"Didn't you abandon your eldest lady a long time ago?" Ye Kai said a little speechlessly.

"That's because, because... Forget it, let's not talk about it, I only drink today." Soul Yaoji said bitterly.

"Come on, do it." Ye Kai smiled and raised his glass to him.


The two drank.

In this Fantasy Township, Ye Kai has only seen this powerful male monster, or half human and half spirit.

Ye Kai felt very strange, is there something wrong with this world?Why are the powerful ones all girls, not a single man, and so are monsters, and Lin Zhisuke, the boss of Korindo, is considered a half-demon.

But his fighting power...not to mention, there is basically no one he can beat.

As for the soul monster, Ye Kai saw the first guy with normal fighting power besides himself, which made him feel very strange.

Ye Kai was not polite, and directly asked what he wanted to know.

"You don't even know this?" Soul Yaoji frowned.

He always felt that the sword energy on Ye Kai was very similar to a person, that is Yu Wentuo who was cheating, but Yu Wentuo was much stronger than him, so he thought Ye Kai was Yu Wentuo's descendant.

However, judging from the intelligence in the past two days, Ye Kai is a human being born and raised in a fantasy land, with the ability to travel through the world, and his race is defined as ghosts and gods.

That Yu Wentuo is not a so-called ghost, according to him, his race is apostles.

Soul Yaoji does not look at people like Yakumo Zi does, but looks at sword energy.

The sword energy of the two is really similar.

"I don't know what's so strange? I'm not a thousand-year-old monster like you." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Well, the male monsters in this world will be ugly after transformation, and they will be extremely aggressive. Monsters like that are also the first choice for mages to eliminate monsters. Before the establishment of Gensokyo, there was a war on the moon, Yakumo Zi led an army of monsters to kill on the moon, except for Yakumo Zi and a guy whose race is an apostle survived, there was no one alive." Soul Yaoji shook his head.

"The race is an apostle? There is such a strange guy, I thought it was EVA or dnf messing in." Ye Kai didn't care, after all, the race of monsters is strange, and it is very likely that one or two words he is familiar with occasionally appear.

"Then, male monsters are so extinct?" Ye Kai asked with a confused face.

Hunhu Yaoji also doesn't want to mention Yuwentuo's swindler, in his eyes, everything is Yuwentuo's fault, if it weren't for him, Youyouzi wouldn't be what he is now.

"Almost, it's been said that male monsters are extremely aggressive. Except for the half-monster Lin Zhisuke, basically none of them are willing to enter Gensokyo. They went to fight humans to the death." Soul Soul Yaoji shook his head and said.

"Then they all died? No one stronger?" Ye Kai said in surprise.

Before the establishment of Gensokyo, human technology was not so good. One Kazami Yuka was enough for a human to drink a pot, let alone so many monsters.

"Male monsters are naturally weak, so they haven't caused any trouble." Soul Yaoji said indifferently.

"Then, there are only the two of us who are stronger male monsters?" Ye Kai pointed to himself, and then pointed to the soul demon.

"There was a Dracula family before, but now it's gone, so we're left." Soul Yaoji said helplessly.

"This world is really sad! How do those female monsters get married? There are no stronger male monsters." Ye Kai asked another sharp question.

Don't those female monsters have any needs?Or, they all play Lily.

"Where do I go, I'm not a female monster." Soul Yaoji glared at Ye Kai.

"Guest, your barbecue is ready." At this moment, Mystia served Ye Kai a plate of skewers, all of which Ye Kai ordered.

"Thank you." Ye Kai grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

And Mystia also looked at Ye Kai and Hun Huo Ji curiously. In the entire Gensokyo, are there only two male monsters with normal combat effectiveness?It was the first time she noticed this.

"Are there humans on the moon? But I remember Apollo landing on the moon, there are no humans on it!" Ye Kai continued.

"Of course, what humans see is only a false moon. The technology of the Moon City is too strong to make a fake moon. It is impossible to go up with normal methods. Only Gensokyo, or Yakumo Zi's ability Only then can we go up normally." Soul Yaoji said indifferently.

"So that's what happened, I haven't said anything yet, how did you leave in the first place?" Ye Kai asked while eating.

Hun Huo Yaoji finished eating the skewers, and he was not polite, grabbed what was on Ye Kai's plate and started eating, Ye Kai didn't care.

Now that he's drunk, he said with a straight face: "Actually, this old man has been guarding Baiyulou very conscientiously. It's all because of Yakumozi and Miss Yuyuko. Because the old man is a male monster, Yakumozi The look in the eyes of the old man has always been very unnatural."

"What happened later?" Ye Kai's eyes were filled with gossip.

"I've been teaching Youmu Swordsmanship all the time, and I haven't had much contact with the two of them, but the atmosphere is very depressing. However, having a granddaughter is enough, and others don't matter to me. During the day I teach Youmu Swordsmanship, and at night Youmu will meet Accompany Youyouzi."

"One day Youmu suddenly said to me: Grandpa, when I grow up, I want to be a woman like Yuyuko-sama or Yakumozi-sama. The way of swordsmanship is too difficult for me." Soul Yaoji's expression was a little distorted , it seems that he didn't expect Youmu to say such a thing, and he still has it in his heart.

Chapter 158 He is dead...

"Becoming a woman like the two of them, do you dare to imagine?" Soul Yaoji said with a horrified expression.

Ye Kai thought about the polite Youmu, then thought about the appearance of Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko, and couldn't help shivering.

Yomu, it's great that you're doing well now!

"How did you answer?" Ye Kai asked excitedly.

"Then, then I told Youmeng: Youmeng, listen, don't learn from anyone, don't learn from the two of them, one is a foodie, the other is black-bellied, you must find a good man to marry in the future, don't be like them, be a thousand years old maid, you know?"

Soul Yaoji drank a bottle of shochu in one gulp, blushed and said, "Then they appeared behind me, and I was exiled for seven hundred years! I was not allowed to come back until Gensokyo was about to leave this world .”

"Eh...how did they tell Youmeng?" Ye Kai said awkwardly.

"They said that my kendo has reached its peak and I went to live in seclusion. In fact, I was exiled to the outside world. I dare not show up every day during the day, for fear that people will find out the abnormality of the accompanying spirit. Only at night can I go out to find food and accommodation. It's in some dilapidated shrines." Soul Yaoji said a little depressed.

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