Even if she is an older sister, the way she looks at her is not as simple as Ye Kai's love and pampering.

After all, my sister feels sorry for herself and always wants to make up for herself.

But when did she really hurt herself?

Sister, you are still too young.

Fran shook her head. When it came to Remi, she always had a sense of IQ superiority. She didn't know that the two of them were equal. She just stabbed to death the only person who was willing to play with her.

Teaching Fran is a long way to go.

Now Ye Kai's body has been sent back to the room and is taken care of by Sakuya.

What about his soul?

Chapter 161 Santuchuan

Ye Kai opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he was on the edge of a river, and the opposite side was full of red flowers.

The other shore flower, the tenderness of the devil.

According to Japanese folklore, the flower who voluntarily threw herself into hell was sent back by the demons, but she still lingered on the road to the underworld. The demons couldn't bear it, so they agreed to let her drive on this road to give guidance and comfort to the souls who left the human world.

Yan Moai among Hell Girls likes this kind of flower. The snow-white and blood-red Bianhua together represent death.

It is rumored that mandala flowers bloom on the road to heaven, and manjusawa are all over the road to hell.

Both represent death, but one is biased towards another interpretation of death: rebirth, and the other is biased towards the hesitation and wandering of pain and regret: fall.So there is only a thin line between hell and heaven.

On the other side of the river where Ye Kai is located, Bianhua flowers are blooming everywhere.

Ye Kai also died in Gensokyo for the first time, so he turned into a soul form here.

[Distance from weakness release: 14 days and 2 hours]

Looking at his left hand, it was still the ghost hand. It seemed that it was not his body that cursed him, but his soul.

And his body... was not wearing anything.

That's right, how can there be clothes when they are all dead?

The Santu River is similar to an ordinary river, and the sky is the same color as the daytime, but this is a watershed.

This side of the Santu River is completely different from the opposite side of the Santu River.

Something different, maybe the smell?

Ye Kai wanted to walk around, but found that he could only stay within a three-meter radius, unable to get out of this circle.

Is this painted by Dasheng?Ye Kai wanted to complain.

"Huh, huh..."

There was a snoring sound, and Ye Kai looked up, but there was a wooden boat floating on the Santu River, and there was a girl on the wooden boat.

The girl has red hair and big breasts, a blue dress with a white skirt, a belt around her waist, a pair of thick-soled wooden clogs, and a huge Death Scythe.

The stalwart on the chest, I am afraid Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko can stand up to the battle.

Ye Kai just sat on the ground, looked at the girl silently, and then yawned.

It's so hypnotic to see her so unmotivated!

After trying it, the space backpack can still be opened, but the contents inside cannot be taken out by oneself.

Do you want to sit here for fourteen days?That was so boring.

No way, who let himself die once?As for Fulan killing himself, he didn't feel anything. Her mind was only five years old, and she couldn't even be sentenced...

"Huh, huh..."

A huge snot bubble suddenly appeared on the girl's nose, as if poking the girl would wake her up.

But Ye Kai obviously couldn't poke him.

The absolute zero field within three meters of him was unknowingly filled with ghosts.

Those ghosts were not as lucky as him, they were all in the shape of huge white tadpoles, they couldn't transform into humans like Ye Kai.

It seems that they also know that they are going to be arrested and reincarnated, and they are very unwilling.

Ye Kai's circle, as long as you enter it, you can't be caught and sent to reincarnation, they have this kind of feeling in the dark.


The girl's snot bubble finally burst, she shook her head and straightened up, then stood up and looked in Ye Kai's direction.

"Hey, why did someone come here to play?"

The girl's boat slowly sailed towards Ye Kai. It was obviously a wooden boat without oars, but it could sail this way regardless of gravity.

Does the girl's boat depend entirely on the waves?

"Hey, what's your name?"

From a distance, Ye Kai heard the girl's beautiful voice.

"My name is Ye Kai, Ye Zi's Ye, happy to open." Ye Kai shouted weakly.

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