"Thanks, Ye Kai." Sakuya took the pocket watch gently.

If you give her gems, she probably won't accept it. She is not as big-hearted as Remy, but very sensible.

The relationship between her and Ye Kai couldn't reach the level of accepting a gem casually.

And a pocket watch, both exquisite and not very expensive, was just right for her.

Afterwards, Ye Kai poured himself a cup of black tequila and drank it in one gulp.

"No more?" Yakumo Zi asked in a daze.

"It's gone?" Lingmeng took out the Yin-Yang Jade and said with a dangerous face.

"It's gone, all my friends have been delivered." Ye Kai had a strange look on his face. They only met Ye Kai once, so there is no need to give them gifts.

"No, there is one person missing." Ye Kai patted his forehead and said.

Yakumo Zi and Lingmeng looked at Ye Kai expectantly with such an expression on their faces.

And Ye Kai took out a topaz, handed it to Paqiuli, and said with a smile: "There is an electric element in this gem, which should not exist in this world. I gave it to you for research."

"Thank you." Paqiuli blushed and took the topaz from Ye Kai.

She is similar to Lei Mi, both of the unsophisticated type, and she doesn't care about Ye Kai's gifts.

Anyway, I have collected so many precious magic books this morning, so it's the same for another gem.

I touch, I touch...

Ye Kai lowered his head, and found that Lingmeng was in front of him, touching his body, picking out his pockets everywhere.

He suddenly frowned, and found that there seemed to be something extra in his body, and he kept touching his internal organs, which made him very uncomfortable.

Yakumozi stretched a hand into the gap, and muttered, "Where is this portable space? Why can't I touch it?"

"I don't believe it's all gone, how can I not have my share, gem, it's very valuable, okay?" Lingmeng said while pulling out Ye Kai's pocket.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, what the hell, are you going to rob me if I didn't give you a gift?What about ethics?

Chapter 154 The Unscrupulous Duo

The banquet was in full swing, and everyone was discussing what spell cards to use and what spell cards to make in the future.

Remy kept holding the sapphire in her hand, waving her little hand happily.

Sakuya covered her nose with a handkerchief, and looked at Remi with a gentle face.

Remy's wealth can be said to be one of the richest monsters in Gensokyo, but she likes Ye Kai's gifts, which are completely different from those who paid tribute to their family and the money she earned herself.

In Gensokyo, Ye Kai might be the first to recognize the Scarlet Devil Mansion, right?It was earlier than Hong Meiling.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Paqiuli began to read the books again, all of which were given by Ye Kai.

She wants to read it as quickly as possible, and then study the power system of the dark world.

Meihong was drinking while licking skewers. Anyway, Remy said that even if she was drunk, there was room for them to live here.

Huiyin looked at Meihong tenderly, anyway, when Meihong was drunk, the two of them could sleep together again, so shy.

Yuyuko was cleaning the food by herself, watching Youmu very happily.

In this case, Master Youyouzi will have a deposit that will not harm Bai Yulou for a while, right?

As for Yakumo Lan, she looked at Orange on the field with a gentle smile on her face. It was hard to see that Orange was her shikigami, and she thought it was her daughter.

According to Reimu's barrage rules, several people played a barrage game.

Although Cheng couldn't inherit Yakumo's surname, her strength should not be too easy to crush three idiots.

"My mother is the strongest!" Qi Lunuo's ice talisman flew towards Cheng.

The bullet screens that her spell cards could create were limited, and they were all avoided by Orange deftly.

Immediately, countless barrages hit Qi Lunuo, knocking her unconscious.

"Cirno sauce!"

The big goblin quickly helped Qi Lunuo, who had the ⑨ symbol in his eyes.

"Wow, Orange is amazing!" Rumia clapped her hands.

"Hmph, of course, you will be my little brothers from now on." Cheng pinched his waist with both hands and said proudly.

"What does little brother do?" Rumia asked puzzled.

"Well, I'm in charge of your food, little brother, so you go and help me fight!" Cheng thought for a while.

Lost House naturally has a computer, and it can also connect to the outside world. Cheng just watched Young and Dangerous recently, and he has the idea of ​​​​becoming a big brother...

"Wow, yes, yes!" Rumia clapped her hands.

Although she can go to Ye Kai's to eat and drink, but the big goblin and Qi Lunuo are still hungry and full, and it would be better if someone takes care of them.

And what about Ye Kai?He was cornered by two girls.

"Oh hehehe, little brother Ye Kai, you didn't bring me a gift when you went out far away, what should I say?" Yakumozi said with a dangerous face.

"Hey, we don't know each other very well, besides, you, a thief, stole my things before." Ye Kai said with a speechless expression.

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