"Well, Lord Youyouzi, then who should I play with?" Zuo Wei said with a bitter face.

"I don't know, anyway, go ahead and bully others, they won't bully you." Youyouzi said with a smile.

"Hey, it seems time has come." Ye Kai stood up and looked at himself in surprise.

His body was emitting golden light, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"Hey, your body is calling you, you will be resurrected soon." Yuyuko said in surprise.

"See you at the Scarlet Devil Mansion from now on, I don't want to die again." Ye Kai smiled and waved to Youyouzi.

"Okay." Youyouzi covered his face with a fan, and looked at Ye Kai with a smile.


A golden light flashed, and the paper clothes on Ye Kai disappeared instantly.

As for Ye Kai, his whole body was exposed in front of Youyouzi.

Youyouzi covered her eyes with her hands, but the gap between her fingers told Ye Kai that she didn't even think about blocking it.

Youyouzi's eyes kept wandering back and forth on Xiaoyekai's body.

Ye Kai covered his lower body, his face was like a boiled prawn, it was scary red.

On the contrary, Zuo Wei turned around gracefully, but Zuo Wei and him are both men, and it doesn't matter whether they look at it or not.


Ye Kai's soul disappeared instantly, because he was summoned back by his own body.

Only then did Youyouzi put down his hands that were covering his face, and said with a smile, "Hey, Ye Kaisang's capital is pretty good."

"Master Youyouzi, be reserved and elegant." Zuo Wei said dumbfounded.

"Well, what's the use of elegance, and it can't be eaten as food." Youyouzi curled his lips and said.

She glanced at the sky, and an old man, with his accompanying spirit, was flying towards the opposite side of Santu River.

Yaoji, I'm going to report to Four Seasons.

Under Four Seasons, you can live a good life, how dare you make him eat money, hum!

Yaoji said that he was also very helpless. He was almost poisoned to death by Yakumo Zi before. After waking up, Yakumo Zi watched him and Yaomeng. I can't say anything even if I get a demon.

However, Youmu is not like Yuyuko and Yakumozi, and she doesn't grow crooked at all. Is there anything more gratifying than this?

Even if I want to live a life of darkness in the future, as long as Youmeng lives well, that's enough.

As for loyal ministers who don't care about the two masters, Youyouzi gave him away, what else can he do?Even if you want to continue teaching Youmu, it won't work.

Anyway, here is also hell, similar to the situation in Baiyulou, it's okay for him to go, can it be worse than living in the outside world?

After a long journey, he finally arrived at the place where he wanted to report: the Hall of Right and Wrong.

Siji Yingji sat on a high platform, judging the souls one by one, and then let them go to reincarnation.

Yaoji just waited below without making a sound or making much movement, just like a soldier on guard.

And the four seasons didn't care about him, until he finished his work, he looked at the soul demon.

"Yaoji, you will work with me from now on. You have three responsibilities, extradition of souls, monitoring Komachi, and defeating monsters who come to steal souls. Can you do it?" Siji said indifferently.

"Yes." Yaoji said solemnly to Siji.

He also admires Siji Yingji very much. The most fair person in Gensokyo must be the best boss for him.

And the characters of the two are very rigorous, presumably they will be very happy to get along in the future, right?Without Komachi...

Yaoji didn't know if he didn't come, but he didn't understand until he came for four seasons, what it means to compare people to others, and to compare goods with one another.

Chapter 167

Like a dream or waking up, Ye Kai opened his eyes.

Seeing that he instinctively covered his lower body, and found that the clothes on his body were in good condition, it was still the queen's suit from before, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that he was resurrected just like that.

Wait, where the hell is this?

Ye Kai was lying on a surgical bed, while Paqi was busy doing something.

This chick won't dissect herself, will she?

"Muq, what are you doing?" Ye Kai asked with black lines all over his head.

He only saw Patch holding a huge needle, and there was countless blood in the room, all of which were packed in airtight containers.

"Don't call me Muq!" Paqi roared, then froze, turned to Ye Kai and said, "Are you awake? It's nothing, I found out that your blood regenerated infinitely when you were unconscious, so I drew it Only a little bit."

It's incredible that Remy's ability has failed...

"I'll go, the blood in this room is mine, right? How much did you draw?" Ye Kai clasped his head in his hands and said in a broken voice.

"It's not much, just a few tons. Didn't Remi give you a power plant? It's your money from selling blood." Paqi said indifferently.

"Still selling blood, I...forget it, anyway, the eldest lady paid for it." Ye Kai wiped his sweat and sat up.

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