This, there is no sign of this at all!

Ever since Youyouzi listened to Ye Kai and stopped eating like a squirrel, her eating speed increased day by day.

Now there is no one who can compete with Yuyuko for food, right?

"Ah... Yuyuko, you are so cute." Zi Yakumo fanned herself with a fan and laughed.

"No way, Zi just likes to scare me. By the way, can you tell me where Ye Kai was sent by you?" Youyouzi said that she didn't care, but she still cared about where Ye Kai was taken by Yakumo Zi .

It’s okay if it’s just being teased, but if it’s sent to the Sun Flower’ll die.

"Don't worry, I just put him... Huh? He's dead." Zi Yakumo said dumbfounded.

Chapter 159 Ye Kai's Death

Ye Kai appeared in a strange room, which was very dark.

"Hey, Yakumo Zi, where did you throw me?" Ye Kai shouted into the air.

Unexpectedly, that guy Yakumo Zi was peeping all the time, this guy, wouldn't he also be watching when he was taking a shower?The number one voyeur in Gensokyo, it seems that Wenwen lost to her.

"Big Brother, are you here to play with Fran? Why doesn't Big Brother have any eyes?"

At this moment, the whole room suddenly lit up, and a little girl's voice sounded.

And in front of Ye Kai, there also appeared a little girl, with thick golden hair tied into a side ponytail, slightly curly hair, wearing a special hat called a nightcap, shaped like a doorknob glove, and her eyes The color is dark red.

The clothes are also based on dark red, with short sleeves and a miniskirt, a yellow tie decoration on the chest, and a pair of special wings with colorful crystals hanging on the back.

She just floated in front of Ye Kai, holding a puppet bear in her hand.

This is a cylindrical room, the innermost one is a huge, red bed, there is no quilt on the bed, but a huge coffin, not the square one, but the one for vampires, with a raised coffin on both sides coffin.

There was also a cross engraved on the lid of the coffin, but looking at the little vampire in front of him, it seemed that he was not afraid of the cross.

There are many decorative paintings in the room, and toys are everywhere in the corners, and they are the kind that have been broken.

In the true sense of the game, there are rags everywhere.

The walls of the room are also red, and it can be seen that the owner of this room likes red very much.

"What a cute little girl, come here and let the big brother hug you."

Ye Kai opened his hands towards Fulan, such a cute child, it was a foul.

Fulan was taken aback by Ye Kai's behavior...

"Brother, the smell on your body is so familiar, it seems to be the smell of Fran's food." Fran tilted her head and said.

Ye Kai didn't seem to be afraid of her at all, and he didn't have any annoying eyes on him, which made Fulan very curious.

After all, I haven't seen such a person in too many years.

In this case, this person will not be spoiled by himself?

Judging by his appearance, does he want to play with himself?Great, finally someone to play with Fran.

"Food... When did I become food? Wait..."

Ye Kai looked Fulan up and down, and found that she was somewhat similar to Remi, no matter in height or style of clothes, they were not too different.

Moreover, the wings behind her, is she a vampire?

"Who are you to Remi?" Ye Kai frowned.

He had never heard of such a number one figure in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Fran is Remy's younger sister, big brother." Fran said softly.

Ye Kai reached Fulan's armpit, lifted her up, and said with a smile, "So it's Remi's younger sister, so why don't you go out?"

"Fran can't go out, because if you go out, many people will be killed by Fran inadvertently." Fran said softly: "Also, the current behavior of big brother..."


Ye Kai's pupils dilated, and he looked at Fran in disbelief.

A sword suddenly appeared in Fulan's hand, and she stabbed into Ye Kai's chest, and said calmly, "It's the perverted pervert that my sister said."

This is a huge sword, the blade is burning with flames, even if Ye Kai uses it, it will look huge, and it is particularly unsuitable in Flan's hands.

The name of the sword is Levadin. The God of Blacksmiths forged this sword. Because the sword was too dangerous and powerful, it was taken to the Protoss and became Frell's sword.

Later, in order to marry the beautiful giant Gard, Forel gave the sword to his messenger to Gard's father as a condition of marriage, and the sword came to Surte.

Levadin actually refers to the sword of Fryer's victory, and it is also the sword that Surte killed the unarmed Fryer in the end of the gods, which is the sword that later cut off the root of the world tree and burned the world. Flame magic sword.

For some unknown reason, this magic sword appeared in Fran's hand.

Just like Gungnir in Remy's hand, this pair of vampire sisters is really not simple.

Ye Kai was a little speechless, this Fulan probably lacked some common sense, right?

However, what he did was indeed a bit of a move. In some eras, he could be soaked in a pig cage and burned to death!

Is it normal to be stabbed to death by a sword?

Her ability is the ability to destroy existing things, as the name suggests, it is the ability to directly destroy the target if it is a thing.

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