That kind of purpose cannot be summoned.

And Fulan not only caused too many murders when she went out, but even attracted those real hidden powerhouses.Taigongwang's level is rare in Gensokyo, but there are not a few in China, and Remy can also vaguely know some through fate.

Her innate "majesty" and arrogance made her unable to explain to Fran, so she could only spend more time with Fran.

"Sister, let us defeat Hakurei Miko together." Fran's listless eyes began to brighten.Even her voice is much more lively.

In fact, after all, she just wants to play now, she is still a bear child, and only when she is around these people of her own can she appear well-behaved.

Ye Kai believes that if Fulan is placed in a strange world, where no one is watching her, and there is no existence stronger than Fulan, the whole world may be ruined by her.

Of course, if you want to talk about a world like Gundam Eva, where humans are not very strong, then I have nothing to say.

Technology is also a powerful one.Just like many people think that machinery is technology, but genes are not.

"Okay, Fran, let's fight together!" Remi finally remembered that she was the older sister, and touched Fran's face with her little hand.

That cold pretty face obviously didn't have much warmth, but Remy felt the warmth of her palm.

The most important thing now is to defeat the witch in front of me.

As long as you defeat the Miko, you can rule the entire Gensokyo!

"I kept you waiting, let's have a blast da☆za!" Marisa has now adjusted, pointing at the two cute vampires and shouting.

Remi lowered the hand on Fran's face, and turned into holding hands with Fran, facing the two of them together.

Fulan said energetically, "I'll get rid of you right away!"

After speaking, he pointed to Reimu with his finger.

Immediately, the two let go of each other's hands, and slowly drifted to both sides.

Their heights are the same, their clothes are similar, but the colors are different, and their faces are cuter than the other. Ye Kai is very jealous.

How wonderful it would be if he had these two daughters?

Remy lifted her skirt, did a standard aristocratic etiquette, closed her eyes and said softly: "Then say hello again, I am the master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the noble vampire Remilia Scarlet, and, my little sister……"

Fran followed Remy's example and smiled, "I'm Flandre Scarlet."

Reimu pointed at the two of them with the coin, and said coldly: "I am Hakurei Reimu, although you already know it, and we have had dinner together. My job is to exterminate monsters and resolve abnormalities. I don't think I need to It is said that you are also aware that the red mist you created has already caused everyone's troubles, so please stop immediately!"

Then I'll get my bonus...

"My name is Marisa Kirisame, an ordinary human magician, let's have a good fight da☆za!" Marisa shouted energetically.

"You should know that the weakness of our vampires is sunlight, right? This red mist is designed to block the sun. This Gensokyo will no longer have sunlight. Yes, this means that Gensokyo has fallen into our hands Hakurei's Miko, I'm about to beat you now."

Remi opened her hands, as if everything was under control.

"Then, let's start the battle, Miko Hakurei, the winner will get everything in this Gensokyo!"

Remi opened her hands, and a huge magic circle appeared behind her.

Even Fran is the same, the two of them will naturally follow the spell card rules and use barrage to determine the outcome.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Countless barrages flew out, Cirno's barrage, and even Pachiuli's barrage, compared with the pair of vampire sisters, it was like fireflies compared to the bright moon.

Ye Kai looked enviously at the overwhelming barrage. If he wants to have it, he doesn't know how long it will take, and he doesn't know if he will have it.

"It's up, Reimu!" ​​Seeing that the other party had already made a move, Marisa sat on the broom and began to prepare to dodge.

In terms of combat power, ten Marisas are no match for Remy.

But when it comes to barrage, both Remy and Fran are novices, so it's not as convenient to use as their previous fighting methods.

"Come on, my lord!" Fran said cheerfully.

Remy's magic circle is blue, and the two unknown squares inside rotate clockwise and counterclockwise, which is very beautiful.

Her barrage is a light blue dot of light, combined with a yellow circle of light as a barrage of great damage. There are also some large barrages arranged in gossip, intersecting two by two, and spraying straight blue light all the time.

And Fran's magic circle is red, just like her bright red skirt.

Her way of spraying barrage is obviously different from that of Remy, it is difficult to find the pattern, and if you want to crack it, you can only rely on real skills.

Remi pays attention to majesty, so her barrage can be traced; but Fran doesn't have this part of the burden at all, and naturally she hangs her horns like an antelope.

Not surprisingly, Reimu and Marisa switched positions instantly, with Marisa restraining Remi, and Reimu defeating Fran first.

The two were flying in the air, Marisa held the broom with one hand and pressed the magic hat with the other, and smiled at Reimu.

When Ye Kai saw this, he could only feel the strong smell of lilies.

The two of Lingmeng are indeed experts in playing danmaku, and they don't know when they have been practicing danmaku.

Although Fran and Remy's bullet screens are extremely dense, it seems that they are still far behind in order to hit them.

Marisa threw countless bottles without any hassle, Stardust fantasies were fully opened!It forced Remy to dodge too.

Marisa secretly said: Sure enough, this is the charm of the barrage, fighting with Brother Ye Kai in the aggrieved corridor is really uncomfortable!

Chapter 179 The Quadruple Existence of Taboo

Although Remy was dodging, she wasn't panicking at all, instead she was flying and laughing, like a cat playing with a mouse.

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