Lingmeng was squatting on the ground, looking at the two giant pandas in the fence, and sighed helplessly.

This is a crude zoo. It looks like Lingmeng made it by herself. Asking her to spend money to find a construction team is probably worse than killing her.

She has set up enchantments on the fences outside and the beasts, and it is impossible to go in without buying a ticket.

It's a pity that the zoo has been advertised, but no one came to see it, and no one went to worship the god who she didn't know whose name it was, and no one threw money into the cash box.

Sure enough, are there still too few animals?

Lingmeng looked back, the two horses, some monkeys, and two peacocks were all wild outside, and the ones she caught to make up the number were just not popular.

"Outside the number, outside the number!"

Brush, brush.

Reimu took a newspaper in the air, and it turned out to be".

Monster Mountain's punishment for intruders!

The huge red title made Reimu twitch at the corner of his mouth when he saw it, why couldn't it be more reliable?

Thirty years ago, the human magician Marisa Kirisame invaded Youkai Mountain, trying to steal the secret treasure of Youkai Mountain, the Heavenly Invincible Thunderbolt Wind Fire Five Elements and Six Paths Bead, but was discovered by Otengu-sama.

The two fought a battle. Although Marisa was skilled in magic, she was no match for Ootengu-sama. She was suppressed in Youkai Mountain and finally imprisoned.

She has been imprisoned for [-] years and suffered all kinds of abuse and torture. She will be released tomorrow after serving her sentence. I hope that the residents of Gensokyo will take this as a warning, Youkaishan is not easy to mess with!

She has been played to the point of losing her mind now, and even thought that she was only locked up for thirty days, and everyone should ignore her crazy words.

Also, Marisa is the biggest thief in Gensokyo, other forces may not have the ability of Youkaishan, and they will be burglarized by her.

Here, we try our best to promote the latest invention of Monster Mountain, produced by Kappa Heavy Industries, with a conscience guarantee: mousetrap.

It specializes in catching black and white mouse Marisa. The current sales volume is 9999. As long as you go to Yokai Mountain to order and become the 9998th customer, you will be able to get Kawashiro's signature and a set of exquisite maintenance equipment. The price is only [-], which is [-] yuan. Less than oh, want to buy quickly.

After reading the newspaper, Reimu's mouth twitched, Marisa, that annoying guy, is he going to be released tomorrow?It's been closed for exactly a month.

As for the so-called Five Elements and Six Paths Bead, it should be a glass ball or something, right?

Marisa is only fifteen now, right?Still sixteen?Hmm, looks like fourteen.I really dare to write something after being locked up for thirty years.

Forget it, I don't think so much anymore, after feeding the grass, I go back to sleep.

Really, peace.

Chapter 166

Ye Kai played chess with Youyouzi in Santuchuan for a day and a night, Meihong confirmed that Ye Kai was fine and went back.

During the period, Ye Kai saw that Komachi had been busy, desperately bringing back the ghost. It seemed that Master Siji said he was afraid, and worked hard for a few days.

Ye Kai naturally knows how to play Go, although he doesn't play much, but he still has an amateur four-level Go ability, but against a professional like Shang Youyuzi, it seems a bit inadequate.

Don't look at Youyouzi sitting and drinking tea and dancing in Baiyulou every day, she didn't fall behind in what she should learn, whether it's swordsmanship or Go.

She let Ye Kai's four sons, Ye Kai couldn't beat her, and let the fifth son lose more than win.

Since Ye Kai couldn't go out, he could only dictate, and then a ghost helped him.

The ghost has long purple hair that reaches the calf and is tied up with a white headband. He is wearing a light crimson undershirt, light green bloomers, and a white safari coat.

Blue eyes, lavender thin lips, bright red earrings, holding a five-bone bat fan, and wearing a tall black hat, she has a jade-like warmth and nobility that outsiders can't match. demeanor.

His name is Fujiwara Sakumi, with the same surname as Meihong, a chess player in the Heian era, who played chess with the monarch, and was later framed and committed suicide, but his enthusiasm for Go still exists, so his soul resides on the chessboard.

Once possessed Honinbo Shuce, and later followed Aguang.He is a pure chess idiot, and he spares no effort in pursuit of "God's Hand".

The Go game played by Yuyuko is naturally also used by ghosts, and I don't know the principle. It's unscientific but magical.

"Mr. Ye Kai, it's your turn." Zuo Wei said respectfully.

Youyouzi told him that if you want to play chess, you have to serve Ye Kai well. After all, Ye Kai can travel through time. If you come to a world where chess is prevalent, maybe you can let him go there.

At that time, you can find someone who likes to possess Go, just like possessing Honinbo Shusaku back then.

Or, please ask Alice to make him a puppet, the kind that is real, and let him live indefinitely.

There is no way, this guy is really annoying, every day besides playing chess, he plays chess, and I and Youmu can't beat him.Let him reincarnate directly, it is a bit unreasonable, after all, there are not many people who become heroic spirits by playing chess.

"Please, my big dragon has been killed, what else should I do?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Then, you admit defeat?" Zuo Wei asked in surprise.

Before, Ye Kai would never admit defeat, he had to struggle until the end.

"Of course, it's just to pass the time. You have seen my ability to play chess." Ye Kai made a gesture that I was also very desperate.

"Master Yuyuko, us?" Zuowei looked at Youyuzi expectantly, wanting to play a game with Yuyuko.

Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi are very good at playing chess, after all, they are both idle every day, and there are not many things to pass the time.

Although this kind of thing is very particular about talent, no matter what it is, I am afraid of learning it. The two of them have been playing for nearly a thousand years while learning. No matter how stupid they are, they are truly professional.

What's more, both of them are smart people.

"Ala, ala, I don't want to play chess with you, just to bully me and Zi." Youyouzi pouted dissatisfiedly.

Although she and Yakumo Zi play well, they have never been able to beat Zuowei. This guy is like a different person when he plays chess. No one will give face, and he can't win...

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