Jack looked at Ye Kai for help.

But the unscrupulous owner gave it a helpless look.

Chapter 155 Ye Kai's Swordsmanship


Not to be outdone, Yakumo Zi grabbed Jack and hugged him in her arms.

Yakumo Zi's bust is not comparable to Reimu's yellow-haired girl, Jack was suffocated by facial cleanser for a while and almost smothered to death.

Ye Kai looked at Jack enviously, he really wanted to change places with Jack...

"Old woman Zi, you want to snatch my monkey?" Lingmeng took out the Yin-Yang Jade and stared at Zi Yakumo.

In fact, Lingmeng is not strong at all, not much better than Ye Kai, at most about [-] levels, but it can't stand people's cheating!She is invincible as long as she is within this Hakurei Great Barrier.

When fighting for money, Reimu is simply at the max level.

"Reimu, don't you want to sell this monkey? Then I bought it, and when the currency exchange starts, you can get an extra ten thousand." Zi Yakumo said with a smile.

"Really?" Lingmeng immediately smiled, and the monkey stopped paying attention.

Yakumo Zi naturally has her exquisiteness in addition to losing her integrity. She has already studied the creatures in the sea that suddenly appeared. Although they have an alien atmosphere, those creatures have been filtered once when they entered Gensokyo.

And this monkey is full of innate spirituality, and sooner or later it will become a monster, plus it has a different world aura...

Maybe after thorough research, Yakumo Zi can open the gap to that world and establish a stable channel.

That world is relatively primitive, and everyone is in awe of ghosts, gods and monsters, which can greatly enhance the current Gensokyo.

When Gensokyo becomes a world by itself, maybe this cage can be broken.

Although Gensokyo is Yakumo Zi's lifeblood, this Gensokyo is actually no different from a cage.

Because the power of many girls in Gensokyo is too mysterious and suppressed by various forces, they had to come in and act like a good baby.

Zi Yakumo has been feeling a little tired of maintaining the balance of Gensokyo all the year round. Although she usually looks like a monster and idler, she is very concerned about freedom.

Seeing that both of them were happy, Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that the two of them had no malicious intentions, they were just losing their morals on a daily basis.

What made Ye Kai feel sad and indignant, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, on the contrary, he felt very happy about it. Could it be that he was born to tremble?

Seeing Ye Kai's appearance, Yakumo Zi smiled slightly.

She has seen through Ye Kai's character for a long time, and it is difficult to make friends with Ye Kai in normal communication, but if she has nothing to do with him and makes harmless jokes with him, she can quickly get along with him instead.

Meihong beats Ye Kai when she has nothing to do, and Huiyin does the same. The two beat Ye Kai from childhood to adulthood, otherwise Ye Kai would be really disobedient!

And what about Remy?The relationship with Ye Kai became better because they didn't know each other without fighting, and it was the same with Paqiuli.

Youyouzi was even more ruthless, and almost made Ye Kai poor before he was reconciled.

Ye Kai has always felt that playing around like this, and that he will stand up when something goes wrong, this is the real friend, and this is why he regards Remi and Yuyuko as friends.

Whether it was Yuyuko helping him to block Kazami Yuka's aura, or Remi's lonely search, he was very moved.

Thinking of something inexplicable, Ye Kai returned to the banquet.

I saw that Youyouzi was still mopping up, and Meihong was already drunk, and was carried away by Huiyin.

Poor Meihong, I don't know what will happen to Huiyin tonight.

"You're back? Youmeng is looking for you." Youyuzi whispered to Ye Kai.

"Youmeng? Why are you looking for me?" Ye Kai was stunned for a moment.

"Discussion." Yaomeng said indifferently.

She took out two wooden knives, threw one of them to Ye Kai, and said calmly: "As a court master of Baiyulou, it is necessary to practice swordsmanship to the extreme."

Ye Kai shrugged, and shook the wooden knife in his hand, the weight was not bad.

Youmeng can't use her own weapon and Ye Kai's weapon to slash at each other. If Ye Kai's weapon is cut off, it will be difficult to explain, maybe Lord Yuyuko will take the opportunity to give her knife away...

"Come on!" Ye Kai smiled.

After the battle with Sephiroth, he really hadn't competed with someone at the swordsman level.


Youmeng slashed towards Ye Kai, no matter the posture, angle, speed, or strength, they were all impeccable, completely the peak of what Youmeng could achieve.

Ye Kai didn't even think about holding back when he was competing with the girl in Gensokyo.

With a turn of the sword in his hand, the sword shadows all over the sky pressed towards Youmeng.

Of course, the ghost swordsmanship is not just a few back and forth like in the game, but a complete set of swordsmanship, with the most emphasis on actual combat.

As for the Ligui swordsmanship performed with the Taidao, there is only one word: hurry up!

In the shadow of swords all over the sky, pursue the sure-killing sword!

It can be said that all the tricks are false moves, and it can be said that all the tricks are real moves!

Youmeng is also worthy of being Baiyulou's court master and Yuyuko's owner, and his strength is not as weak as it seems.

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