"Of course." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Meihong watched him grow up, and she is also the person he trusts the most. No one will harm his Meihong. It can be said that his life is given by Meihong. Ye Kai will naturally support what she wants to do.

"Ala, Ye Kaisang, since I like you so much, Mr. Youyouzi is tired of these snacks." Youyouzi hugged Ye Kai's arm and said softly.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and now he was very doubtful, whether it was as long as whoever fed Youyouzi enough, Youyouzi would have a high degree of affection for him.

This is not alarmist talk, with Yuyuko's character, it is really very possible!

Chapter 153 What about the fuck?

One thousand gold coins, bought a bunch of wine and food, and the inventory of Dark World and Final Fantasy, which filled a table.

Yuyuko ate with a happy face, completely changed into two people from when there was only cakes just now.

She listened carefully to Ye Kai's words and ate very gracefully.

But the speed... didn't mean to slow down at all.

Ye Kai wanted to know how she managed to eat so gracefully and so quickly.

"Hey, little brother Ye Kai is so generous." Yakumo Zi opened the folding fan and said with a smile.

Yakumo Zi also overheard the importance of Ye Kai's gold coins, but Youyouzi seemed to be Ye Kai's nemesis, and sooner or later he would make Ye Kai poor.

Looking at Youyouzi holding his arm, Ye Kai couldn't laugh or cry, can this be done without generosity?Yuyuko has such a high favorability for herself, no matter how you look at it, she has to feed to maintain her favorability.

Ye Kai gently touched Youyouzi's head, and Youyouzi showed an expression of enjoyment.

Ye Kai has a feeling that he seems to be keeping a pet...

It would be great if I could take him back to raise him!

As soon as he raised his head, it was Youmu's dark expression that made him stop that evil hand decisively.

This owner is very concerned about Youyuko!

Yakumo Zi showed a dangerous look again, this bastard, how dare he molested Yuyuko in front of me?No, I have to find some trouble for him, but how can I find it?

"By the way, this perfect amethyst is very suitable for you, keep it for fun." Ye Kai slapped his forehead, took out the amethyst from the space backpack, and handed it to Yuyuko.

Except for diamonds to be made into rings in the future, the remaining gems are of no use to Ye Kai and can only be sold for money.

But after staying in another world for two years, how can you not give some gifts to increase your favorability?

"Huh? Gave it to me?" Youyouzi was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly she still had a present to take.

She took the perfect amethyst and felt warm in her heart.

Unexpectedly, besides Zi and Youmu, there are people who remember her.

Hmph, it's not in vain that I like you so much.

The smell on Ye Kai's body is really familiar and smells good.

Amethyst is full of purple air, which is very mysterious, and it contains the power of magic, so it is very valuable at first glance.

"There is also the boss." Ye Kai took out another ruby ​​and handed it to Meihong.

"Hey, you're a good bastard!" Meihong took the ruby ​​with a smile, and her surprise flashed across her face.

Inside this ruby, there is actually a smell of fire. This is a magic stone!

She casually put it in the pocket of her trousers, planning to go back and make a necklace to string it up.

The relationship between her and Ye Kai is the best among these people, even if Ye Kai gives his artifact to Mei Hong, she will not be surprised, nor will she refuse.

This is how she and Ye Kai get along. It is only natural for a son to respect his mother, isn't it?

Ye Kai took out the perfect sapphire again, handed it to Remy, and said with a smile, "Miss, this is yours."

"Hmph, you've got the heart." Remi snatched the sapphire. She obviously liked it very much, but she showed an expression of "I accept you as a gift to save face".

Originally, Ye Kai didn't take Remi's part, after all, he was just a part-time worker, so there was no need to be so kind to Remi.

But yesterday, when he saw that Remi didn't change her clothes, and came out to look for him with a seriously injured body, he was immediately moved. It is estimated that his favorability for Remi was at least [-] or more.

"Teacher Huiyin probably doesn't like such vulgar things. I got you a lot of books in another world, including textbooks, and books that teach teachers how to get along with children." Ye Kai "transformed" a bunch of books with a smile .

"Well, the teacher has been looking forward to it for a long time." Huiyin smiled.

She has never known how to get in touch with children or how to give interesting lectures.

In fact, Ye Kai knew this. After all, there were many excellent teachers in his previous life, who could give lessons that made people not sleepy.

But what Ye Kai said, and a book summed up by a world, always have a different weight.

With Huiyin's personality, it's okay to let her take it easy, but if she guides her, she will definitely get hit on the head, and she won't accept it.

"This perfect emerald is for you, Hong Meiling." Ye Kai took out an emerald and handed it to Hong Meiling. The color of her clothes matched the emerald quite well.

"Huh? And mine? Thank you fellow." Hong Meiling took the emerald without taking it seriously. Anyway, when she was in Huaxia, people often gave her gifts.

This is the first time in Gensokyo.

But in terms of Chinese etiquette, it's no big deal for Ye Kai to bring her some presents, didn't you see both Remi and Youyuzi?

"This pocket watch is for Sakuya-sama. I think your pocket watch is a bit old, so I bought a new one in a technologically advanced world." Ye Kai took out a pocket watch and handed it to you. Sakuya.

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