Originally, there were still two thousand yuan, but all of those were taken away by Reimu.

Ye Kai didn't bother, he just regarded it as raising a mistress.

As for what this mistress can see and can't touch, he doesn't care, he can bang when he grows up!The priestesses of Hakurei Great Enchantment can serve for ten to fifteen years at most, and they have to be replaced, otherwise they will die.

At that time, Lingmeng will definitely not be able to beat herself, hehe.

"Hello, guest." A girl's voice rang in Ye Kai's ear.

The girl has gray pupils, short pink hair, and pointed ears.

He wears a hat with short wings on the top, and a dress that is the same dark red as the hat, with white sleeves and wings with purple skeleton and white feathers on the back. He wears dark red knee socks with short ankles. wing decoration.

"Hello." Ye Kai casually sat on the chair, this small shop is really not big, it can accommodate up to four people.

Before, there was already someone here.

"Give me ten skewers of fat and thin, ten skewers of chicken wings, and some grilled mushrooms and tofu skin." Ye Kai slapped [-] yuan on the table, and said resentfully, "I'll serve the rest of the wine."

"Guest, I have the main hagfish here, do you want to try it?" The girl smiled.

"The sound is nice, come two." Ye Kai nodded and said.

This girl's voice is really nice, but it's just that he can hear it. If it was a human being, her voice might have a confusing effect, right?

It is really the best skill for opening a shop!Listening to her beautiful voice will slowly run out of money.

"Good guest, thank you for your compliment. My name is Mystia, just call me Boss." Mystia said sweetly.

Her voice is not only sweet, but also soft and cute.

"The boss?" Ye Kai asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, he is the boss, but it's more convenient to call it that." Mystia took Ye Kai's money, looking a little embarrassed.

Ye Kai didn't hesitate, just poured a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Sure enough, this kind of sake is not as refreshing as vodka and Erguotou!

It's a pity, in the past half a month, Youyouzi has eaten him up...

If it weren't for the riches and wealth of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it is estimated that Yuyuko could bankrupt the Scarlet Devil Mansion alone.

It is not without reason that the once huge Baiyulou contained countless wealth, but now it has been running a deficit.

Sure enough, Gensokyo's criterion for verifying local tyrants is how long they can keep Yuyuko.

"Boy, the sword spirit on your body is good, are you a swordsman?" Another guest chatted with Ye Kai in a bored manner.

Only then did Ye Kai look at him, and saw that he had long white hair combed back, and was wearing a green and white kendo hakama and shirt.

This is an old man, a vigorous old man, with a mochi-shaped companion spirit like Youmu.

"You too." Ye Kai smiled.

The sword energy on the old man's body is astonishing, and his aura is no less than that of Mei Hong. He should be a monster above level [-].

He had a long samurai sword slung around his waist, with a terrifying aura on it.

"I heard that your sword skills are similar to Youmu's?" the old man said indifferently.

"It's far away. If we compete, I lose more and win less." Ye Kai poured a glass of wine and said softly.

"Hmph, so in actual combat, she is not as good as you?" The old man frowned.

"That's natural." Ye Kai said as a matter of course.

Youmeng has no evil spirit at all, and it can be seen that he has not killed many people or monsters.

Chapter 157

"Would you like to compete with me?" The old man frowned.

"Who are you? I'll just compete with you?" Ye Kai said angrily.

If it's a girl, he'll recognize it, so what's the matter with a man?

"Hmph, the old man is Yaomeng's grandfather, the previous generation of court master of Baiyulou, and he is jealous of the soul." The old man said in a deep voice.

"You hit the young one and the old one? No, I haven't beaten the young one yet." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

For this majestic old man, he didn't feel at all, but his weapon made Ye Kai a little concerned.

In terms of majesty, isn't there a majestic young lady in the family?Wouldn't it be okay to be molested by her and then held up high?

Well, Ye Kai told Remy that raising her higher was to make her look superior, and Remy really believed it.

As a result, Ye Kai played the high game with Remi when he had nothing to do, just like coaxing his daughter.

"What an impolite brat." Soul Yaoji said helplessly.

"Tch, He is an old and disrespectful guy, there is no need to be polite. Is it interesting to keep a straight face all day? Or, do you have any special hobbies?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

"This is majesty." Soul Yaoji said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Majesty, do you want to join my Hongmeng Pavilion? It just so happens that my eldest lady needs someone to teach her what Majesty is." Ye Kai said a little funny.

"Loyal ministers don't matter to two masters." Soul Yaoji glared at Ye Kai.

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