The girl had landed at this time, and she casually walked in front of Ye Kai, seeing that Ye Kai was not wearing anything and was not entangled, after all, she had seen such a spirit before.

"What's the matter with you coming to Santu River?" the girl asked doubtfully.

"It's okay, I don't know why I'm here, it seems that I can't get out." Ye Kai said helplessly.

The girl took out a big bag, and countless spirits were slowly sucked in, only Ye Kai remained motionless.

Boom, boom.

The girl knocked on the invisible circle around Ye Kai, and said suspiciously: "Strange, this is the first time I see such a strange spirit, is it protected? Could it be that other forces have taken a fancy to you?"

The girl shook her head and said to Ye Kai, "Why don't you wear clothes?"

Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head: "I also want to know this question, so you are the god of death?"

"Yes, my name is Onozuka Komachi, nice to meet you."

Komachi extended his right hand to Ye Kai, wanting to shake hands with Ye Kai.

Ye Kai glanced at her helplessly and said: "Let's not say that if I stand up, you will see all of me, even if you don't see all of me, I can't stretch out my hand."


Komachi patted his forehead and said, "That's right, I forgot about it. Don't be shy, I'm Shinigami, what kind of male haven't you seen?"

"Anyway, it's your first time seeing me." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"That's true. How's the scenery here? It's so boring. A while ago, Yatengu sent a newspaper saying that there was a banquet, but I couldn't attend because I had to work." Komachi lay casually outside Ye Kai's circle, with his mouth in his mouth. root grass.

Ye Kai immediately became Spartan, did this girl know him from scratch?You must know that her figure is very attractive!That huge boobs, I really want people to have a hair on it.

If he said he couldn't get out, he couldn't get out. Did the girl believe that?

What if he could go out, didn't he just push her down?

No, there is no need to press it, she is already lying there.

Ye Kai was helpless, he couldn't shamelessly lie down like a girl, so he could only sit on the ground with his tail between his legs and his legs together at this time.

"That banquet was held by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so go if you like it." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"No, Master Siji will scold me to death." Komachi sighed helplessly.

"Master Four Seasons?" Ye Kai asked confusedly.

"That's right, she is Yan Mo, who is in charge of hell and reincarnation in Gensokyo. If you are reincarnated, you have to find her. She can tell all of a person's past and merits and demerits." Komachi rolled Ye Kai's eyes and said.

"So it's like this, the person who printed the money." Ye Kai nodded suddenly.

Chatting with a girl naked, this is the first time since I was four years old!

What a great experience.

"Yes, the newly issued banknotes are printed with Master Siji. Although she is a bit nagging, annoying, and likes to squeeze her subordinates, I have to say that she is a very fair person." Komachi said calmly.

"By the way, what does the Master of Seasons look like?"

"She is just a loli with small breasts." Komachi said heartlessly.

Ye Kai looked at Komachi sympathetically, this girl, it seems that her cultivation level is not as good as that of Master Siji, she is about to suffer a tragedy.

"Small, wild, tsuka, small, cho!"

Chapter 162 Master Four Seasons

A girl stood in front of Komachi, looking down at her.

She is dressed in a very solemn gown of blue shades and a crown on her head.The hair is green and slightly longer on the right side.

The words "yes" and "no" are embroidered on the shoulders of the clothes.

Holding a token in his hand like a wat, it is called the "stick of repentance" and is used to flog sinners.

There is an octagonal pure glass mirror hanging on the waist, with a solemn expression.She wears a red and white headband, because red represents "birth" and white represents "death and parting".

"Hi!" Komachi stood up instinctively.


Boom, boom, boom...

When she stood up, her huge breasts accidentally hit Siji Yingji on the face, and the shocked Siji Yingji took several steps back.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, what kind of magic is this unfolding?Are her breasts weapons?

Four Seasons jumped onto a big rock, holding a remorse stick in his hand, and shouted to Komachi while waving it: "Do you know how many spirits cannot be reincarnated normally because of your laziness? Don't you realize that the flowers on the other side are blooming more luxuriantly?" ?

I saw that no one sent the spirit over for a long time in the right and wrong hall, so I thought something happened to you.You know, people who are important to those big monsters are dead, and they will come here to snatch people. If you don't come back for a long time, I thought you were taken away.

Is it comfortable to lie on the ground?This is not our territory, spirits have been gathering around that person, you clearly saw these spirits and did not take them away, do you know how much impact this will cause?

Some mothers are suffering from childbirth, some are looking for an onmyoji to take a last look at their relatives, some want to determine whether their relatives are human or animal after reincarnation, and some are waiting for me to judge merits and demerits.

Because of your laziness, you may imagine that countless people in the countryside will die due to karmic chaos for a second. Do you know what you are doing?

Humans are born of human beings, demons are born of demons, all living beings are equal, it is an honor for you to become the god of death, don't let down those beings who are equal to you because of your mistakes in work, even if they die, they are equal. Thoughtful.

In the previous vampire invasion, so many vampires died, and you haven’t finished dealing with them yet, and there are still so many spirits that need to be queued up. It’s obvious that you can get things done with eighteen hours of overtime every day and three days, but you’ve delayed until now , do you know..."

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