bang, bang, bang...

All the bullet screens were counteracted by magic after getting close, and no damage was caused, not counting Ye Kai being hit.

"Hey, this is a magic shield? No, it should be a special defense skill. What are those symbols on your head, little brother?" Marisa was studying Ye Kai while stepping back.

She found that Ye Kai's power system is quite interesting.

"Hmph, guess what." Ye Kai smiled slightly, tracking Marisa through fluctuations, tumbling up and down to avoid the barrage, and then using wave bursts to shake away those who couldn't escape.

Although there is still a cooldown time, it is no longer the most useless thing in the battle.

"Wow, little brother, I understand, you are blocking my barrage tricks, you can't fire in bursts!" Marisa said with her eyes shining.

The two hit each other, and they even reached Paqiuli's library. Marisa's eyes lit up when she saw these books. This is what she was after. So many books, only people here can read them. It's too wasteful. up.

"Don't even think about it!" Ye Kai yelled, running in the corridor like flying over the eaves and walls, avoiding Marisa's barrage of bullets.

"Brother, don't be so stingy da☆za!" Marisa laughed.

I saw her sitting on the broom, flying up and down, Ye Kai couldn't catch up with her at all, the library was still too big.

Without even thinking about it, Ye Kai pushed open a door and ran in.

"Hey, little brother, we still have to decide the outcome, wait for me to da☆za!" Marisa thought that Ye Kai wanted to play tricks, so she chased after Ye Kai.

Anyway, these books are all here, and she won't run away with long legs. She will definitely get the things she is staring at, including Lingmeng's Yin Yang jade.

She doubted very much that if she gave Lingmeng [-] yuan, would she sell the Yin Yang Jade to herself...

It wasn't a reckless move for her to chase Ye Kai, she could naturally sense the distance Ye Kai was away from her, just like Ye Kai could sense her.

Now, chasing and fleeing suddenly fell over.

Ye Kai took advantage of the terrain advantage of the Scarlet Devil Mansion to run around, but Marisa clung to Ye Kai tightly.

Finally, the cooldown of the skill was completed, and the wave engraving on the head became five.

"Eat my big ghost Yinzhu!" Ye Kai turned around and shouted.

His foot stepped on the ground violently, and a small hole was formed in the ground by him.

Click, click, rocks flew, and were kicked behind by Ye Kai's feet.

The sudden brake made Ye Kai successfully stand still.

Marisa would yell every time she played the barrage, if Ye Kai didn't yell, she might be suspected of a sneak attack.

"Wow, it's so big." Marisa exclaimed and stepped back quickly.

She was originally chasing Ye Kai, but it was much easier for her to make a sharp turn in the air.

I saw her turn around for the broom and fly back.This kind of sharp turn is commonplace for her, not as difficult as Ye Kai.

She flew less than fifty meters.


The ghost seal beads exploded in the air, and the two walls and the upper and lower floors were directly reimbursed.

"Asura Evil Light Slash!"


The x-shaped sword light flew towards Marisa again.

I saw Marisa nimbly manipulating the broom in the air, and she got out of the x-shaped sword light gap with a short body. She laughed in the air and said, "Brother, your moves seem to be limited in use! You I ate my magic cannon just now, and I spent more than half of my magic power. According to the rules, the little brother still has half of his life left. If you ate me again, you will lose, right?"

"Hmph, you can try it!" Ye Kai sneered and rushed towards Marisa.

Three cuts!

Marisa smiled and took out the gossip stove, pointed at Ye Kai and shouted: "Brother, my gossip stove also has a cooling time, this kind of corridor can be completely covered! Limit sparks da☆za!"


The huge magic cannon rushed towards Ye Kai, and there was a playful smile on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth.

Block, the gate of hell is closed!

This is a skill unique to the Asura profession. After Asura learns the professional skill Ghost Seal Orb, another skill commonly used in PK, blocking, will generate a hidden attribute.

According to the experience that players have gained from their own searches in the game, Ghost Gate Pass is a defense technique against long-range damage.

When you use the blocking skill at the moment of being attacked, you can absorb this skill and ignore all damage.And an engraving will be produced.

The use conditions of the ghost gate are relatively harsh, it can only be triggered in an instant, and only absorbs long-range damage.

Although the restrictions are very large, it has to be said that it is a nightmare for people like Marisa!

For some skills that are not easy to master the rhythm, you need to practice more before using them with confidence.Ye Kai's fighting intuition has been baptized by Sephiroth, and now he can completely capture this moment.


The magic cannon was completely annihilated by Ye Kai's block.

Marisa could only watch helplessly as Ye Kai's figure got closer and closer.

hum!The strange Zi Yan slashed on Marisa's broom.

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