Is it because of this taboo move that Fulan became a little crazy, or did she produce such a move because of her madness?Ye Kai didn't know.

But Reimu, she knew it was a little troublesome now.

Four Flans and four Levadins surrounded her from four angles.

Lewadin is a bit virtuous, he didn't cheat, each one is a quarter of the power.

But the rest of the barrage was not polite to Reimu at all.

Except for the sad one who was listless, the rest of the attackers worked very hard, for fear that Reimu would not be crushed to death.

What Ye Kai admires now is not taboo Fulan, but Lingmeng, she has not even touched the barrage until now, this is really a hook!

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lingmeng's mouth, she found a flaw that wasn't a flaw.

The four Frans share the same mind and do not need to communicate, but don't forget that her barrage itself doesn't have too many rules, and even the four of them don't have the tacit understanding of formations.

Just like the left hand, sometimes it messes up the right hand and the brain, wanting to press e and accidentally r to get out is the best example...

Lingmeng drew a talisman in his hand and sneered.

hum, hum, hum!

The "five people" fought and left, and Fran and Remy walked together inexplicably. It seems that Marisa also knew her intention...

She got out of the gap between the four Fulan barrages, and threw out the Yin-Yang Jade regardless of their disbelieving expressions!

Chapter 180 Red Mist Mutation - The Finale

"Dream Seal!"

Lingmeng let out a coquettish cry in the air, and the small yin-yang jade swelled against the wind, and slowly began to grow bigger, until it was even bigger than the Scarlet Devil Mansion itself!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Ye Kai watched helplessly, Gungnir, Levadin, and the three Frans all disappeared.

On the other hand, Remy and Fran stared at the huge Yin-Yang jade with their eyes wide open, and screamed loudly.

They have no way to resist!Is this the fighting power of Fantasy Township urban management?


Ye Kai didn't forget his duty, he flew up, hugged one of them, intending to eat Lingmeng's yin-yang jade by force.

Reimu's Yin-Yang Jade looks berserk, but it's actually not very lethal. Due to the spell card rules, it happened to slightly injure Remy and Fran.

Even if Ye Kai blocks it, it won't help much.

But if Ye Kai didn't rush forward, the eldest lady would definitely wear small shoes for him, he was sure of that.



Ye Kai's back was hit by the Yin Yang Jade, and the three of them flew towards the ground.

Ye Kai was a little bit dumbfounded. In the world of Diablo, the Caribbean world, and the world of Final Fantasy, he was so domineering and cool. Now that he returns to Gensokyo, can he just be a meat shield?

"Hmph, you're quite loyal." Lingmeng looked at Ye Kai who was thrown down, and pouted.

"Well, brother Ye Kai is a very good da☆za." Marisa flew to Reimu's side and said with a smile.

I don't know how Marisa came to this conclusion.Could it be the reason why Ye Kai asked her to replenish her demons and fight again?

Marisa is also out of breath now, and it doesn't seem so easy to force Remi to Fran's side.

Especially the last shot of the magic cannon consumed most of her magic power, and the rest could only be forced with a small bullet screen.

Although Remi's combat intelligence is good, it's a pity that she is cooperating with Fran, and Fran herself can't understand it, let alone Remy.

"Huh, are there any bad people in your eyes?" Lingmeng said angrily.

"Um... no da☆za." Marisa was not ashamed but proud, and raised her head proudly.


The moment Ye Kai was about to hit the ground, he turned his body around so that his back was facing the ground, and the two lolis did not suffer much damage under his care.

On the other hand, the red mist mutation was completely resolved in this way.

Ye Kai put the two ladies down, stood up, and stretched.

Fortunately, my contract is about to expire, otherwise, Miss, it would be really worrying.

Fran and Remy held two little hands together, and both showed happy smiles.

For them, it would be great if the other party was fine. This time fighting side by side, the two had a great time.

Reimu and Marisa also landed.

Click, click.

"The change of the red mist is resolved, and it's time for my honest and upright Sheming Wanwen to appear on the stage!"

At this moment, Wenwen, who was hiding somewhere at first, suddenly jumped out, and slapped the three of them violently.

Ye Kai hadn't been to a bathing center before, so he wasn't afraid that someone would suddenly come out and slap his face.

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