No, there really are perverts who like young girls.

If you go out in the future, you have to remind the eldest lady, of course, after this farce is over.

"You released this red mist mutation?" Lingmeng was stunned for a moment, then pointed to Remy in the air.

The last time Reimu came here, she asked Remy to promote the spell card rules, so she naturally remembered Remy.

It's just that Lingmeng feels that Fran is more sensible, and now she doesn't know who is in charge of the sisters.

"It's me, the great Scarlet Moon, Remilia Scarlet." Remi looked down at Reimu and said proudly.

Immediately, her gaze drifted to Fran, and she said calmly, "Flan, are you okay now?"

"Sister, as long as I'm by Big Brother's side, I'm fine, as long as I stay a certain distance away..." The rest of Fran didn't say anything, but the rest of them knew it too.

I'm afraid that if Ye Kai leaves Fulan too far, Fulan will go crazy again, and Remi will have to lock her in the basement.

"Don't worry, as long as we win this Hakurei Miko, Gensokyo will be ours, and you can play however you want." Remy said indifferently.

As for Ye Kai holding Fulan's little hand, she didn't think about it, didn't Ye Kai raise himself up when he was free, to make himself look superior?

The master gave the servant the opportunity to hold hands, the servant should be very honored, right?

In fact, Remy didn't think too much about holding hands, mainly because of European etiquette, such as hand kissing ceremony, in her opinion, kissing hands is fine, let alone holding hands.

Besides, doesn't Huaxia also have the etiquette of shaking hands?

It's hard for her IQ to figure out the difference between holding hands and shaking hands.

"Hmph, you're really brazen, let's take it!" Reimu put on a stance and pointed at Remy!

At this moment, Fulan tugged at the corner of Ye Kai's clothes and said, "Big brother, I want to help my sister."

"But, your spell card rules don't allow two against one, right?" Ye Kai said with some confusion.

"No problem! With me here, the combination of me and Reimu is invincible! da☆za!" Marisa stood up energetically again at this time, looking at the pile of mushroom roots on the ground, she should have no shortage eat.

Ye Kai's strikes were measured, and he didn't hurt Marisa's body, just broke her magic shield.

Therefore, as long as she is energetic and has enough magic power, she can fight another battle.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if the two go together!" Lingmeng realized that he had gained more power, so he was naturally fearless.


A blast.

A huge hole was opened by Remy in the sky above the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

It is indeed one of the richest forces in Gensokyo, and they are not afraid of troublesome repairs.

Sakuya shook her head helplessly, she had already adapted to Remy's waywardness.

"Come out, Hakurei Miko, let's gamble the future of Gensokyo, let's have a decisive battle." Remi glanced at Reimu with contempt, and flew out first.

And Marisa, Reimu, followed closely behind.

Ye Kai couldn't complain about Remy in the second mode, and said with some concern: "Master Sakuya, please don't appear in Fran's line of sight. After all, I can't fly, so I can't follow you all the time. Also, Fran, Qian Don't look down, you know?"

Looking at the sky all the time, Fran couldn't find those eyes either.

Even if they can see Marisa and Reimu, the impact will not be too great, at least they will not fall into madness.

Sakuya nodded upon hearing this.

Brush, brush!

Ye Kai Yuexiang turned on and jumped to the roof, while Fulan flapped her broken wings and flew up.

"Hmph, for ten thousand... No, for the peace of Gensokyo, I'm going to get rid of you, unless I turn off this hateful red mist." Reimu pointed at Remi with the coin, and said coldly.

Listening to Lingmeng's domineering declaration, Ye Kai felt deeply pained.

He knew that the truth of the matter was not that simple. Unexpectedly, Lingmeng came for [-] yuan.

Although she could come in the end even if she didn't give it to her, she was definitely not as active as she is now.

"The magician's magic power is still recovering. Lord Remy will give you a little more time, so you don't have to say that Lord Remy is bullying you." Remy said proudly with her arms around her majestic chest.

Reimu turned around and saw that Marisa hadn't finished digesting the new magical power.

However, within three minutes, the two can start fighting!

178 King to King

Fran flew to Remi's side, and said softly to Remi: "Sister, Fran has grown up, and she no longer needs to be under the wing of my lord."

"Fran." Remy's expression turned into emotion.

All these years, she always thought that Fran was misunderstanding her, and felt deeply guilty towards her.

After all, if Fulan went out, she would not be able to stop or suppress her.

Even if she is Fran's sister, Fran is stronger than her, especially Fran's innate talent, even if it is a big monster like Yakumo Zi, if Fran's small hand holds her eyes, it will cause inconvenience At the very least, most of the monster power must be allocated to resist, otherwise it will be crushed by Fran.

Although Meihong is from Penglai, she obviously has the existence of Mu. If she fights with Fulan, it may end in infinite death.

Ye Kai, on the other hand, carries a whole world on his body. It can be said that he has no eyes, or it can be said that the eyes are all gathered inside the blood jade sword, which cannot be seen at all, unless a microscope is used to see the complete mass. .

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