touch it for too long, he took his hand back after touching it.

"Let's go to the banquet first, Hakurei Miko." Hong Meiling said with a smile.

It seems that Ye Kai is really popular.

Even if Lingmeng was robbed, not everyone robbed it.

Ye Kai always has a heart of compassion for Lingmeng, and he doesn't know why, he just feels that he and Lingmeng have another fate in the dark.

Could it be that the two of them are related to the seventh generation's resentful couple?Ye Kai thought maliciously.

"That's right! I forgot, I'm here to promote the spell card rules, so I'll go in first." Reimu patted his forehead and walked in.

Last night, Yakumo Zi found Reimu overnight, explaining the current problem in Gensokyo.

Because Gensokyo is isolated from the outside world, monsters cannot go outside Gensokyo to prey on humans, so it is stipulated that monsters cannot prey on humans casually, and provide food for monsters that cannot feed themselves, which greatly weakens the power of some monsters.

Although the arrival of Ye Kai makes some monsters that rely on human belief or fear no longer weak, but become stronger. When they become strong to a certain extent, everyone will easily fight real fire in battle, which will affect the entire Gensokyo. It must be done.

This time Reimu and Yakumo Zi participated in the banquet, partly to sign a vampire treaty with Remilia, allowing vampires to go to the people to buy blood, but not to prey on humans.

How did they know that even if they were sucked by Remy, she would not be able to suck people to death...

The other part is to promote the spell card rules that Reimu and Yakumo Zi have long wanted to promote.

The spell card rule is a rule formulated in order to prevent them from using more power than necessary during the struggle between humans, monsters and other races in Gensokyo.

During the duel, both parties prepare any number of spell cards representing the skills they are good at using. Before the duel, indicate the number of spell cards used in the duel. If all the spell cards are cracked by the opponent, or the physical strength is exhausted, the Count as a defeat.

Even if there is still remaining physical strength to fight, if there are no spell cards to use, you must admit defeat.In addition to comparing strengths in fighting methods, there are also some competitions on the spiritual level through the gorgeousness of moves.

This has also caused the phenomenon that the weak may defeat the strong, as long as it is used well within the rules.

If you challenge Hakurei Miko, you have to face the Dream Talisman and her Yin Yang Orb.

If the barrage hits Reimu too much, Reimu will be judged as defeated.

And if she uses Dream Born close to her, it will be judged that the other party has lost.

Since dreams are born with only one chance, Reimu will use dream charms or barriers to seal the opponent's actions, and then use unique moves to instantly kill the opponent.

Of course, it's okay to fight hand-to-hand with Reimu, and Reimu will be happy to play with you.

After all, every mage has a melee heart!

But... Reimu's body strengthened by the Great Barrier is comparable to the strength of the Onizu, so only the Onizu or Kazami Yuka will give Reimu a chance to fight in close combat.

This rule has nothing to do with Ye Kai, he is the only one who can't fly, and the power system of Ghost Swordsman can't accommodate others, even if he is exhausted, he can't fly.

Dodging the barrage on the ground... It's unrealistic to think about it.

This also made it unnecessary to make a spell card declaration when fighting Ye Kai, just fight as you want...

ps: Unsurprisingly, I lost a lot of subscriptions. It should be because there are too many updates and I can’t keep up with the pirated versions. Sure enough, I still have to take my time...

By the way, I am afraid that a small half of the subsequent plots will be in Gensokyo. It is rare to come out after traveling through several worlds at a time. If you don’t like it, skip it, don’t force it.

pps: This paragraph is free.

Chapter 152 Foodie's Favorability

Ye Kai didn't know about the future, but he knew that when Lingmeng arrived, the banquet could almost begin.

What he didn't notice was that not far away, a woman in ordinary clothes and wearing an Ultraman mask glanced here, nodded and left.

My daughter has grown up, so I don't need to worry about her anymore.

Well, I can finally justifiably be lazy, and my next goal is to find someone to support me, right?

Ye Kai and Hong Meiling walked in and found that everyone had already started eating and drinking.

The Scarlet Devil's House is basically pastries, but there is ample supply of drinks, which are all red wine and sake hoarded before.

On a huge long table, Remy was sitting majestically in the middle, with Zi Yakumo and Reimu on both sides, discussing something.

It seems that Remy is very interested in this new spell card rule.

Although the strength of this spell card rule is very obvious, but at least the weak have a chance to win, and it's more interesting, isn't it?

Powerful monsters can naturally rely on the rules to summon an overwhelming barrage with a single spell card.

As for the weak monsters, although there are not many bullet screens to summon, as long as they hit all the bullet screens and avoid most of the bullet screens from the strong, they still have a chance to win.

Just like Marisa's magic cannon, it belongs to the concentrated barrage, and the number must be limited.

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