Ye Kai stared dumbfounded at Komachi, who was nodding all the time, and Siji, who was always preaching.

This, this eloquence is too awesome!What Naruto, what Luffy, the mouth cannon is so weak in the four seasons!

Ye Kai just watched helplessly, Komachi was talked about from morning to night, and from night to morning.

I preached for a whole day and night, but nothing happened.

Hey, didn't you say there is still a lot of work to do?Is it really okay to just stop here?

"Yes, I'm going to work now!"

Seeing Shiji stop for a moment, Komachi rushed towards the Santu River, taking away a lot of spirits.

Ye Kai looked at Komachi who was running away, with a smile on his face, telling you to gang up on me yesterday.

Well, I can also have a good sleep, so the soul will be sleepy too.

"Now, it's your turn." Seeing that Komachi ran away, Siji set his eyes on Ye Kai.

In Ye Kai's eyes, Siji's figure suddenly grew taller, and he felt a drop of non-existent cold sweat streaming down his head.


Inadvertently, he shuddered, Ye Kai looked at Siji Yingji, shivering.

He would rather die again!

Unfortunately, this wish was doomed to fail.

"You are Ye Kai, the undead species, right? Do you know how many murders you have committed?

That's right, you can say that you killed pirates, they are all bad guys, but their death naturally has its own decree, it's not up to you to decide.

Also, in another world, you killed countless soldiers again, right?You must know that those soldiers also have parents and relatives. They just make money to support their families. How sad their relatives will be after they die. Have you considered all these?

Of course, if you don't kill them, they will kill you, and I can't deny that.But can't you just be gentle?Fortunately, you are an immortal species, otherwise you will go to hell after death.

However, this cannot be said to be the capital that you can act recklessly.You must know that there is a cause and effect in the avenue of time. If you continue like this, your immortality will be destroyed sooner or later.

Just like the other two undead species of Penglai people, even if they won't die, they won't cause much murder.

Have you been in close contact with Youyouzi from Baiyulou recently?You must know that she is the landlord of Baiyulou, and she is an undead. Because of you, she often travels to the world of the dead. Do you know how much trouble this has brought to the world of the dead?

Not only Yuyuko, but also the soul Youmu..."

Under Ye Kai's drowsy expression, Lord Siji just preached like this for three days and three nights.

It turned out that time passed so quickly, four days passed in a blink of an eye, and it still took four days.

Hongmeng Hall, Ye Kai's room.

Remy sat on the side, and said to Paqiuli suspiciously: "Paqi, why is it that he still hasn't come back to life after so long?"

"I've researched it. His recovery ability is not as good as that of Fujiwara Meihong. Meihong cut off her hand and he can recover in a short while, but his recovery speed is extremely slow, and it may take ten days to recover." Patchouli shook her head.

"Huh? It's going to take so long, can he hear us?" Remy lowered her head and asked.

"I shouldn't be able to hear it. I can't feel the soul in his body. His soul should not be here, but on the side of Santuchuan." Paqiuli said indifferently.

"Then let's go to Santuchuan to see him?" Remi said with some hope after she became more energetic.

"I don't suggest, his soul seems to be protected by the law, haven't you seen it with the power of fate?" Paqiuli frowned.

"That's right, I forgot to use it." Remy just remembered that she still has this function.

When Ye Kai died before, she forgot about it, otherwise she only needed to look at it with the power of fate, and she would be able to feel what happened to Ye Kai.

"Then you can use it." Paqiuli closed her eyes helplessly, ignoring Remy's malice and cuteness.

A mysterious force suddenly appeared on Remy's body, and her eyes became dull.

After a while, Remy returned to normal.

"Fate told me that he still has eleven days to come back to life, and his soul is protected by the whole world, so there will be no problems. Fate also told me that if we go to see him, strange things will happen. If we don't If you go to see him, you may miss something." Remy shook her head and said, like a little magic stick.

"Then, are you going or not?" Paqiuli frowned.

And Remy is also struggling with this problem.

Chapter 163 Women's Dress...

On the fifth day of Ye Kai's death, the underworld, Baiyulou.

"Ala, Ala, Zi, help me..." Yuyuko swung Yakumo Zi's arm, and the two's huge breasts were dangling, which was very eye-catching.

"Youyouzi, it's not that you don't know, the four seasons don't give face to anyone, what can I do? Yesterday I tried to use the power of the realm on the protective shield next to brother Ye Kai, but it couldn't be converted at all. The defensive cover is stronger than the big enchantment. Even if Siji wants to help now, I'm afraid I can't get him out." Yakumo Zi stroked his forehead and said helplessly.

"Then, let him stay there?" Youyouzi pouted.

"Well, I felt it. His resurrection requires his body to return to a complete state. At this time, his body is invincible. Whether it is inflicting damage or assisting treatment, it is useless to him. It is amazing. If he later The recovery ability will be further strengthened, and it may even surpass the Penglai people." Yakumo Zi flashed a bright light in his eyes, and smiled.

"Then I'll go and see him." Yuyuko no longer shook Yakumo Zi, but took out a folding fan and smiled while fanning the wind.

"Okay, it's not a big problem, anyway, Santuchuan is not a place you can't go to." Yakumo Zi narrowed his eyes and said.

"By the way, how does Yaojizi plan to arrange it?" Youyuzi asked curiously.

"Normal places can't accommodate him, so let him go to Santuchuan to help Siji do things. It just so happens that his personality and Siji should be very compatible." Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

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