If Fran made a move, he would definitely not be able to suppress it.

"Okay." Fran said a little disappointed.

Ye Kai looked at Fulan's expression, and couldn't bear it. Fulan was so obedient, she would stop poking herself after teaching her once, and she was not willful. Her favorability towards her even reached the standard of a support soldier.

Otherwise, bring Fran to the next world?

"Revenge? Why do you want me to revenge da☆za?" Marisa asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you're used to it, but I'm not used to it. You are often injured because of stealing!" Ye Kai said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, after we finish the fight, we know each other at the opening banquet. It's fine not to make trouble casually in the future. If you don't fight, you don't know each other! This sentence was told to me by an old fishing man. I didn't go to him to borrow fish. You gave me two da☆zas." Marisa said with a smile.

Ye Kai suddenly had black lines all over his head.

But he found sadly that this girl is really sunny, but he has become a villain who cares about everything.

All the people in Gensokyo have this kind of virtue?It seems that he will start to lose his IQ in the future, otherwise he will not be able to integrate at all.

Wait, so is Meihong Boss. According to her, she dies in the Lost Bamboo Forest once a week, and dies with a guy.

In this case, their relationship should be very good, right?Both of them are the type who can't die no matter what.

"She's right. The spell card rules exist because everyone is prone to get angry. This kind of sparring is nothing. Even if you didn't stop me just now, she would at most consume my magic shield." Paqiuli lay on Fulan In his arms, said softly.

"So, everything is my fault..." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"Well, brother, don't think too much! I heard that you are going to open a hot spring playground, and I will definitely visit da☆za often." Marisa patted Ye Kai's shoulder and said scary words.

Ye Kai looked at Marisa in horror, how can there be any reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days?You can't hit to death even if you hit it, and you don't necessarily have a long memory if you hit it.

By the way, Wenwen News had previously promoted a mousetrap specially designed to deal with Marisa, and he was wondering whether to buy one...

"I'm recovering, let's have a blast da☆za!"

Saying that, Marisa quickly distanced herself from Ye Kai, and then took out her gossip stove.

Marisa is not Reimu's kind of melee fighter. Even if she is Reimu, she will attack anyone who is unwilling to melee.

As for what she said about a cannonball, it was really a cannonball, which is not something to be liked.

Ye Kai looked at the surrounding environment, this is a long corridor, only four meters high and three meters wide.

Moreover, Marisa obviously does not have the ability to create a battlefield by herself like Paqiuli.

In this way, the impact of her flight on herself can be minimized.

Ye Kai pulled out the crack, his eyes became dull and completely black.

Ye Kai sneered at Marisa: "If you fight with me in this kind of venue, you are looking for your own death!"

Chapter 175 Ye Kai vs Marisa

Wave engraving.

On his head, an engraving appeared visible to the naked eye, spinning on his head.

Ye Kai raised the split wound in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely, a huge x-shaped sword light struck first!

Shura evil light cut.

He didn't add any buffs to reduce the opponent's status this time, because the girls in Gensokyo were accidentally made allies by default by him.

If he uses Ghost Formation, Marisa cannot be harmed.

With the Berserker's buff, he didn't intend to hit it too hard at all, it doesn't matter if it is activated or not, it's better to save some mana.

Even if it is the enhanced type, it will be enhanced together with Marisa. It has to be said that this is a sad story.

"Yo, it's so slow, little brother da☆za!" Marisa casually got into the crack of Ye Kai's attack, but saw another Ghost Seal Bead wheeling over.

Accompanying Ghost Yinzhu was Ye Kai's own three-stage slash!

He had to be close, otherwise his long-range skills would only be up to these two standards, and the rest would be melee skills.

Marisa backed away quickly, and knew that Ye Kai's skills should not be used indiscriminately, otherwise she would be judged as defeated if she was hit two or three times.

Marisa has forgotten now, there is no need to be polite with Ye Kai, and it is okay to not use the spell card rules.

Otherwise, Ye Kai's skills could break her fragile magic shield with one move.

The level is still too low, and the fighting style is too monotonous...

Ye Kai's speed can't catch up with Marisa at all, he is being kited deliberately now, which is also a tactic.

"Stardust fantasy da☆za!" Marisa threw out a bunch of small bottles again, and countless barrages rushed towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai couldn't dodge this barrage at all, he had to fight hard.

This is not a duel field, there is no venue limit, Ye Kai is also very helpless.


Volatility broke out!

Fortunately, there is this trick.

Once, Ye Kai accidentally discovered that the burst of fluctuations even bounced off the bullets, so Marisa's small barrage should not be able to enter.

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