If it wasn't for Reimu's participation, both sides would set the condition of blood volume to be about the same, to see who consumes it first, and if they collapsed due to force majeure, that would be a loss, such as in the case of Paqiuli's anemia.

Although the barrage is docile, each barrage will carry the mysterious power of the monster itself, such as Yakumo Zi's realm, Yuyuko's death, and Remy's fate. From this point of view, it is very unfair to the little monster .

But what Reimu and Yakumo Zi pursue is only relative fairness, does an absolutely fair world really exist?

Remy has already agreed to this rule. After the banquet, Reimu will have to go to places like Old Hell, Yokai Mountain, and Sun Flower Field for a few days.

Yakumo Zi is in charge of the rest.

Ye Kai casually found a seat and sat down, but it was between Youyouzi and Meihong.

All eyes were on Ye Kai.

The current position is like this: Yakumo blue, Yakumo purple, Remi, Reimu, Sakuya, Youmu.

On the other side: Hong Meiling, Paqi, Huiyin, Meihong, Ye Kai, Youyouzi.

Rumia and two goblins have already followed Yakumo Zi's orange and a lot of goblin maids to have fun with the little devil.

"Now, where do we start?" Ye Kai asked with a smile.

"Well, let's start from the beginning!" Remy said softly.

Afterwards, Ye Kai narrated all the worlds he experienced and his ability to travel through.

I won’t go into the details, and I really want to copy the previous volumes.

"That's probably the case. Is there anything you want to know?" Ye Kai spread his hands.

"Can you take people through time travel? Can you go to the designated plane?" Remy patted the table and stood up, looking at Ye Kai seriously.

But with her petite frame, this action is very cute.

"Can you bring back the gold through time travel?" Reimu also stood up.

The two wanted to go together, but one was for the younger sister, the other for the money...


It was Yakumo Zi who tapped Reimu's head with her fan.

"Ouch! What are you doing, old lady Zi? Are you courting death?" Lingmeng said with a dissatisfied face, the Yin Yang Jade had already arrived in her hands.

"The population is going to expand recently, so the previous currency system is going to be abolished and replaced with paper money." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Huh? Aren't the copper coins used properly?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

"No, copper coins are too heavy. Human physique must be considered. Don't forget that you were human a few days ago, brother Ye Kai. Besides, the Kappa needs a lot of metal to improve its technology." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"How dare you ignore Lord Remy, believe it or not, stab you to death ten thousand times!" Remy yelled at Ye Kai.

Remi has always been impatient with Fran...

"Ah...it seems...wait a minute!" Ye Kai frowned.

【Support Soldier System: Enhanced Version】

[The number of people that can be carried: 0-2, depending on the world]

[Ultimate Edition: The system time rules are completed, and can be opened after awakening. After opening, it will be synchronized with the time of Gensokyo, and can carry 1-3 people]

[Favourability limit: 90+]

[Check favorability...]

[The remaining gold coins of the host are not enough to pay the favorability system to open]

【No money to play with you xx】

[I can't see the specific favorability, only those who meet the conditions]

【Fujiwara Meihong, Saigyoji Yuyuko, Rumia】

Ye Kai was stunned, he could really take people through time!

"It's possible, but it needs to meet certain conditions. At present, the only ones who can go with me are Boss Meihong and Youyouzi. It depends on whether the world allows it or not." Ye Kai said helplessly.

As for Rumia, she is a cute one, how could she be brought along?Her strength, Ye Kai, can hit her twice with one hand!

Of course, the current Rumia...

"What conditions need to be met?" Remy asked with some doubts.

"Yeah, I'm curious too." Yakumo Zi opened the folding fan, fanned the wind, and said softly.

This is a major matter related to Gensokyo, if Ye Kai can bring the powerful Remy, it will only benefit him and not harm him.

As for herself, it is impossible for her to leave Gensokyo. After all, Gensokyo is her lifeline, so she is not at ease if she is to leave.

"Maybe it's... how good is my relationship with me? In fact, I don't know very well. I only know that it's the favorability, but I don't know if it's me for them or they for me." Ye Kai spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Hmph, of course they did it to you, otherwise, how could it be possible that Mrs. Remy, who is worthy of your admiration, could not meet the conditions?" Remy said with a look of disgust.

After thinking about it, Lei Mi couldn't help being a little irritable. Could it be that the younger sister's affairs should be entrusted to Ye Kai?

She really wanted to do something for her sister herself, but the conditions seemed not to allow it.

"Is that so? Next time if there is danger, remember to take me there." Meihong stared at Ye Kai and said in a deep voice.

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