"Fran understands." Fran nodded ignorantly.

"Hey, I'm still here, and you guys just started talking like this? There's a limit to looking down on people, da☆za!" Marisa yelled at the two of them.

"Fulan, fighting now seems to use spell card rules. I don't know how to use that spell card. If I make a move, I may not be able to stop it. I leave it to you here." Ye Kai patted Fulan's shoulder and said solemnly.

His magic power is no less than that of Marisa, but the problem is that he can't fly!Fighting against these flying creatures is too weak.

If he wants to fly, he needs at least two awakenings, learn how to return to the clan with ten thousand swords, and rely on sword energy to fly.

Before the second awakening, he did not have the ability to fly.

He couldn't help being very annoyed when he met an opponent who could fly, and he had to be kited.

However, it is not that difficult to defeat an opponent who can fly. When he wakes up, the sword soul's awakening skill is extremely ghost swordsmanship storm style, which can completely control the opponent.

But now, she can only use Yuexiang, and then keep flying in the air with her skills, just like a sharpshooter's flying gun.

The reality is not a game, he can completely use skills in the air, and he doesn't need to use anything except air slash and silver falling blade like in the game.

"But, Fran's barrage is too much, it might blow up the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion." Fran stared at Ye Kai with her cute eyes, as if Ye Kai said yes, she was going to destroy Marisa.

"Uh...forget it, let me do it, it's really too dangerous for Fulan to do it." Ye Kai wiped the cold sweat off his head.

Isn't this Fran too obedient to him?

With a childlike mentality like Fulan, she trusts Ye Kai very much.One is that her sister said that Ye Kai can be trusted, one is that Ye Kai makes her blind, and the other is that Ye Kai is willing to play with her.

[Increase in support members: Flandre Scarlett]

Well, the favorability is high enough for Fran to join the battle.

On the other hand, the favorability between Remy and Patchouli still needs to be improved.As for Sakuya, Ye Kai didn't count on it, he felt that Sakuya's favorability was all on Remi.

"Then, Marisa, let's fight and gamble my reputation as a guard." Ye Kai smiled at Marisa, and Marisa felt a chill rising under his feet.

She remembered that Lingmeng said that there was a monster who couldn't use barrage, and that was Ye Kai in front of her.

When fighting against him, he can only temporarily suppress his ability to the same level as his opponent, and he can't do anything else at all.

However, the level of magic power of the two is about the same, and Marisa doesn't have to be afraid of Ye Kai, and neither needs to give in to the other.

"Okay bro, let's hit da☆za!" As he said, a miniature gossip furnace appeared in Marisa's hand, pointing directly at Ye Kai.

At the same time, Hakurei Shrine.

Lingmeng stared blankly at the sky, the weird red mist, even a fool would know it was a mutation.

But what about Reimu?She stood up, she moved, she turned, she entered the house...

"Well, it must be that I didn't sleep well. How could there be a change?" Lingmeng shook her head, said something she didn't believe, and walked towards the quilt, ready to sleep before talking.

"Reimu, don't you want to solve this mutation?"

Suddenly, Yakumo Zi's face came out from the gap, and she almost kissed Reimu.

"Go away, this is not a sudden change, it's just an ordinary weather change." Reimu pushed Yakumozi's face and said helplessly.

"Reimu, don't forget, there is a bonus for the witch to solve the incident. This ten thousand yuan will be yours after you solve it." Yakumo Zi took out ten thousand yuan from the gap with a smile... …

Reimu's face suddenly changed into ($_$).

"Leave it to me! No matter who the source of the mutation is, I will definitely let her see what happens to me if she violates Gensokyo!" Lingmeng took out the Royal Coin and the Yin-Yang Jade with a dignified face.

Chapter 170 Reimu's First Battle

Reimu is now flying in the direction of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

After all, the red mist is the thickest there, so it is naturally the source of the mutation.

The scenery below was passing by quickly, and her speed seemed to exceed the speed of sound, and it was a ecstasy to fly.

"Take the call!"

Suddenly, a mass of darkness rushed towards Reimu from a distance, it should be a monster.

But this monster should be very weak, and the darkness it creates should not exceed a radius of five meters.

Reimu kept flying, without any intention of stopping, just dodged for a while when the darkness approached, and the darkness missed her and flew over.

It can be seen that Reimu has no interest in that weak monster.

And that little monster couldn't even control the direction well.

If Ye Kai was here, she would know that this is Rumia, she is not a combatant of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she just came here to show off her cuteness and show her presence.

"My mother is the strongest, you are the challenger!"

She had already flown over the lake of fog, when a goblin suddenly appeared in front of her.

That domineering declaration was none other than Cirno. Like Rumia, she came out to play.

"Qirunuo sauce!" The big goblin was below her, calling her worriedly, but didn't go up to help.

After all, if Qilu Nuo fell down, she would still have to continue.

"Ice symbol iciclefall!"

Cirno was not polite, she stretched her hands forward, and countless ice cubes flew towards Reimu.

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