But Ye Kai could tell that her head was already covered with cold sweat.The current expression is just to cover up her panic.

Otherwise, Remy's smile shouldn't be like this, even if she is pretending, she should still show that kind of smile with everything under control, instead of the crazy laughter now.

She is too unfamiliar with barrage, unable to control the output of magic power, she is not Kazami Yuka, just like a perpetual motion machine.

Those waves of gorgeous bullet screens may not seem to be very threatening, but those bullet screens are hit in the air. If they hit Marisa, she will be judged as a loser.

If the weak want to defeat the strong, they have to rely on greater efforts to dodge.

Remi seemed a little impatient, she summoned Gungnir and threw it towards Marisa.

This kind of concentrated barrage that can be judged to be the same as Marisa has a huge attack range.

"Wow, amazing da☆za!" Marisa shouted excitedly in the air.

Sure enough, she took out the mini gossip stove, and aimed a magic cannon at Gungnir!



The magic cannon and Gungnir collided, and there was a stalemate.

Remi gritted her teeth and looked there. This is a surefire shot. She couldn't hit Marisa through the law of cause and effect.

And the current Gungnir, even if he doesn't use the complete law of causality, is like a homing missile and must be blocked.It's a pity that her attack can't exceed the magic shield on Marisa, so she can't compete with that annoying magic cannon.

Fran's side is much more exciting.

In terms of swordsmanship and spearmanship, she is not as good as Remy, but she is strong!

hum, hum, hum!

She was fighting against Lingmeng, but she didn't care about it, just burst out with all her strength, and Lingmeng was the one who needed to restrain herself.

Levadin swung frantically in the air. Although Reimu dodged every sword, the effect of this thing combined with the barrage was really ecstasy.

Only then did Ye Kai see clearly that Lewadin and Gungnir must be at least ten meters long if counting the overflowing gas.

When cooperating with Fran to kill himself before, why did you hold back?

Fortunately, Reimu was trained by the ancestors since she was a child, and she has fought with Marisa Yakumozi countless times, coupled with Ye Kai's fighting instinct, she still broke through Fran's defense and came in front of her!

"Eh?" Fran was taken aback by Reimu's approach, seeing that pretty face so close at hand.

Immediately, Fran smiled.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

That cute mouth grinned, revealing the little canine teeth inside. Although the voice was very immature, but for some reason, it made people feel very horrified!

Under Ye Kai's shocked eyes, another Fulan appeared on Fulan's body, separated like a transparent person.

No, not one, she is still dividing!

Is this an illusion caused by speed?Or a trick like four-body boxing?

Ye Kai closed his eyes and switched to Shura mode.

The four Frans are actually entities, and each of them has [-]% of Fran's own strength!

This, this is so open, right?For Tianjin Fan's four-body boxing, each person can only get a quarter of the strength.

"It's so fun to fight side by side with my sis!" the first Fran pinched her waist with her hands and laughed.

She is Fran's happy mood?Ye Kai thought.

"Hmph, is this the woman? Stop us from ruling Gensokyo, and dare to rob Big Brother, you are asking for your own death!" The second Fran, with an angry face, although she looks cute, she has a radiant radiance. Red rage is definitely not cute.

"Four hundred and ninety-five years of loneliness, four hundred and ninety-five years of loneliness... Sister, don't lock Fran up again, okay? Fran will be obedient, she will be very obedient, as long as Fran is in the university There won't be any problems with my brother. Fran won't kill people anymore, no, even if she is bullied, Fran won't fight back..."

The third Fran obviously had no desire to fight, instead she crouched in the air and sighed.

This is Fran's sorrow, right?

Hearing what Fulan said, Ye Kai couldn't help feeling a little prickly in his heart.

She only has the mind of a five-year-old!Four hundred and ninety-five years of prison, nothing can happen again!

As for being bullied and not being able to fight back, this kind of thinking has to be changed.

At least, let her act like a normal person, laugh when she is happy, cry when she is sad, vent her anger, and fight back when she is beaten!Well, if the other party is wrong, you can take the initiative to hit someone.

Who should be killed and who should not be killed, this question is a bit tricky, or let Huiyin solve it...

"Let's go together." Fran said indifferently, her face was even worse than Patchouli's.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, no, shouldn't it be joy, anger, sorrow and joy?

Wait, I seem to have misunderstood something.

Fulan, who likes her sister, should be the most innocent and optimistic Fulan. When she plays with Ye Kai, she will also show this expression.

The furious Fulan is Fulan's own ghost character, who wants to see if everyone wants to play her badly.

The sad Fran, is it the four hundred and ninety-five years of loneliness that gave her this character?

As for Fulan, who is calm and has nothing, I'm afraid...he doesn't want to think about anything, and Fulan is just playing with toys there every day.Because otherwise, she would be driven crazy by herself sooner or later.Fran's most expressions are like this.

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