In the end, Lingmeng still vowed to get the money back, and the boss also knew Lingmeng's ability, so he gave it to her with confidence.

It's good now, she didn't want the money back, and she became bitter again.

These two investment failures cost Lingmeng all of her property, and with that guy Yakumo Zi occasionally coming to eat, she couldn't be happier.

"Yo, Reimu! Aren't you going to solve the mutation today da☆za?"

Just as Reimu was drinking tea with a bitter face, Marisa flew down from the sky on a broomstick.

Her broom is purely for cuteness, she doesn't need to rely on the broom to fly at all.Ye Kai has always been curious about how hard her butt is, isn't it uncomfortable to ride this thing?

"The change? Where did the change come from, and there is no money to take it, and no one to entrust it." Lingmeng said leisurely.

Marisa also had nowhere to go, and came to harm Reimu as soon as she was released.

"Well, it is said that there is a scarlet devil's mansion in the lake of mist, and the magicians in it have more than [-] grimoires. It's too wasteful for only a few people to read it. Don't you want to da☆za?" Marisa excited road.

"Hey, don't confuse me with you! Are you stealing something?" Lingmeng rolled her eyes, picked up the tea on the plate, and ate one.

This tea was hard and tasteless, so Reimu could get used to it.

"What is stealing? I'm borrowing it. Anyway, monsters have such a long lifespan. Wouldn't it be nice for them to get it back after I die?" Marisa rolled her eyes and said.

Marisa, like Sakuya, is very obsessed with their human identity.

Gensokyo has more than one undead species, and there is more than one way to make people undead.

However, neither Marisa, Sakuya, nor Reimu want to become undead.

A hundred years of life is like a fleeting moment, it is enough for them...

"Tch, so, if you want to go, you can go by yourself, I don't care if you're imprisoned for another month." Lingmeng said angrily.

"'s really boring, so I'll go by myself. If there's something good, I won't give it to you da☆za." Marisa gave Reimu a disgusted look, and then took it with lightning speed. A piece of refreshment flew towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Reimu sighed slightly, as if she was used to it.

But, I have to say, Marisa is really her only friend since childhood.

As for Yakumo Zi, Reimu would not admit it.

Ye Kai?It's just the target of Reimu's robbery...

Chapter 169

Marisa wobbled to the lake of mist and saw the huge Scarlet Devil Mansion.

She didn't know that the Scarlet Devil's Mansion was in a state of full preparation for battle, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get in.Although Hong Meiling is not a very competent family, if she is not asleep, she can still find Marisa.

And everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion gathered in the lobby for a meeting.

Marisa went in through the upper window, but no one noticed.

Those goblin maids are all lazy, and basically stay in their own rooms, and don't know how to come out to patrol.

Inside, Marisa began to wander around, and after a while, she found the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Devil Mansion, which was Fran's room.

It has to be said that her luck was not very good, there were people in two places of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and she entered one of them.

As for the library she was looking for, she didn't find it.If she was more careful, she would find that there was a window outside, which happened to be able to see the inside of the library, which was used by Ye Kai to ventilate Paqiuli.


Marisa gently pushed the door and walked in, and it turned out.

Stare, stare.

Ye Kai and Fulan stared at Marisa who had just barged in with eyes as wide as light bulbs.

"Big brother, who is she? Can Fran play?" Fran pointed at Marisa.

Because Fulan couldn't see Ye Kai's side, she didn't enter the berserk mode.

"Her name is Marisa Kirisame, and she is the eldest lady of the Kirisame Magic Shop in Renzhi. Fran can't play her badly." Ye Kai smiled and stroked Fran's little head.

"Hey, who are you, don't say such dangerous words, da☆za!" Marisa yelled, pointing at Ye Kai and Fulan.

Although she was imprisoned for a month, Reimu still popularized the spell card rules for her, and now she began to like this strange way of fighting.

She feels that if this is the case, many big monsters in Gensokyo are not her opponents.Although her barrage is not as many as others, she believes in her dodging skills.

"I'm Ye Kai. Didn't we meet last time? At the gate of Renzhili. As for her, her name is Fulan, and she's my second lady." Ye Kai pointed to himself with a smile, and then pointed to Fran.

He also knows Marisa very well, and this is thanks to Hida Aqiu.

But Ye Kai and Reimu can be called the two poorest people in Gensokyo, and he has nothing to steal from Marisa.

As for what Marisa was doing at this time, of course it was to steal.

"You little girl, you didn't come to our Scarlet Devil Mansion to steal things, did you? Let me tell you, as a guard, I can't pretend I didn't see it." Ye Kai sneered.

"Stealing things? Brother, is she a bad person?" Fran pointed at Marisa and was about to shake hands.


Ye Kai hastily pressed Fulan's hand, sweating profusely, if she held her little hand down, it would be a disaster.

"Flan, be good, don't shake hands casually. Your hand takes life too lightly." Ye Kai said softly.

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