As fast as Ye Kai's knife is, she can do it as fast as she can, and she is completely in a fight with Ye Kai.

not far away.

Yakumo Zi sat beside Yuyuko, and said to Yuyuko, "How about it, who do you think will win?"

Yuyuko ate two skewers of takoyaki in one go, and said with a smile on her face, "Youmu wins."

Yakumo Zi moved her face closer to Youyuko, smiled and said, "Yo, I thought you were going to win against Ye Kai."

Youyouzi shook his head and said: "Impossible, Yaomeng has learned swordsmanship for hundreds of years, and Ye Kai is no match for him. If it is an actual battle, Ye Kai will almost win."

Yakumo Zi asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"The fellow can't beat Youmu, but he can kill Youmu."

At this time, Hong Meiling brought a roast suckling pig to Youyuzi...

Youyouzi nodded and said: "That's right, although Ye Kai is very serious, it seems that he can't use it at all now. Youmeng's swordsmanship has always been a swordsmanship for sparring, and it's not much different when it comes to the battlefield. But Ye Kai It's a real killing technique. Seeing how jerky he was just now, he probably wanted to use his left rib to catch Youmu's sword, and then stabbed Youmu's heart."

"Unexpectedly, Master Youyouzi understands swordsmanship so well." Hong Meiling said in surprise.

"Ala, I don't really understand it, but it's true that Ye Kai can't use it." Youyouzi said with a smile.

And the roast pig in Hong Meiling's hand has disappeared...

"Youmeng's swordsmanship is more about saving the enemy, but if the fellow doesn't care about getting hurt, or death, then it's a joke." Hong Meiling sighed.

For this kind of pure martial arts, she has a very good opinion.


Ye Kai's wooden knife was thrown out, and Yaomeng's sword was already pressed against his Adam's apple.

Ye Kai was very helpless, he realized that he was fighting Youmu, it was a dog biting a hedgehog!

I didn't think it before, but now I realize that it turns out that sparring is such a troublesome thing.

Sigh... If you don't sell your blood and don't exchange your injuries, you won't be able to fight at all!

His training time was still too short.

Chapter 156

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Yuyuko often came to play with Ye Kai, and Youmeng naturally followed, and Ye Kai gradually got used to the swordsmanship of the sparring, winning and losing with Youmeng.

Although Ye Kai has made great progress, Yaomeng is still the same. What she lacks now is real combat, the kind that goes to the battlefield.

Ye Kai's new home has almost been built, and the location is located in the southeast of the sun flower field. This is not Ye Kai's idea, but Yakumo Zi's request.

For some reason, there was an unscientific hot spring in that place. Yakumo Zi thought it was Ye Kai's credit, so with a wave of his hand, he assigned the land to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai has unlimited potential in the future, so he can't stay in the Scarlet Devil Mansion all the time.

The double vampires in the Scarlet Devil Mansion are already difficult enough to deal with. If Ye Kai is added in the future, it is likely to cause an imbalance in power.

As for Yakumo Zi, Ye Kai found a career to make ends meet: opening a hot spring hotel.

Not enough money, Yakumo Zi directly gave Ye Kai a cushion, as a return gift for adopting Jack.

In another month or so, the hot spring hotel will be completed, and Ye Kai will be able to open it generously.

Ye Kai has a deep resentment towards that position. Although it is not far from the Sun Flower Field, it is not close either!He didn't want to become a flower fertilizer for no reason.

Recently, he has made up for the historical records of seeking information, and has a deep understanding of monsters, especially Kazami Yuka.

And Meihong didn't agree at first, but considering that Ye Kai is an immortal species, even if he was bombarded to death by Kazami Youxiang, he can be resurrected, so there is no entanglement.

If it were another person, it might be painful to die once. Meihong is very cold-blooded like this.

But Ye Kai understood Meihong's thoughts very well.

In the past thousand years, Meihong died more than a thousand times?She is used to death.

As for the money that Ye Kai gave Meihong before, Meihong also spent it wisely, preparing Ye Kai's room with high-quality furniture and even a computer.

Remi felt that Ye Kai was hers and would be branded as the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the future, so she paid Kappa to build a power plant for her, and Ye Kai could be self-sufficient there, provided Kazami Yuka didn’t come to him talk heart to heart.

There was no disturbance about the currency. When it was exchangeable, Ye Kai suddenly found out that the exclusive currency of Gensokyo was issued, which was a bit similar to RMB, except that Taizu changed it to Siji Yingji.

It is unknown who is the most ethical in Gensokyo, who is the least ethical, and who is the richest. It is impossible to choose the most beautiful one, and the strongest one is likely to trigger a war.

So on the profile picture, only the fairest person in Gensokyo can be printed.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Yakumozi's profile picture is printed on it, except for her, no one will refute it, but money is in the hands of thousands of people, and Yakumozi doesn't like that.

As for the scenery behind, one is the magic forest, five is the Scarlet Devil Mansion, ten is the Bamboo Forest of Lost Ways, twenty is the village of people, fifty is the Hakurei Shrine, and one hundred is right and wrong hall.

These have no special meaning, they are all drawn by lottery...

With [-] yuan in his pocket, Ye Kai walked into a small barbecue stand.

The barbecue booth is very small, just a small cart, with a red lantern with hagfish hanging on the outside, and you can enter by lifting the cloth.

The three hundred yuan is all his property.

There is no way, the salary of Hongmeng Pavilion has not been paid yet, otherwise Ye Kai would have a monthly salary of [-] yuan.

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