"Well, it really is their character." Ye Kai shook his head and said.

After getting to know each other for a period of time, he already knew who Yakumo Zi was, so he could do this kind of thing naturally.

"Remember, in Gensokyo from now on, don't mention the age issue." The soul monster said with deep taboo.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, drank a bottle of soju in one breath, stood up and laughed loudly: "You, you are too stupid! How can you say it in front of others? Just say no behind your back like me? Yakumo Zi, you old woman, you ten thousand-year-old virgin!"

Suddenly, a gap appeared under Ye Kai's feet.


Then, Ye Kai disappeared in front of Soul Yaoji.

"If you don't die, you won't die. I made you impolite. I said it behind my back. Do you think she really can't hear it?" Soul Yaoji snorted.

What he didn't see was that a small gap appeared above the last bottle of soju, and some liquid was poured into the bottle.

As if afraid of being discovered by the ghost of the soul, he withdrew his hand in a hurry, and accidentally left the small bottle of liquid on the table.

Soul Yaoji obviously didn't notice it, and he was also a little drunk.

I saw that he took Ye Kai's plate and wine and continued to eat and drink.

After all, these things cannot be wasted!He had just returned to Gensokyo, and there was not much money in total, just enough for two skewers of hagfish and a pot of shochu.

Fortunately, Ye Kai, the big boss, showed up and took care of him.

While eating, his stomach suddenly hurt.

He raised his head with difficulty, and found that there was a small bottle next to the wine bottle, and the label on it was: Produced by Bayi Yonglin.

He turned his head to look at Mystia again, and found that Mystia was trembling with fear from Yakumo Zi's evil spirit.

Damn, it fell again.

This is Soul Yaoji's last thought...

Underworld, Baiyu Tower, courtyard.

Yakumo Zi finished all this with a smile on her face, as if nothing happened.

Bayi Yonglin's medicine is still unfinished, and it is estimated that some demons have suffered from it.

However, although the medicine of Bayi Yonglin will have innumerable negative effects, it has not killed anyone. This is just a small punishment and a big warning.

As for Ye Kai... Hehe, you actually said that I am a ten thousand year old virgin?Discussing age in Gensokyo will show you how scary it is.

"Ala, Ala, Zi, Yaoji just came back, isn't it good that you are doing this?" Youyuko smiled while fanning her fan.

Obviously, she didn't mind what Yakumo Zi did at all.

Saying that she is a foodie or something, listening to it once is enough, listening to it twice is too unpleasant!

Only Ye Kai can say that she is a foodie!Because she really made Ye Kai poor, it's normal for Ye Kai to vent.

As for the fact that Yaoji was also poored by Youyouzi back then, she doesn't remember at all, it's been seven hundred years!

Moreover, this thing depends on its appearance...

"Well, this time I'm concerned about Yaoji, isn't it Ye Kai?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Zi actually cares about Ye Kai, right? After all, he is the future of Gensokyo!" Yuyuko said with a smile.

"Master Yuyuko, did you mention grandpa just now?"

At this moment, Youmu came over with a large plate of grilled fish, and placed it in front of Yuyuko and Yakumozi.

Then, there were two jugs of soju.

Fortunately, the food production in Gensokyo is very unscientific, otherwise Yuyuko would be able to eat a poor city by himself.

Every time Yakumo Zi came over, she had to bring her own food, and then let Youmu cook.

If she wants Youmeng to entertain her, she will have to face an hour of blood and tears accusation, and countless IOUs...

Yakumo Zi poured herself a glass of wine, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Your grandfather seems to have lived in seclusion enough, and wants to come out to find you. But, after all, you are the court master of Baiyulou, he has to go Find another job."

"Please be sure to let grandpa be the court teacher, I am too young to be competent!"


Youmu knelt on the ground at that time and gave Yuyuko a knock.

"Ara, Youmu, I can't bear to part with you! Besides, your grandfather is planning to come back because he sees that you can be independent. If you are still immature, he may go for hundreds of years." Yuyuko smiled road.

As expected of Yuyuko who has been with Yakumo Zi for a thousand years, it is very natural to lie without drafting.

"Yes, that's it. Doesn't Youmu want to see Grandpa?" Yakumozi said with a smile on her face.

"Of course I want to! Master Yuyuko, I will definitely live up to the title of court master of Baiyulou." Yaomeng said in a deep voice.

Grandpa was so cunning that he even left himself as a court teacher.

It's really hard work for Lord Yuyuko as a court teacher!

Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi looked at each other and smiled, not caring at all.

Yakumo Zi just wanted to eat two mouthfuls of fish, but found that the huge grilled fish had been wiped out by Yuyuko at some point.

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