Ye Kai was very puzzled at the time, how much hatred do they have?

How did he know that Yakumo Zi was just confident in Reimu.

Ye Kai's eyes gradually became sharper. In Gensokyo, he hadn't shot with all his strength when he grew up.

The hardness of Lingmeng's body was blessed by the Great Barrier, even if he used the injury-for-injury style of play, there would be no problem at all.


Ye Kai rushed towards Lingmeng.

"I'll convince you today!" Lingmeng shouted loudly, and took out the Royal Coin, which was to play close combat with Ye Kai.

Ye Kai is not at the level of a big monster, even if he is good at melee combat, how strong can he be?Whether it's for the great cause of robbing and repaying debts in the future, or for Faye's heart to fight close, Lingmeng will fight Ye Kai in close combat.


Collapsing mountain strike.

Ye Kai's split wound slashed firmly on Lingmeng's imperial coin.

Slowly, Ye Kai's expression became incredible.

My qnmlgbd bazaar is black!The coach fouled her, she was just playing around!

Ye Kai clearly felt what was coming from Lingmeng Yucoin: blood energy, fluctuations, ghosts and spirits, and sword intent.

This, this is all his ability!

The Great Barrier can absorb his own abilities to strengthen Reimu, how can he win?


A royal coin and a lightsaber appeared in Reimu's hands.

Damn it, the ghost sword technique is still the lightsaber version!

What Ye Kai is facing is the ability of Lingmeng + Great Barrier + Blood Jade Sword, as well as part of Ye Kai's fighting intuition.

Hehe, hit your sister!

After Ye Kai blocked a few moves, he closed the wound casually.

His mind has been greatly traumatized now, and he needs the Taigong to clarify his doubts...

The grandpa should know exactly what is going on and how to solve it.

Chapter 177 Remy's Appearance

"Hey, why did you stop? Did you stop fighting?" Lingmeng looked at Ye Kai with a puzzled expression.

She seemed to have gained a new ability just now, and she played very enjoyable. It feels like she can use double swords with Yubi, and she doesn't know what's going on.

"Hehe, make a woolen thread, you can use my strength." Ye Kai said with black threads all over his head.

"You said, she can use your power?" Sakuya said with a surprised face.

She knew very well that Lingmeng would never use her ability of time and the ability of Missy's fate.

She can sense the ability of time, but as for the ability of it so poor that it can be used?

"That's right, I don't know what's going on, what she used just now is clearly my swordsmanship, and it's something I haven't mastered yet." Ye Kai smiled wryly.

"When you say that, I seem to have some other abilities, so it's yours." Lingmeng looked at her hands and said in surprise.

Ye Kai's power comes from the blood jade sword, which was bound to Gensokyo when Ye Kai traveled to Gensokyo just now.

It can be said that as strong as Ye Kai is in the future, Lingmeng will be as strong as he is, and he can even overwhelm him forever.

Of course, this is in theory.

As for the details, Ye Kai couldn't think so deeply.

"Sure enough, in the end, I still have to solve it."

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded.

When everyone looked up, Remi appeared directly above at some point and was slowly falling down.

She has been preparing for this appearance for a long time.

Ever since Paqiuli returned to the throne and Hong Meiling came out, Remy has been staying in a dead corner directly above, and secretly dug a hole with Gungnir.

In order not to be discovered by others, she didn't come out immediately, nor did she look inside.

When Ye Kai conceded, she secretly lifted the lid, and then made this majestic gesture of descending from the sky.

The people below were chatting lively before, but no one noticed her.

And she also caused such a blockbuster effect, didn't everyone look stunned?No one can compare to Remy-sama's majesty.

What Ye Kai thinks now is: Remy is really obedient, she changed the black lace panties and replaced them with white silk ones.

In other words, isn't the temptation strong?What on earth was she thinking? I had clearly told her that it would be appropriate to let her wear cartoons.

Fortunately, he was the only man present, otherwise he would have been seen by others!But it doesn't matter, her mental age is about ten years old.

Even her body is similar to Fran's, so who would yell at her like this?

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