Santu River.

Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko hadn't arrived yet, but an unexpected guest was ushered in.

After all, Zi Yakumo and Yuyuko were unwilling to meet the four seasons, it was too much ink, even if they tested the protective shield last night, they all tried it underground.

"Grandfather? Why are you here?" Ye Kai looked at the people outside the protective cover in surprise.

Taigongwang was holding a paper dress and an old bronze mirror, standing outside Ye Kai's protective cover with a smile on his face.

"I'll send you a piece of clothing, and let's see if this thing can shorten your resurrection time." Tai Gongwang laughed.

Immediately, a cluster of flames appeared on his hands, and the paper clothes were slowly burned to clean.

Inside, Ye Kai, who was naked, suddenly had an extra piece of clothing, which was just an ordinary warrior uniform.

But, this is much better than Guoben!

"It turns out that the soul wears clothes like this." Ye Kai looked at the extra clothes on his body in surprise.

This clothes can be taken off, has no substance, and is only worn by the soul.

It's really interesting that when others gave him clothes, they actually wanted to burn them for him.

"Here, catch it." The grandfather threw the small mirror in Ye Kai's direction, and in Ye Kai's surprised expression, the small mirror went through the protective cover and landed in his hand.

"Hey, what's going on here? Even Lord Siji couldn't get in before." Ye Kai said in surprise.

"Hmph, what they think of is just brute force cracking. The principle of this protective shield is the protection of a world. As long as you find a way to send the mirror to that world, and then pass through that world to your hands, there will be no problem." Taigong stroked his beard and smiled.

[Treasure obtained: Mirror? 】

[Analysis is required, the analysis time is unknown]

[Weakness time is reduced, the time required for resurrection: 24 hours]

"What kind of treasure is this?" Ye Kai shook the small mirror and found that he couldn't find its function, so he threw it into the space backpack.

Fortunately, Yakumo Zi and others did not come at this time, otherwise the treasure would have been discovered.

"It's nothing, it's just a plaything you got before, all you need to know is that it can bring you back to life quickly." The grandfather said in an unpredictable way.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, the grandpa is always like this, he speaks like a jerk, he knows everything, but he doesn't say anything, just let you guess, and he will tell you when you guess.

"It's better to be a grandpa, no one else will come to see me." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"It's not that they don't want to come, it's just that they can't come. Most people don't want to listen to what the four seasons say." The grandfather said with a smile.

Even a person like Taigong is afraid of being entangled by the four seasons. After all, the preaching of the four seasons can be said to be one of the scariest things in Gensokyo.

Even if he is a grandpa, he would not dare to say that he has never done a single wrong thing in his life. Even if Four Seasons catches any one, he can talk about it for three days and three nights.

"Heh...hehe...I have learned it too." Ye Kai said with a sob at the corner of his mouth.

"It's good to understand, the old man is gone, and there will be more people coming soon." The grandfather shook his head, turned around and left, and said calmly: "The fate between you and Gensokyo is not that simple."

Ye Kai wanted to ask something else, but saw that the grandpa had gone far away.

However, with such an elder caring, Ye Kai's heart is still warm.

"Ala, Ala, Ye Kai, Lord Yuyuko is here to see you, and I'll get you something... Huh?" Youyuzi just came out of Yakumozi's gap, and what she saw was Ye Kai who was already wearing clothes. , can't help but be a little curious.

Things like souls don't have their own clothes, unless someone burns them, or becomes a heroic spirit, holy spirit, that kind of creature can wear their own clothes when they were alive.

Two days ago, a creature similar to a heroic spirit came. It seems to be called Zuo Wei. He was obsessed with chess all his life, and he didn't want to be reincarnated. Yuyuko was thinking about how to deal with him.

"Youyouzi, you're here." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Sure enough, it was the same as the grandpa said, it wasn't that they didn't want to come, but that the four seasons were too pretentious, no one was willing to come under the nose of the four seasons.

"Ala, I wanted to burn a piece of clothing for you, but unfortunately Ye Kaisang already has clothes." Youyouzi looked disappointed.

Ye Kai was full of emotion, and his eyes drifted to Youyouzi's hand.

"Hey, isn't this a dress!" Ye Kai was a little Spartan.

"Yeah, how could Bai Yulou have men's clothes? Ye Kaisang, you think of me like that, I'm so sad." Youyouzi wiped away the tears that didn't exist on her face, as if she was misunderstood to have an affair with another man Like my little daughter-in-law.

"What does that have to do with giving me a dress? Is there a paper shop in Renzhili? You can still buy men's clothes, right?" Ye Kai said in a broken voice.

Fortunately, it was the grandpa who came first, otherwise the majestic seven-foot man would have become a big man in women's clothing.

"Ala, don't care about those details." Youyouzi fanned himself, showing a cute smile, and said to Ye Kai: "This is an enlarged version of my clothes, Ye Kaisang really doesn't want to wear them Do you want to wear it?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to for the rest of my life!" Ye Kai roared.

Let me be a lady boss?Next life!

Chapter 164 Visit

"Yo, little brother Ye Kai, you look like this, Youyouzi will be sad."

At this moment, Yakumo Zi's face appeared next to Yuyuko's small head, as if Yuyuko had two heads, looking very horrifying.

"Zi, why are you here?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

Although he was robbed once, he still didn't know Yakumo Zi that well.

"Of course I came to see you. Yuyuko misses you very much. If I'm not here, if you do something to Yuyuko, that would be bad." Zi Yakumo said with a smile.

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